The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 603 - On the Irony of Satire and the Utter Insanity of it All
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -21:03

TR 603 - On the Irony of Satire and the Utter Insanity of it All

Reflections on the conundrum of convoluted perspectives.

It was a joke.

The title of yesterday’s report was: “How ‘Intel Officials’ are Teaming Up With the Kremlin to Steal the Election”. It was meant to be an eye-catching, entertaining spoof, something akin to what the infamous Babylon Bee has made such an art of, cranking out a veritable arsenal of satire with headlines like these:

The point is, even though the headlines are intentionally over the top, there is truth in jest. The same goes for the Kremlin teaming up with U.S. intel officials to steal the election. It’s not that there is an actual alliance (that I am aware of), it’s the great irony that as the Deep State screeches about Russia! Russia! Russia! interfering with our elections, it is actually they who pose the far greater threat.

This is not speculation, this is fact. It has been documented at length, and we have clearly been warned. Do you recall the ominous admonition from former Deputy National Security Adviser K. T. McFarland, claiming that the FBI, Justice Department, and CIA are planning to rig the upcoming election?

If this is new news to you, get up to speed here:

It is critical to keep in mind the enemy is playing a long game, and their ultimate goal is total control. Never lose sight of that fact. That’s what I was getting at with the three-ring circus analogy—that while everyone is watching the circus, the cabal keeps marching on.

All eyes are on the 2024 election, and rightly so to some extent, but it would be woefully shortsighted to think the game stops there, that if Trump gets elected somehow we’ve won. It would be one victorious battle in a much longer war, but the global elites are sure as hell not going to abandon their plans, give up and go home.

It’s worth noting, just in case it’s not obvious, that when I refer to the global elites I’m talking about America’s own Deep State, the entrenched political class, international NGOs like the United Nations and the WHO, global banking cartels, Big Tech, Big Pharma, the MIC, the WEF, and Rockefeller’s “secret cabal,” just to name a few.

These people have no allegiance to any country, least of all to a country of free individuals protected by a Constitution that explicitly restricts their authority to rule over our lives. The global elites’ only allegiance is to money, power, and control.

Currently, collectively, these shysters are shoving their socialist agenda down our throats under the guise of the greater good, to save Mother Earth from a “triple planetary crisis”—i.e. overpopulation—all for the sake of public health and safety.

This is how they plan on justifying their global takeover.

You see, your personal health is rooted in public health. Public health is rooted in planetary health. Planetary health is rooted in absolute authority and total control.

Thus, they absolutely must have total control in order to keep you safe and healthy.

That’s their game plan, and they are currently on offense, attacking our way of life from every conceivable angle. Many of the attacks come in the form of regulatory restrictions, banning gas stoves and mandating electric vehicles, for example.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

They push these ludicrous policies, knowing damn-good-and-well that there is going to be public pushback. Unfortunately, they also know damn-good-and-well that the public won’t push back half as hard as they are pushing forward.

It’s like three steps forward, to one step back—and make no mistake, the elites are pushing with a far superior force. We peasants barely stand a chance.

In fact, the only chance we have is to ban together and stand together.

In theory, they cannot push us all.

Or can they?

Long time readers of the Torch Report are well-versed in the mechanisms of mental manipulation, psychological warfare, memetic infections, and military grade memes.

The greatest threats of our time are these covert attacks on our mind. Those who are unaware of these threats are like sitting ducks. Even those who are aware must remain vigilant at all times, vetting the language, thoughts, and suggestions that are being embedded in our brains by nefarious means.

We cannot see the algorithms, but they can see us. They study us. They know us.

And now, this Artificial Intelligence has been weaponized against us.

Imagine the most prolific propagandists, the most preeminent behavioral psychologists, and the most talented hypnotists of all time, all teaming up and working together to trick the public into replacing fact with fiction.

Imagine how unprepared and ill-equipped the average person would be, if they did not know they were being targeted for manipulation. These coy, cunning, highly skilled manipulators would easily have their way with them, would they not?

Behavioral change would inevitably ensue.

Most people would adopt different attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, without even realizing it. Human nature, over the course of history, has proven this to be true.

That’s why the elites refer to us as “hackable animals.”

And this is exactly what’s happening on a planetary scale: the ruling class is executing a collaborative strategy to manipulate public perspective and drive behavioral change—for the purpose of consolidating power and control—without people knowing it.

The perspective they are peddling, is that the government is here to keep people safe. Government, in this patriarchal paradigm, is both protector and provider. The government, they will tell you, is the only one with the resources and power necessary to provide these essential services.

They fail to mention this is all predicated on the government having all the power and controlling all the resources. Because what could possibly go wrong?!

Taking it one step further, the elites are successfully changing the public’s understanding and acceptance of government, by nothing less than a “whole-of-government” approach to rebuilding trust in the government. Indeed, if we were to peel back the layers, this insidious scheme actually goes back decades.

Elsewhere we’ve dove into the whole-of-government approach to eradicating MAGA extremists, and how intelligent machines have officially given the elites the capacity for total global control. Now, by controlling public perception at scale, they have shifted toward the outright eradication of dissent.

That’s why, to the question of whether or not they can push us all around, whether the peasants actually have a fighting chance if we find a way to unite the tribes and stand together, we must consider some deeper implications.

The impact of the psychological manipulation is often imperceptible. Recall from Rape of the Mind, that the changes happen so slowly and subtly, that most people fail to realize they’ve been lulled into a hypnotic trance of blind compliance.

Combined with the left’s obsession with censorship and their ongoing crusade to paint free speech as a “free-for-all hellscape,” and we find ourselves in a strange new world, where up is down, good is bad, and snow is black, because that’s what government says—and dissenters are being banned from public discourse.

What this means, in practical reality, is that by controlling the flow of information, the ruling class is almost in full control of the public’s emotion. They control how people feel about things. They control what people are thinking about.

By doing so, they control what people believe and how people behave.

There are essentially no limits to the degree of their control, given the Sentinel Surveillance, Social Listening, and Algorithmic Social Interventions we’ve talked so much about. In this regard, weaponized AI has yet to reach its full potential.

The core issue here is scale and reach.

By monopolizing scale and reach, through clandestine server-side algorithmic interventions that control the flow of information and determine what you do and do not get to see, the global cabal can segment society into various categories that have accepted a given set of fabricated beliefs.

This is the infamous “echo chamber” effect we’ve heard so much about, wherein MAGA talks with MAGA, liberal idiots talk with liberal idiots, etc.

Thus, while it may appear that you are broadcasting your thoughts and dissenting opinions to the whole entire world, the machines are working behind the scenes to ensure that your message only reaches the “right” people.

That’s what the “throttling” is all about, remember? (see TR 256)

Too much cross-pollination is a direct threat to global control.

If too many peasants “get the idea” that they were born free, and that they have “certain inalienable rights,” that would be a catastrophic blow to global governance.

That’s why it’s “the idea” that is under attack.

That’s why the Constitution is under attack.

That’s why America is under attack.

We are at a critical junction in human history. It’s bigger than the next election, though the next election may prove to be a truly pivotal point.

Do we want to Make America Great Again?

You bet your ass.

To do so, we must fight with all our might to protect our American ideals, our ideas, our principles, and our way of life. No government, anywhere, at any point in time, has the right to infringe upon your life, liberty, and personal pursuit of happiness.

Despite the concerted global effort to convince the public otherwise, history has proven time and again, that this is a truth worth fighting for.

“Give me liberty or give me death!”

That is the timeless battle cry of the American Spirit, and that is the message of my heart for today. Say it loud, say it proud, and be prepared to back it up.



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