The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 653 - On Treason, Terrorists & the Explosive New Year
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TR 653 - On Treason, Terrorists & the Explosive New Year

Despite the appearance, there are brighter days ahead.

Buckle Up.

It has been two weeks since I published TR 652 - Extended Evaluation of Project Blue Beam & the New Age Religion, on December 19, 2024.

Today is January 6, 2025, and we’ve got a LOT to cover, but first…

After cranking out daily reports for almost four years straight, I have to admit that taking two weeks off almost seems like forever. The reprieve was refreshing. It gave my mind some much-needed space to sort through the mangle of information that I’ve been cramming into it, relentlessly, day after day, ever since the pandemic first plunged me down the rabbit hole of global conspiracies.

Agenda 21. Agenda 2030. The Great Reset. The Georgia Guide Stones. The Limits to Growth, the Predicament of Mankind—you know, the depopulation agenda being deployed under the guise of the greater good, and the so-called “Sustainable Development Goals” that aim to control every aspect of our everyday lives.

Global Democracy. Digital Governance. The New World Order.

Marxism. Secret Societies. The Dark Arts. Psyops.

At this point, every imaginable evil has been equipped with weaponized artificial intelligence. We are being stalked by Sentinel Surveillance and Social Listening. We are constantly manipulated and misdirected by Algorithmic Social Interventions.

This all culminates in cunning behavioral change, subconscious taming, and a very real, very literal transformation of the mind, right down to the neurological level.

And yet, life is still good. Always. Let’s not lose sight of that!

Longtime subscribers know that I first began pouring myself into research during the early days of the meticulously planned shamdemic. That’s when I’d read 4 to 6 hours a day, scouring sources, comparing, constrasting, deducing, and developing my own informed perspective before writing a report to share what I’d learned.

At this point, it feels impossible to quantify the extent to which my mind has been stretched by this learning journey, so I won’t even try.

Suffice it to say, having learned so much about all of the above, my perspective has changed. My thinking has changed. My beliefs and behaviors have changed.

I have changed.

This is an important fact, as I’ll explain in a moment. But first, as a brief aside, I would dare to suggest that we all have changed, because the world has changed, and that’s just the way that it is. It’s said that the only thing constant in time is change itself —and yet, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Here we are, four years after federal agents and Capitol Police ushered peaceful patriots into the halls of Congress, opening doors with friendly smiles — all of which was caught on camera and has been fully known since the day it happened — ultimately to entrap them, while police agitators started shooting people with rubber bullets and beating people with batons to stir up images of a violent insurrection.

The Deep State con job on J6 was the cherry on top of the bullshit election, wherein a half-dead sock-puppet was installed in the White House by the “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud operation in American history”to quote Biden himself.

As you know, the years that followed J6 ushered in the treasonous Show Trials, the rewriting of history, and the persecution of thousands of American patriots, many of whom were tracked down, rounded up, and tossed into the DC gulag for nothing more than speaking out about this abhorrent abrogation of the U.S. Constitution.

But so what, right? I mean, that was then, this is now, right?

Who cares about what happened January 6, 2021—that was so last election cycle!

Get over it Luke!

At any rate, four years later, following Trump’s historic political comeback, it’s as if none of it matters. It’s as if everything in the past has suddenly evaporated into the ether of oblivion.

In the blink of an eye, with just a flip of the proverbial switch, the public’s attention has been masterfully captured and trained onto an exciting new story.

In the last week, there have been multiple terror attacks across the heartland. These trajedies happened almost back to back—complete with all sorts of odd coincidences—and authories have warned that even more copy cat terrorists may strike soon.

Surely no American worth their salt can ignore such an explosive narrative!

And so it begins.

What happens next?!

Another cycle of gaslighting and propaganda. Another series of rabbit trails, of glaring discrepancies, of unanswered questions, of questionable connections, and so on. The leaders of this narrative are sure to boast of exclusive access, of confidential sources, of inside scoops—but you know what? Nothing will come of it.

It will be exciting for a minute, until the next big thing.

Mark my words.

Tell me:

  • what happened with the orchestrated J6 fedsurrection?

  • what happened with the covid crimes against humanity?

  • what happened with the brazenly stolen 2020 election?

  • what happened with Hunter’s laptop and the Burisma scandal?

  • what happened with Hillary’s private servers, Bleach Bit, and so on?

  • what happened with Nidal Hassan and the Ft. Hood Massacre?

  • what happened with 9/11, two planes, three buildings, and thousands dead?

Who killed JFK?

I’m sure you get the point.

If you think about the long train of abuses and usurpations that have come and gone, and the despicable corruption that continues unchecked to this day, if you consider for a second the utterly atrocious lack of accountability and the endless absence of answers, then you will understand my jaded skepticism.

In the current news cycle, two military veterans targeted innocent civilians for slaughter, one in New Orleans, the other in Las Vegas. You’ve likely heard all the hype, as most pundits have been slathering about these atrocities for days.

Again, it’s like someone flipped a switch—and therefore, I am going to refrain from regurgitating the regurgitated facts, and attempt to stay above the fray.

I agree with those who speculate this may be another Deep State charade, that it has all the hallmarks of an MKULTRA style inside job, but who the hell knows, right?

I agree with those who speculate that these “shocking” events may be leveraged to implicate a foreign adversary—namely Iran—and used to stir up some good old-fashioned anti-Islamic sentiment in order to curry support for more endless wars in the Middle East, or perhaps even kick off World War III.

I agree that the timing, just weeks ahead of Trump’s inauguration, is remarkably suspicious, and that this sparkly new narrative comes with all sorts of enticing spinoffs—that is, that this storyline comes impregnated with a whole host of negative potentials that are sure to thrill and entertain the public psyche for weeks.

Oh my gosh, there are like SO many terrorists that have come across the border! They could just be getting warmed up!! They might have even smuggled in Iranian surface-to-air missiles and have plans to use them to blast Trump out of the sky!!!

It sounds crazy, but that’s the stage that’s being set:

Can you imagine the chaos if something like that actually happened?

As you consider that disturbing possibility, please realize that it is precisely the high degree of emotional anticipation that makes this narrative so irresistible.

Those headlines prime free floating anxiety and beg us to stay tuned in. They compel us to sleuth out clues about what might happen next, and when. Such stories practically force us to seek answers, to listen to whoever claims to have the inside scoop, or the latest breaking revelations, or some other specialized knowledge.

Thus, I agree with those who point out that the entire situation reeks of a psyop.

But take a step back. Take a slow, deep breath.

Better yet, take three deep breaths.

Then ask yourself:

  • Is this really the most important thing that’s happening in the world today?

  • If everybody is suddenly talking about this, then what’s NOT being talked about?

  • What are the chances that these sensational stories are really just a distraction?

Honestly, friends, I do not believe these are the most important stories.

That said, I will concede that the Deep State may use this narrative to cover up and advance their plans, in cahoots with the global cabal, and these plans may include the spectacular assassination of Donald Trump with surface-to-air missiles— because such an event would be a perfect pretense to ignite a broader war and catalyze the level of chaos needed to facilitate the hung election and civil war, as predictedBUT… personally… I highly doubt that is going to happen.

If you’ve been with me for a while, you might have noticed this stance stands in sharp contrast to the years I’ve spent anticipating such events. This is a good example of how my perspective has shifted and changed, and it provides an opportunity to expound on something that I’ve long felt brewing, but lacked the words to articulate.

Let’s zoom out.

I recently told a friend that it feels like my inner rebel is rebelling against all the doom and gloom. I’m sick and fucking tired of people telling me that the sky is falling, that the grid is going to collapse, or what-the-hell-ever. Pick your story. I’m over it.

(Pardon the French.)

That’s how I feel. But why?

Being conscientious of the psychological wear and tear caused by Fifth Generation Warfare, understanding that we are all susceptible to the physiological impact of sustained stress and uncertainty, having been heavily engaged in William Sargant’s “Battle for the Mind” for the last four years, I am keenly aware that this shift in sentiment and perspective may indicate I’ve reached an internal limit.

So, it could be that “my give-a-damn’s busted” because my mind has been saturated with too much information for so long that I’ve become numb and begun to tune out.


As human beings, we’d all be wise to be aware of such limitations.

That said, having taken some time to reflect on this, there is an alternate explanation.

The truth is, I still care very much about what’s going on in the world, both globally and locally. I care deeply about the future of our country, just as I care deeply about the future of my family. The two are inextricably linked, which is why I care so much about the many vectors that are in motion that will inevitably impact our lives. This is also why I care about the slow roll of insanity, the insidious transformation of human consciousness, and the global cabal’s radical anti-human agenda.

These things are in motion and they will affect us all.

So it’s not that I don’t care. It’s not that my give a damn is busted.

It’s just that as a red-blooded, liberty loving American, my inner rebel reflexively rebels whenever it feels like someone’s trying to control me. In so much as sensational headlines and constantly evolving narratives aim to control what I think about and believe, to control how I behave and live my life, it’s that I am rebelling against.

I’m also rebelling against the fear and anxiety that seems to perpetually circulate in certain circles, particularly among the prepper community. These are my peeps, don’t get me wrong, but as I’ve pointed out before, those who are peddling the doom and gloom are typically trying to sell you something.

It’s an emotional button, an emotional game if you will, and it can be difficult to step back and see it for what it is. It’s manipulation.

Thus, to put it more succinctly, at the personal level I am rebelling against the external control of my mind and emotions—and you should too!

I’ve often said that resistance is the spice of life, and therefore resist we must.

In this new year, which will undoubtedly be chock full of wild and captivating headlines, endless edge-of-your-seat stories, and masterfully crafted narratives, I think we’d be wise to resist the urge to get sucked in.

Let’s get back to the little things, and get back to the bigger picture.

Let’s get back to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, even amidst the chaos.

Let’s reclaim the narrative and revise our stories at the personal level. Life is fundamentally good and the future is full of infinite positive potential.

Let’s revive the American Dream, lead by example, and be the change we want to see in our own communities.

Right now, we have every reason to be cautiously optimistic. As the days grow longer, we can know for certain that there are brighter days ahead. We can also know, come hell or high water, that this year will be what we make of it.

Here’s to making the most of it!

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The Torch Report
The Torch Report
Discussing the Threats. Exposing the Lies. Destroying the Narrative. Each episode of The Torch Report delivers a concentrated dose of wit, wisdom, and incisive political analysis that eclipses what you'll find in a week of mainstream media. The Torch Report shines light on the dark corners of humanity's future, exploring the dangers of weaponized AI, biological warfare, propaganda, and the captivating drama of global politics.
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