The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 664 - Trump's Winning May Trigger Agitated Idiots to Spark their Revolution
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -21:10

TR 664 - Trump's Winning May Trigger Agitated Idiots to Spark their Revolution

Beware of the forces that have long been in play.

There’s something there.

The political theater unleashed in the wake of Trump’s historic Deep State disruption is exciting and wildly entertaining, is it not?

Democrats are running around like their hair is on fire, doubling down on DEI, protesting the common sense cutting of reckless, feckless, immoral spending funded through USAID, and belligerently blocking traffic while waving Mexican flags in the faces of hardworking Americans who have simply had enough.

These people are idiots.

More accurately, these people are heavily indoctrinated idiots.

That said, don’t think for a second that the puppet masters don’t know what they’re doing. They are stirring up a revolution, a Color Revolution, using a tried and true playbook that banks on enough useful idiots being whipped into an emotional frenzy. What we are witnessing right now is just the beginning of what’s to come.

There are many American Patriots who have seen this coming, and many who expected that it would have actually commenced prior to the election, in an all out effort to keep Trump out of office. However, as I’ve stated before, my suspicion was that the Deep State and the global cabal, knowing they could not keep Trump out of office, even after two shoddy assassination attempts, have actually been working for months to move the necessary pieces into place for precisely this moment.

If the titles of those three reports don’t make it perfectly clear, as we were ramping up to this historic third election of Donald J. Trump, my mind was looking beyond what seemed inevitable, in an attempt to ascertain what comes next.

Going back a little further, to TR 561 - Super Tuesday & the Fate of Our Nation, I posited the unpopular question: Is Donald Trump the Deep State’s Trojan Horse?

Fleshing out the perspective:

“Don’t stone me. Hear me out. Conservatives have proven to be too polite and restrained to mount any sort of opposition to the rampant political corruption and repeated smacks-in-the-face coming out of Washington DC. Every indication is that conservatives as a whole have lost their appetite for violence, no longer embody Jefferson’s spirit of resistance, and have no intentions of watering the Tree of Liberty.

That would be too uncomfortable. That would be extreme. No self-respecting suburb conservative wants to risk their career or reputation for such silly little things like a stolen election, a massive invasion, or the death of the American Dream.

But the Left on the other hand, those guys are straight up thugs. They’ll knock out a little old lady in broad daylight, just for the hell of it. They’ll rape your women and children and laugh about it. These Leftists are as radical as they come, and they sure as hell are not afraid to use violence to intimidate conservative snowflakes—I mean c’mon, they’ll torch cop cars and run police out of their own damn precincts!

Can you imagine how unhinged the Left will be if Trump gets reelected?”

Can you see it now? Can you see just how quickly the unhinged Left has become even more unhinged? Do you recall that woke indoctrination has been scientifically proven to make people more hostile and aggressive?

Consider, for a moment, that the puppet masters—i.e. the global cabal, for whom the entire U.S. Deep State are mere formidable foot soldiers—have a firm grasp on human nature, a strong grip on the social psyche, and all the technological tools that they need to facilitate an exacting degree of chaos all across the country.

Consider the possibility, that from their perspective, things moving right along, according to well-thought-out plans, toward their ultimate end goal.

I’m well aware that current news cycles seem to fly in the face of this speculation. I know that everywhere we look right now, the corrupt DC establishment seems to be scurrying like cockroaches, trying to impede justice and prevent their myriad treasonous transgressions and documented crimes from coming to light.

But these are just low-level fools. They are tools in the hands of the much darker, more powerful forces that have been ruling the planet for decades. FACT.

And so it is, I believe we would all be wise to temper our expectations. We need to realize that winning the election was but one battle, major as it was. We need to remain vigilant in the face of a much longer war, and we need to realize the strategies and antics that will inevitably be used against us.

For the record, I am impressed by the speed and laser-like focus with which the Trump administration is moving. Dismantling the USAID cuts off funding to the network of NGOs that have been weaponized against American interests. The fact that he is said to be targeting the Department of Education next is a thrilling prospect. There is a lot of good stuff happening, and it’s happening fast.

But, even in the face of all this winning, great dangers are looming on the horizon.

One often overlooked facet in this war for global control are the impressionable youths, whose “minds of mush” are so utterly saturated with the woke mind virus they are completely incapable of discerning reality, let alone thinking for themselves. These are the useful idiots we see protesting in the streets.

These are the soldiers that are being called to war as we speak.

To activate the agitated psyche of these useful idiots is easy-peasy. They have been primed for this occasion all their lives. All that needs to be done now is feed them a relentless stream of triggering stories that cement their resolve to rise up, with violence, and overthrow the “rotten and illegitimate” system.

“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”
The Communist Manifesto

Note the banner in the screenshot below, being used to block traffic in San Diego. It says, “THIS WHOLE SYSTEM IS ROTTEN AND ILLEGITIMATE,” which, to my point, somehow justifies some young black-clad punk aggressively assaulting an innocent commuter who’s probably just trying to get to work.

It’s also worth noting that bystanders are already pointing out that many of these protesters are actually being bussed onto the scene, and they are probably getting an invigorating Marxist pep talk on the way. It’s also quite likely that many of them are actually paid agitators, courtesy of George Soros, et al.

Even the L.A. Times admits such paid antagonist do in fact exist.

But here’s a little twist.

If one were to “fact check” the accusation that “paid protesters” have been present and largely responsible for the chaos in the streets and on college campuses across the country, the narrative is that this accusation is being used to “delegitimize” the sincere and supposedly morally righteous outrage that’s being poured out.

Says PolitiFact:

  • Police, city and university officials nationwide have blamed “outside agitators” for campus protests but have provided little evidence for their claims.

  • Law enforcement experts say police often consider “outside agitators” to be people who move from city to city and are paid to be agitators.

  • Historians say government and law officials commonly use the “outside agitator” narrative to delegitimize protesters and their demands.

Their article then goes on to systematically “debunk” the very valid claims that paid agitators have been brought in to stir up rage, which have been made by college professors, local law enforcement, and even New York City Mayor Eric Adams. By doing so, they have fortified the denial of reality in the minds of useful idiots.

The full extent and impact of such malicious manipulation should never be underestimated. I believe the problem is much more pervasive than the vast majority of Americans realize. Very few people have any handle on just how distorted the public’s perception has become, or more importantly, how it has happened.

We cannot see algorithms, but we see their effects daily. Still, very unfortunately, it is literally impossible to quantify the scale of manipulation. We cannot see the social media feeds of every American, let alone the junk and propaganda that’s being spoon-fed to the hordes of useful idiots who are currently being activated.

They are living in a world that is very, very different than you and I.

Their worldview, as is ours, is most prominently shaped by the invisible Algorithmic Social Interventions (ASI) that I’ve warned so much about. Keep in mind that ASI is a technical term and this technology has been in use for more than a decade. Most telling, the stated purpose of Algorithmic Social Interventions is nothing less than controlling “emerging perceptions” and “optimally targeting and enhancing social and behavioral interventions to achieve policy or community-level goals.

Think about what that means.

Long-time subscribers may recall the fact that ASI deploys so-called “Sentinel Surveillance” and “Social Listening” — think of AI sentinels (i.e algorithms) sifting through the infosphere in search of public dissent and disinformation — with the explicit goal of directing “behavioral change” at all levels of society.

This technology is currently being deployed at scale, at the global level. It has been steadily refined for at least the last 15 years, and it actually has roots in Google’s research on “AI for Social Good,” which dates all the way back to 2007.

Think about THAT.

In many ways, as I ponder the path forward and what comes next, I cannot help but feel like the damage has already been done. The algorithms have already long been in place. The public has already been trained to trust the fact-checkers and experts charged with protecting their delicate, farcical delusions. Generations of youth have been steeped in social justice, radical environmentalism, and Marxist Critical Theory.

The enemies of freedom have long been forged.

Their resolve has been fortified and their appetite for destruction has been primed.

Now is the time, in their twisted minds, to unleash the revolution. With a rabid racist, rapist, convicted felon, and despicable capitalist in the White House, with White Supremacists, misogynists, and xenophobic MAGA bigots running amok, trampling and unwinding all their hard won progress, how could they not rise up?

Time will tell, but don’t underestimate their delusional rage.

I suspect all of this winning will come at a cost.

Indeed, refreshing the Tree of Liberty always does.



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