The receipts.
I’m sure you’ve heard the term cropping up a lot more lately, as a slang form of official proof, “Here are the receipts.” I know I’ve been hearing it more, and in fact, if you’ve been with me on this learning journey, you may recall I’ve written several reports citing some of the bigger names dropping “the receipts” on some of the bigger issues.
For example:
From TR 429 - JFK, RFK, & the Assassination of Truth:
“Through the use of weaponized AI and Algorithmic Social Interventions, the global cabal is working around the clock to keep us locked in the illusions of our minds. They do so in order to advance their heinous anti-human agenda in broad daylight.
In fact, Dr. Robert Malone just delivered “the receipts” on the globalist’s long-standing and sustained efforts to reduce the population. If the idea that the global elites are perpetrating crimes against humanity is new to you, read this.”From TR 458 - COVID, Blood Clots, & Cancer:
“…the modeling is being used to support an agenda, and that agenda starts with spooking the public, running up the numbers, and sticking a needle in as many arms as possible.
That’s their strategy—however the ultimate aim of the agenda is nothing less than depopulation. They’ve said as much out loud, repeatedly, for decades. I’ve covered this sinister agenda of the global cabal in detail in several reports, so rather than rehashing the eugenicists’ depopulation agenda here, I simply want to pull in a fresh primary source that will likely blow your mind, if you were to take the time to read it:Population Control: The Receipts
That report provides irrefutable proof that there are nefarious forces striving to systematically reduce the human population. In their minds, they have a moral obligation to do so. This is the driving mentality behind Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset, and we’d all be wise to keep that in the back of our minds.
That said, it’s more or less impossible to keep this unimaginable crime front and center, because life is full of more pressing practical matters, and, because our attention is being intentionally shattered by never ending distractions. In yesterday’s report, when I pointed out that most people seem to have willfully forgotten about the horrors of the pandemic, I was alluding to the fact that these horrors are not over.
In the biological vector, given the continual mutations caused by leaky vaccines, the ongoing development of scary new bioweapons, and uptake of billions of toxic injections, what’s in motion is going to stay in motion, as previously discussed.
But let’s not get lost in the weeds here.
In other areas of concern, we’ve taken a look at “the receipts” dropped by Matt Taibbi, regarding the collusion between U.S. intelligence agencies, tech titans, media lapdogs, and liberal politicians, to steal the 2020 election and install Biden in the White House.
Mission accomplished.
From TR 507 - Hamilton 68 and Unconventional Warfare:
“Keep in mind, we’re way past the Twitter Files and Google Leaks now, both of which documented gross government interference in the 2020 elections. …As bad as all of that is, the Hamilton 68 revelations take the cake.
…suffice it to say that agents from the FBI, the CIA, CISA and other nongovernmental organizations, conspired with Democrat politicians and liberal media outlets to create “fake news” operations, then promote this “fake news” with fake accounts, so they could then point to the spread of this “fake news” and use it to justify illegal censorship of accurate information.
This takes “create the problem, provide the solution” to a whole new level.
This is information warfare at its finest.”
Just as with the various vectors associated with biological warfare stemming from the pandemic, so too are there various vectors associated with the informational warfare stemming from the Deep State’s election interference. Consider just three:
The vector of continued censorship, being orchestrated at the highest possible levels, effectively preventing most of the public from wising up to these evils.
The vector of prolific propaganda, all sophisticated and scientifically backed, that is being used to reprogram the peasants at the neurological level.
The vector of media fleecing, for the purpose of covering up these crimes, mesmerizing the masses, rewriting history, and controlling elections.
Just think about it: there are people who are powerful enough to pull all of this off—and they’ve been working together with other powerful people, from all around the world, for decades. That’s what we’re up against here.
It goes far beyond just being out funded and out organized.
And that’s to say nothing of the January 6th Fed-surrection, the J6 show trials, the gross abuse of political prisoners, or the ongoing persecution and purge of political opposition—which brings me to “the receipts” I’d like to drop today.
Donald Trump clearly represents a threat to the globalists’ ambition to reduce the peasant population and erect a system of inescapable global control.
He is the figurehead of a populist uprising, the man in which millions of people are placing their hope that we can win back our country and peacefully reclaim the reins of power. I am well aware that it’s a long shot, but I still remain cautiously optimistic, even though the next-to-nothing odds do seem to be dwindling by the day.
My optimism is rooted in the observation that Trump is pulling together a coalition of people that blurs traditional political lines, his rallies are massive, and he continues to build momentum despite the odds being stacked against him. This, in my mind, and in the minds of millions, can only be attributed to Providence.
While I adamantly reject any religious suggestion of a “chosen one,” I must be quick to acknowledge the spiritual component of the situation, including powers and principalities of darkness, and I do believe that only a fool would rule out the Hand of God in all of this. There are forces at play here that are literally incomprehensible.
Let’s zoom out.
We have previously discussed the “whole-of-government” approach to eradicating MAGA extremists, and the fact that artificial intelligence has proven capable of changing an individual’s political beliefs. It is vitally important to keep a firm grip on these facts, because these facts are not going to go away.
Whether Donald Trump gets re-elected, or whether he gets assassinated, or whether Kamala Harris “wins” and Trump simply moves on—no matter what happens over the next few months, and regardless of the outcome of the election, these facts are not going to go away. The cabal keeps marching on, advancing their sickening agenda.
The point is, this is much bigger than just one man—but this one man appears to be such an existential threat to the globalist regime, precisely because he gives hope to the people, that they now appear to be boldly trying to assassinate him in broad daylight. And, as I said yesterday, the Deep State has their fingerprints all over this.
What I’d like to do today, is deliver the receipts on that statement.
Things are moving so quickly now, it feels impossible to stay affixed to a single issue, even something as monumental as a covert intelligence operation to facilitate the assassination of a former president and leading presidential contender.
Fresh on the heels of the July 13th assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, I put out a couple of reports that were loaded with links that suggested the entire thing was a setup, and indeed, evidence has continued to emerge in the interim that confirms just that. Everything from the mysterious man in the gray suit, the possible second shooter on the water tower, testimony from local law enforcement, the scrubbing of the home, the odd behavior of the parents, the FBI linked phone calls, agents at the range, and the inexplicably rapid incineration of the body of the alleged shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks—who some claim was not actually Crooks at all, but instead a different man named Maxwell Yearick (with receipts to back that up)—it all just wreaks of a covert operation, turned psyop.
But like I’ve said, we’ll never know for sure, therefore, chasing this rabbit is futile.
Nevertheless, if you’d like to do some digging, there are plenty of links here:
Then comes the second assassination attempt, September 15th, wherein the internationally renowned nutcase Ryan Wesley Routh posted up at Trump’s golf course for over twelve hours with a sniper rifle, undetected as agents walked the perimeter, just waiting to take a shot. Oddly enough, nobody quite knows how Ryan Routh just so happened to have a list of dates and locations where Trump was scheduled to be between August and October.
Strange, isn’t it?
This man also had prior interactions with FBI, had been flagged by federal agents upon his return from Ukraine, and had a mile long rap-sheet that spanned decades—including a misdemeanor citation for supposedly having a “weapon of mass destruction”—and of course, he had a nice-and-tidy manifesto that was mysteriously leaked to the press and plastered all over the news, offering to pay someone, anyone, $150,000 if they could finally “finish the job.”
The optics are so bad, even the local Martin County Sheriff suggested that Ryan Routh could be part of a “bigger conspiracy” during a press conference. Now the GOP is investigating why Biden’s DOJ was so quick to release Routh’s “finish the job” manifesto, when they’ve stubbornly withheld so many other manifestos before. This whopper of a headline really captures the insanity of it all:
Oops! Deep State Gets Caught?… DOJ Says Letter Written by Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh Apologizing for Not Killing Trump and Offering Reward was WRITTEN MONTHS BEFORE ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION!?
Friends, you can’t make this stuff up.
It’s insanity.
This war for the hearts and minds of humanity is far, far from over.
Have wonderful weekend. Until next time: RESIST WE MUST!!
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