“How bizarre, how bizarre.”
Perusing the news this morning, this song kept coming to mind. Media gaslighting has undeniably reached unprecedented levels, and the proliferation of truly bizarre stories is more than enough to swamp the senses—which is exactly what it’s designed to do.
Everything from Joe Biden emerging from seclusion and apparently having grown to the towering height of roughly 6’ 6” tall (look it up), to the lying mainstream media trying to convince Americans that Kamala Harris was never actually the Border Czar, it’s all bizarre beyond measure, and that’s all by design.
It’s entertaining theater to be sure, and as you well know, it’s all just distraction.
We are now being told that Trump’s would be assassin allegedly looked up Lee Harvey Oswald before taking his fateful shot in Butler, Pennsylvania—even though initial reports indicated that there was “no evidence” of motive in his search history.
We’re also now learning that Crook’s home had, at some point prior to law enforcement arriving after the assassination attempt, been scrubbed clean — “like a medical lab” — with complete removal of all trash and even the silverware. Could this have been to remove any potential DNA evidence? If so, why?
We are being told to believe that somehow this high school punk had “a level of sophistication” that enabled him to craft three remotely detonated explosives (with no training), surveil the event site with a drone, evade the Secret Service while toting a duffle bag and a range finder, clamber up onto a perfectly situated and inexplicably unguarded roof just 150 yards from the stage, and pop off multiple shots at Donald Trump—oh, and that he managed to pull all of this off without setting off any alarms, planning and perfecting his plot in less than ten days.
And he did it all alone.
Says USA Today:
“Crooks was an isolated Gen-Zer with an associate’s degree who worked a low-wage job and lived with his parents. Yet in an increasingly online world, where digital surveillance is easier than ever, the 20-year-old managed to stay unusually hidden while devising a plan to murder a former U.S. president – nearly successfully – in just 10 days of planning.”
Apparently this kid was an evil mastermind.
Never mind the fact that both his parents are “counselors” who may or may not have had the ability to write a prescription for psychiatric medications, the mysterious cell phone data linking him to FBI offices, his possession of multiple cell phones and offshore accounts, and the infamous guy-in-gray-suit that showed up just after Crooks was shot and ordered the agents on the roof to send their photos to his cell phone.
That cell phone just so happened to be tied to an ATF agent with close connections to the equally inexplicable pipe bomb debacle that unfolded on J6, and that ATF agent has since “gone dark,” which I’m sure is just another bizarre coincidence.
Are you not entertained?
When the mind is presented with so many mysteries, so many unanswered questions with such heavy historic significance, it is nearly impossible to cap the curiosity. It’s human nature to get caught up in it, to switch into detective mode and obsessively sleuth for answers. We all want to know what really happened, right?
We, as human beings, have an innate need to make sense of the world around us. When we don’t understand what’s happening, we are mentally and emotionally disturbed. We become disheveled, uneasy, suspicious, and uncertain.
This heightens suggestibility, which is really the point.
Unfortunately, just like with J6, just like with Lahina, just like with JFK, 9/11, or any number of other historic events that remain shrouded in mystifying mystery, the truth of this too shall be buried in the bowels of darkness.
Someone knows what actually happened, but the American public never will.
Hence the distraction.
It’s not that all of this information is not extremely damning, that it is not truly significant in a historical sense, or that we shouldn’t care about finding the answers and demanding accountability for it all—it’s just that nothing will ever come of it.
These patterns and tactics should seem familiar. We’ve seen this all before.
Now we will wait for another government investigation into more government failures, which will result in more government reports that are full of damning evidence of government wrongdoing—up to and including evidence that this was an inside job by government agents—and it will all be documented in government records, though very, very few people will ever go back and look.
Meanwhile, time keeps ticking, and the cabal keeps marching on.
Americans will forget, in time, and ultimately be swept up into the next saga of carefully orchestrated stagecraft. Just wait a week and see.
So, what happens next?
Again, just wait and see. It feels like a stretch to even say it, but I strongly suspect that we ain’t seen nothing yet. On that note, let’s speculate a little, shall we?
WEF Plotting 'Catastrophic Grid Outage' That Will 'Permanently Reset America' Before Election
“According to insiders, the CrowdStrike outage was the final preparation for a devastating cyberattack on the US power grid that will disconnect the public from the internet, wipe out savings, and plunge the nation into chaos for years, allowing the elite to roll out the next phase of their totalitarian master plan.”
Do you buy it?
It certainly seems possible, given that anything seems possible these days. That said, I’m always skeptical of “insiders” revealing secret information that leads to shocking headlines. It cannot be proven or disproven, and it feels like clickbait.
Nevertheless, the reason that headline caught my eye today, is because it calls the WEF front and center in this ongoing scheme to “permanently reset America.”
As discussed and documented yesterday and elsewhere, the global elites are not shy in proclaiming their aims to institute a New World Order. They boldly claim that the United States stands as an impediment to this carefully contrived system for total global control. The meticulous plans of the global elites spell this all out quite clearly, for anyone willing to take the time to look into it and learn.
Therein lies the problem: there are very few who are willing to look and learn.
For most, such grand schemes are said to be conspiracy theories. Therefore, they needn’t waste their time, and they can casually dismiss the crackpots who try to inform them that the whole of humanity is imperiled by this evil plot.
Those who have been with me are well aware of the globalists’ Great Reset agenda, Agenda 2030, and how the UN Sustainable Development Goals equate to a great inescapable socialist surveillance state, a techno-dystopian hell that aims to imprison the masses within their own minds, courtesy of immensely powerful AI.
Using artificial intelligence to capture the flow of information and rewire the public psyche leads to a transformation of human consciousness that is the equivalent of spiritual assassination. Once fully severed from reality, once tightly confined to the omnipotent narrative, the beliefs and behavior of human beings will be subdued by the state once and for all—at least that’s the plan.
The peasants will be fully conditioned to trust their masters, and they’ll never again question the benevolence of the state, the accuracy of the news, or the intent of their so-called Enlightened Leaders.
This process is well underway and disturbingly close to completion.
But alas, I digress.
These are things that seem most important to me, though they understandably remain off the radar for the vast majority of people. So, what about that catastrophic grid attack? Is the World Economic Forum actually plotting such a strike?
Maybe. But I doubt it.
The WEF did drop an article yesterday that provides some insight into their thinking:
Let’s take a look at the opening paragraphs:
“Last week, one of the largest IT outages in history disrupted businesses and governments around the world.
The incident, which affected 8.5 million Microsoft Windows devices, led to widespread disruptions of airlines, banks, broadcasters, healthcare providers, retail payment terminals and cash machines globally.
The cost of the outage is estimated to top $1 billion.”
They claim the disruption was caused by a “flawed update” that triggered malfunctions in Microsoft Windows and other computer systems.
What a bummer.
But of course, let’s not let a perfectly good crisis go to waste, right?
For those unfamiliar, the real meaning of the word “resilience”—when used in globalist speak—is that they are planning to interrupt your life, either in a big or small way, to force you to adjust and adapt your behavior to their intended outcomes.
These “iterative disruptions” are one of the methods used to drive behavioral change.
Looking at the WEF’s language surrounding the “cyber resilience alarm” heard around the world, we can extrapulate some interesting insights:
the outage is said to “nudge us to think” differently about “systemic resilience”
this involves “continuous conversations” with global leadership, in order to “ensure alignment”
the incident highlights the need to “shift our perception” and conduct “real-time prioritization”
all of this is said to develop a “common understanding”—as laid out in the WEF’s Cyber Resilience Blueprint—which is said to address “evolving threats” such as “cyber inequity”
It’s all quite fascinating, and embedded within these words is the “hidden, higher meaning” and the “socialistic interpretation” that indicates their true intent.
They are nudging and shifting public perception toward a common understanding — that is, they are psychologically conditioning global leaders to accept groupthink — so that they properly prioritize evolving real-time threats such as cyber inequity.
Just in case it isn’t clear, the only solution to any problem of inequity, is always greater degrees of centralized government control. The solution is more consolidated power.
Thus, within the flowery language we see the impetus to shock the system (oh no, the grid is under attack!) in order to get global leaders on board with the idea of consolidating control, while simultaneously planting the insidious socialist seeds of inequity (which invariably sprouts into high-priority issues that need addressed).
But, will they shut down the grid entirely and plunge the United States in chaos?
Maybe. If they do, it will only be for a short time. That is my speculation.
I do not believe the globalists intend to actually destroy America. I believe they intend to capture and transform America, while keeping our infrastructure and resources intact as much as possible throughout the process.
Such is the Art of War.
How close are the enemies of freedom to subduing the American people?
Very close.
If they can continually scare the crap out of people and keep them fixated on the circus, waiting for the sky to start falling, they’ve already won half the battle—it’s nigh impossible to mount an effective opposition in such a discombobulated state.
We cannot win this war without strong political leadership. There is no other way to rout out the subversive agents within our own government. There are far too many and most remain unknown. Therefore, we must win the political war.
Returning home from the RNC, it feels as if the tide has shifted. We have a strong and able leader in Donald Trump. Despite all odds, he has proven that he can bring people together, which is an essential ingredient to healing and reclaiming our nation.
On his coat tails is an army of constitutional candidates who are eager to roll up their sleeves and get to work, reconciling with the rule of law and restoring our Republic.
Primary ballots are in the mail. Ball’s in our court.
If you’re ready for battle, step into the trenches and get in the fight. We must fight, fight, fight to win this election. Failure to do so means failing future generations.
TR 606 - Blatant Lies, Ballots, and More Bizarre Breadcrumbs