The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 625 - Researchers Prove Artificial Intelligence Can Change Your Political Beliefs
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -21:50

TR 625 - Researchers Prove Artificial Intelligence Can Change Your Political Beliefs

Let the public reprogramming commence.

So here we are.

Two days after the second assassination attempt against Donald Trump, six days after the most brazenly biased “debate” I’ve ever seen, mired in memes about eating pets, and getting yanked from one shocking, bullshit story to the next—and of all the things happening in the world, this is the sludge being slung at us by Drudge:

Sex trafficking and racketeering? Head of a criminal enterprise? Gosh, that’s just terrible. I hope this animal gets locked up for life! I wonder if he’ll go the way of Jeffrey Epstein. Who else was he working with? What do they know?

Ultimately: So. F*CKING. What.

It’s not that this isn’t a big story, but how many people do you think caught the Charlie Kirk interview with a Mexican missionary claiming that the cartels are working through Democrat politicians to sex-traffic thousands of little girls into the US? Would you be surprised to hear that this evil has exploded under the hair-sniffing Biden-Harris regime? Me neither.

To be perfectly fair, I have no doubt that this is a bipartisan evil.

Child sex-trafficking is one of the most heinous evils imaginable, period. The predators who prey upon innocent children should all be dead. I watched the heart-wrenching Sound of Freedom with my family, and coming face to face with this was very hard on the heart. Every fighting instinct of every good man should be to lunge into battle to save these children. My eyes well up just thinking about it.

Breathe… “Breath control is the most basic building block of self-control. When we learn to control our breathing, we learn to control our heart rate and our emotional state of mind.”

I have uttered those words thousands and thousands of time, teaching yoga, counseling people, and resetting my own emotions as often as needed. There is a science to managing stress, and learning how to use the power of breath control is key.

But alas, we’ve got a lot to cover today, so let’s get back to task.

There are two points I want to make about the headlines on Diddy:

  1. It is a big story, because it involves a celebrity doing evil things, which is almost irresistible clickbait for the masses. The story is important in the sense that it exposes an evil that is all too often swept under the rug, but the timing is highly suspicious: how long do you think they’ve had the dirt, and why are they releasing it just now? My take is that this was just another weapon in the propagandists’ arsenal, and there are many more where that came from.

  2. From the angle of “quantitative” analysis, i.e. looking at the numbers and comparing the stats, consider the impact of the Drudge Report impressing their cherry-picked propaganda on more than half-a-billion visitor every month. Consider the impact of branding brains with over 7 TRILLION impressions using these sophisticated psyops over the last year. These numbers are truly astounding:

But that’s not the worst of it.

Drilling down a little further, we must consider the fact that the Drudge Report is still being hailed as a “right-leaning” website—for those who know no better—as if it’s an alternative source for “influential conservative news.” This is a fact that’s not to be overlooked. Drudge used to be a right-leaning, libertarian sort of news source—I know because I’ve been referencing it for years.

BUT, sometime back they went full left-tilt, right about the time Trump announced he was going to run for president if memory serves. Coincidence? I think not. Drudge made a name for himself breaking the Monica Lewinsky scandal during the Clinton administration, which could potentially indicate an insider, Deep State connection. This raises the question: could this website have been a covert operation all along?

Regardless, think about the average person, say someone in the habit of passively browsing the headlines at Drudge Report. Slowly but surely, over several years, their news feed was steadily shifted from right to left. The shift was so subtle, many people never noticed. As a result, they now stand on the opposite side of many issues.

I believe we can see evidence of this, especially among liberals today. That would seem to imply that such a macro-level strategy of social influence could work very well, so perhaps this has been done through various left-leaning outlets as well?

That said, given that conservatives are generally more discerning than their liberal counterparts, it’s worth noting that Drudge has taken a massive hit over the last several years, precisely because they’ve become a repository for leftist propaganda, despite the fact they are still touted as being conservative:

In the broader context, the bigger issue is the Algorithmic Social Interventions I’ve written so much about. These algorithms are directing people, without their awareness or consent, toward state sanctioned sources. By doing so, the cabal is able to keep a fairly tight lid on the narrative, knowing full well that the vast majority of people are “low information voters” and mere casual consumers of the news—present company excluded.

Just to be clear, this all ties directly into the insidious Trusted News Initiative and the intricate Censorship Industrial Complex. See also:

All of this comes to bear on the real story of the day, which—according to your favorite fuzzy peasant—is the fact that “researchers” have proven conclusively that artificial intelligence can be used to successfully reprogram conspiracy theorists, via chatbots. Put differently, they have proven that AI can be used to change political beliefs.

AI can change belief in conspiracy theories, study finds

“Whether it is the mistaken idea that the moon landings never happened or the false claim that Covid jabs contain microchips, conspiracy theories abound, sometimes with dangerous consequences.

Now researchers have found that such beliefs can be altered by a chat with artificial intelligence (AI).”

We could add many, many things to the list of “conspiracy theories” that will inevitably come under attacked from this new high-speed “DebunkBot”—you know, conspiracies like the 2020 election was stolen, that the pandemic was orchestrated to accelerate depopulation, or that the cure is worse than the disease, by design, and these toxic experimental injections are genetically modifying humanity, for example.

I’m not going to chase any of those rabbits today. The point is, this weaponized AI is being used to reprogram human beings. It’s troubling to know that there are very intelligent people, with deep globalist connections, researching exactly how to make this work. What could possibly go wrong?!

Before diving into the globalist connections, I want to tip my hat to Ben Bartee of Armageddon Prose for the lead on this. He published a piece titled "‘DebunkBot’: Using AI to Rejigger Conspiracy Theorists’ Minds," and skillfully points out that:

“It’s only a matter of time until these [DebunkBots] get deployed in the “camps for adults” Hillary has promised.” —Ben Bartee, Armageddon Prose

Let’s zoom out.

When I sit down and begin sifting through the news, I tend to go wherever the moment takes me. It’s always fascinating to see what’s being pumped into the public psyche, and more fascinating still to see what lies beneath the narrative. My mind is always weaving the ongoing flow of information into the tapestry of thought that’s been meticulously woven over the last six-hundred-and-twenty-four reports.

Today, there were many things that caught my eye. For example:

All of these headlines relate to several converging issues: 1) “the food shortages are gonna be real,” to quote Joe Biden; 2) the 2024 election, wherein Kamala Harris is promoting price controls and the green agenda that will drastically reduce the food supply; 3) the entertaining political circus and circulating “they’re eating the pets” memes than have gone viral since the debate; 4) the ongoing debate over the veracity of the stories, which is essentially just meaningless bickering between the left and right; 5) how controlling the flow of information forces people into siloed perspectives; and 6) how this media manipulation has played directly into the two assassination attempts against Donald Trump.

Which leads me to this batch of headlines:

Clearly this is too much to process in a single report, which is why I like to zoom out and stay above the fray. Few are those who do so, and rare is the perspective gained from this vantage. While it might be enticing to get caught up in the strangely predictable “unexpected” connections between would-be assassin Ryan Routh and the Deep State (hint: he had previous contact with the FBI), I must refrain for the sake of remaining focused on the bigger issue.

Very few people will ever know the truth. Although many patriotic types are keen to all these shenanigans, it is precisely the use of weaponized AI and state-backed censorhip that is enabling all of this evil to happen right out in broad daylight. Therefore, I believe we would be prudent to sound the alarm on this global heist of the human mind, calling out their ongoing efforts to control “emerging public perceptions.”

Which brings me back to the DebunkBots and the globalists behind the curtain. Trust your gut and have a look at these faces:

Those are the men behind They are progamming computers to reprogram the public. Do you think they align with traditional American values?

Costello is the Assistant Professor of Psychology at American University, and his area of studies include “where political and social beliefs come from,” and how to use AI to change them. Looking around, it is unclear if this Tom Costello is related to the Tom Costello (Sr.?) who is Senior Correspondent for NBC News in Washington, D.C.

David Rand—makes me think of the globalist Rand Corporation, more on that in a minute—uses the tools of congnitive science for the purpose of “shifing accuracy” in the public’s perspective, by “nudging social media” with weaponized AI. He also studies things like how “religious fundamentalism” is associated is “delusionality” and believing in fake news. Sounds like a brilliant guy.

Pennycock, a highly esteemed Cornell psychologist who specializes in “experimental psychology” and received the 2016 Ig Nobel Prize for a co-authored study titled, “On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit,” has intriguing connections with organizations such as the International Social Cognition Network and the Psychonomics Society—both of which smack of globalist influence.

Attesting to this suspected prediliction, Pennycock has this to say of humanity:

“Alas, a lot of our problems as a species come from errors that we make during reasoning and decision-making – from global warming to health issues (including, but not limited to, the spread of pandemics) to political polarization and misinformation – and, thus, understanding why people make these errors is a major focus of mine.” (emphasis added)

You see, his major focus is understanding why everyone in the world doesn’t think the same way he does about global warming, pandemics, and socialist politics. Clearly the reason is because of misinformation, which is why, working with Costello and Rand, this group has decided to pour their considerable combined expertise into training artificial intelligence on how to mindfuck humanity.

Dark implications abound.



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This report is already long, but I have to close the loop on the Rand Corporation—and I think this illustrates the power of these biased algorithms. I knew for a FACT that I had referenced the Rand Corporation in prior reports, so I went to the archives and searched for it. Oddly enough, the algorithm refused to return the result:

Being the stubborn peasant that I am, I refused to accept this algorithmic gas lighting. I KNEW, for a FACT, that I’d written about “Rand Corporation” before, and therefore, those words should have been highlighted at the top of the search results of my own damn archives. It turns out the reference was made in a report that was exposing election fraud—you know, just the sort of “conspiracy” these shysters are trying to reprogram out of the public psyche.

Funny that the aglorithms refused to turn this up:

Thanks for bearing with me, I had to call that out!!


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