The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 661 - How the CCP is using DeepSeek AI to Play the American People
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -19:59

TR 661 - How the CCP is using DeepSeek AI to Play the American People

Beware when the commies offer anything free and for the greater good.

It’s like the wild, wild West.

This week, while I’ve been working on an exciting new project, I haven’t had an adequate amount of time to crank out a report. That said, I have been keeping tabs on the news, and, amidst all the hoopla and smackdown, there has been a very interesting development—namely, the CCP announcing an earthshaking new AI, DeepSeek.

News of this new high-speed, low-cost, LLM (Large Language Model) artificial intelligence rocked the stock markets on Monday, with headlines like these:

China “rocks” the markets, eh? Hmmm…

Of course, there were untold millions of Americans who rapidly, and dutifully, downloaded the “open source” DeepSeek — i.e. free to the public with allegedly transparent coding, so everyone can see how it works — for themselves.

Tech hounds were lauding the fact that a small Chinese startup had just upended the AI industry, that they’d made all their code public, and they were leading the way in liberating the masses from the grip of big tech. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says that DeepSeek’s open-source AI is “super impressive” and there are inumberable stories about how this development is a wakeup call for the warmongering imperialistic U.S. government and their greedy capitalist Big Tech friends.

At least that’s the story.

Once again, it appears China is acting as a “role model” for the world.


Pushing the narrative even further, there were others who were pointing out the fact that U.S. semiconductor sanctions—which were ostensibly intended to slow the Chinese progress on artificial intelligence—may have actually backfired:

How the US may have unintentionally helped create an AI monster in China

Do you see it?

Tarriffs and sanctions are unfair, but fortunately, in the end, the poor, victimized Chinese, who were clearly being bullied and exploited by the mean ‘ol Americans, we’re able to overcome the adversity, make the U.S. look bad, knock the big dogs off the top, and achieve an “impressive” underdog victory.

It’s kinda like a movie script, right?

Donald Trump had been in office for exactly a week, he was sucking up all the air in the room, and then all of the sudden, wham, the Chinese upend the apple cart—and the Leftist media is pointing out it’s probably all his fault, per CNN:

With that stage set, I’d like to point out three immediate observations:

  1. DeepSeek created a sensational storyline that took attention away from Trump, if only for a moment, and calls into question his use of sanctions and tarriffs.

  2. DeepSeek created chaos in the markets, which in turn created “panic” in certain sectors, causing the world’s richest to lose an astounding $108 billion in a day.

  3. DeepSeek created a high profile “national security concern” that perfectly justifies our own Deep State dumping billions into the MIC coffers.

It’s just a little too perfect.

On top of that, it seems just a little too obvious. It checks all the boxes and has all the hallmarks of a well-timed media hit job, which in the mind of this skeptical peasant, implies the global cabal is behind the curtains pulling the levers. And while all of this is happening, while I’ve been immersed in the exciting new project, the back of my mind is screaming at me that something doesn’t add up.

It only took a couple of days before the U.S. Navy banned the use of DeepSeek “in any capacity” over security concerns—and it took less time than that for inquisitive techies to realize the DeepSeek is really just an extension of the CCP:

Duh. That, too, seems like it would be painfully obvious to anyone who wasn’t drinking the globalists’ Kool-Aid. That said, let us never forget the words of the infamous master of wit, George Carlin:

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half them are stupider than that.”

The point that I’m getting at, is not only how easily the public is duped, but also how easy it is for the Chinese Communist Party to exploit the American people, compelling millions upon millions of them to download mentally manipulative spyware (like Tik Tok), this time DeepSeek, under the guise of a free gimmie that’s being hailed as if it’s for the greater good.


The result here, is that the Chinese now have far greater access to the inner workings of the American mind, they’re sucking up massive amounts of data that is being analyzed by what some are claiming is the most powerful Language Learning Model in the world (which I highly doubt is true), and nobody really knows their end game.

No doubt it’s for the greater good, something like selling communism to the unsuspecting peasants who’ve already be preconditioned to believe the government is really here to help, to be a protector and provider for the people. It’s really not that hard to see how advanced artificial intelligence could talk the average idiot into accepting pretty much any narrative the programmers chose, is it?

“People are stupid.”


What’s the solution to this sudden rise of Chinese AI?

Is it for the U.S. government to fund the development of an even more powerful AI?

And what of the rest of the world and their development of AI?

It only makes sense, since people are already talking about it, that these new forms of artificial intelligence will be used to rapidly increase the rate of new developments. Programmers can now have the AI whip out advanced computer language coding in a matter of seconds, and then they just get to play around with the so-called “paramaters” of the output—as in, “thou shalt not question the narrative.”

Regardless of which entity is creating the code, there is a predictable firewall that gets coded in, such that the AI cannot question or harm it’s creator. Moreover, the implicit biases of the coders (or their bosses) inevitably worms its way into the program. By extension, the artificial intelligence then worms these biases into the public mind.

And, as I’ve said many times before, that is the real threat of weaponized AI.

If we conceive of the battle for planetary dominance as a battle for the hearts and minds of humanity, it is easy to see there is no greater weapon than having advance artificial intelligence reprogramming the public pysche on a planetary scale.

Not only is this their end game, this is precisely what is already happening.

For those who may need a primer, or a refresher, you’ll find the facts here:

Perhaps the silver lining in the DeepSeek scenario, is that it might shine some light on the threat of weaponized AI, if only in a very limited and narrow sense. The goverment will squawk about how this is a threat to national security, when in reality, it is an existential threat to the future of humanity—regardless of which government is in control of the technology.

When the government inevitably says, “We need more money to make more powerful AI, so we can be even more helpful than ever before,” please don’t trust them.

While it’s easy to visualize a Terminator lEike scenario, wherein super intelligent machines are merged into super powerful robots, which then ultimately turn on humanity (to save the planet from human destruction, of course); I believe that the real threat lies in the subtle but steady transformation of human consciousness that is being facilitated by these technologies, which is process already underway.

While the masses are entertained by the political theater, or eating their popcorn, watching Netflix, or cruising social media, the powers that be are using advanced Fifth Generation Warfare to neurologically rewire the human psyche on a planetary scale. FACT. It’s mind boggling to think about, but it’s happening.

Thus, as it slowly comes to light the that this incredible new DeepSeek technology is little more than a tool of totalitarian control, even as David Sacks, Trump’s AI and crypto czar, claims all the Chinese have really done is just rip off Chat GPT, stay keen to the fact that there is always more going on than meets the eye.

It is no coincidence that last week in Davos the global elites declared that the threat of AI may even be greater than the fabricated threat of climate change.

Now, with Trump at the helm of American initiatives, the climate crisis narrative may finally be dismantled. Countries around the world will follow his lead.

That means that the global cabal has to pivot.

Artificial intelligence is clearly what comes next.

The problem is, they’ve already been at it for decades, and most people remain none the wiser to the ways these technologies are already being used against us.

Behind their extensive Public-Private partnerships and inumerable NGOs lies an army of global socialists who are hellbent on homogenizing the whole of humanity. They seek to enslave the masses in their own minds, and now, they clearly have the technology to do so.

It’s only a matter of time. As I’ve said many times before, beware:

“The commies are taking over the world!”

…and right now, they’re using DeepSeek to do it.

Of course, that’s only part of their ploy, so stay wise my friends, and remember:



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