The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 639 - On Weird Enemies, Bizarre Battlefields, and Looking Beyond the Election
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TR 639 - On Weird Enemies, Bizarre Battlefields, and Looking Beyond the Election

In the voice of Hulk Hogan: What are you going to do when Digital Marxism comes for you? Let's consider the bigger picture threats and explore strategic solutions.

And so it is.

This week I have written about the eerie calm before the storm, ongoing election fraud, the rise of a Digital Stasi, strange Deep State shenanigans, and the spooky, unassuming October Surprise. I’ve posited the possibility that a Donald Trump victory may in fact be used to weaken the United States and undermine the U.S. Constitution, as counterintuitive as that may seem.

Threaded throughout has been the thought that The Powers That Be are using an arsenal of sophisticated tools to manipulate the general public in mind-blowing ways. This in turn leads to the inversion of reality we are witnessing in society today, along with the strange and deranged behavior and perspectives so prominently on display.

From the macro level, I’ve attempted to frame all of the above within the broader context of the overarching agenda—Agenda 2030—and pointed to the fact that this war is far, far from over. The 2024 election is but a blip in the larger battle.

Today, there was an excellent article out at RedState citing Tucker Carlson’s viral speech at a Trump rally in Georgia, that pulls all of this together. It’s always refreshing to hear prominent thinkers emphasizing that we’re not the weird ones, that reality has been inverted, that we are in fact at war (as previously discussed), and that this war is in fact far from over.

After lambasting the liberal insanity and pointing out the completely backwards narrative (inversion of reality), author Brandon Morse says this:

“These are the weird ones. These are the bad guys. These are the people who want to destroy something beautiful and good. They hate, they attack, and they lie. 

In a perfect world, these people would be relegated to the fringes of our society, locked up in prisons for their crimes or even padded rooms. But thanks to these complicit corporations that own the big stages, all this evil, and all this weirdness, is painted as completely normal and a part of everyday life. 

It's not. This isn't normal. This isn't good, and it has to go.”

It’s a very prescient point. Weirdness has been normalized, and normal people have been marginalized by the media’s grotesque warping of reality. Not only is this a terrible tragedy, it absolutely must stop. He goes on to say:

“You are the moral majority with the power to change things faster than you think. They don't want you to know that. They want you to think you're alone and powerless. They want you to think the world is theirs and there's nothing you can do about it. 

It's time to prove them wrong. Get out there and vote. 

And once we win, it will just be the beginning. We the people will destroy the machine they built and restore goodness and sanity to the madness. Things will change because they have to. They hope we'll go back to sleep, thinking we won the war. We won't. This isn't over. The war is just heating up. America has arrived at the battlefield.

Get ready.

(emphasis added)

This war is just heating up and America has finally arrived at the battlefield.

Get ready.

That should be shouted from the rooftops. GET READY!!

It’s great that popular pundits are coming around to the reality of the situation. It’s wonderful that a wordsmith can spell it out so succinctly.

However, very unfortunately, very few Americans have explored, to any sufficient degree, the most obvious of questions: Get ready for what?

“This war is just heating up.” Actually, it’s been heating up for a long, long time.

“America has arrived at the battlefield.” Really? Maybe.

In reality, most people remain entirely clueless—not just to the shocking depth of corruption and the globalists’ true agenda, but also to the insanely powerful weapons that are currently being used against us and the fact that, from a military perspective, we’re already completely surrounded.

No, in my humble opinion, America has not arrived at the battlefield. This is a great motivational speech, but the rah-rah is painfully shortsighted. It would be more accurate to say that an increasing percentage of the population is waking up to what’s going on, but that’s still a painfully small percentage, and they’re only halfway awake.

Has America arrived at the battlefield? What battlefield?

What is our location on this battlefield? What is the location of the enemy? Where are all our troops? Where are the enemy troops? What resources and weapons do we have? What resources and weapons does the enemy have? What are the primary targets that need to be defended or attacked?

Perhaps most importantly: who is leading this battle, what’s the mission, and what are the marching orders for average everyday Americans?

Get out and vote. Good. DO IT NOW!

But is that going to stop the media from mindfucking the masses? No.

Is that going to stop the Deep State from colluding with Big Tech to censor free speech, push relentless propaganda, and further warp the fabric of reality? No.

If Donald Trump wins—and I do believe he will win—is that going to stop the globalists’ depopulation agenda (aka the radical environmental agenda, more formally known as Sustainable Development), or unravel their decades of carefully coordinated efforts to vertically integrate socialist policies into every level of government, social institutions, and private enterprise? No.

Furthermore, will winning this election suddenly open the public’s eyes to the century of scientifically established psychological warfare that’s being used to transform human consciousness, literally, by rewiring minds at the neurological level? No.

Are Americans really prepared to battle the sinister plans of the secret cabal? No.

Let’s zoom out.

Assuming that Donald Trump will emerge victorious, Brandon Morse optimistically writes, “They hope we’ll go back to sleep, thinking we won the war. We won’t.”

Honestly, I want to believe it, but I don’t.

Which is more likely:

  1. That a majority of Americans will fully awaken to the evil forces gathered against us, then sufficiently organize themselves for a long, sustained battle to retain the “political will”—i.e. winning elections at every level—in order to systematically expose and deconstruct over a century of globalist scheming? Or;

  2. That the majority of Americans will celebrate Trump’s victory, be dismayed when he is unable to fully drain the swamp, remain ignorant to the real threats against us, then lose interest in the fight and go back to their popcorn and Netflix?

Human beings are inherently averse to discomfort. It is uncomfortable to consider the full scope of the situation, and therefore, most will never fully consider it. Space based weapons systems for “mood management and mind control” of entire populations? Meh. That’s gotta be a conspiracy—never mind that it’s in the congressional record.

Rabid eugenicists using biological warfare to cull the herd and genetically modify humanity? Governments weaponizing weather patterns against their own citizens? A secret global cabal using weaponized artificial intelligence to reprogram the peasants on a planetary scale? No freaking way.

Who the hell would believe that crap?

Never mind that it’s all been carefully documented by myself and others—and truthfully, I would not have believed it either, until I had conducted thousands of hours of research and stumble upon these disturbing truths for myself.

All at once, these threats seem too fantastic to deal with. Despite the fact that they are real, most people would just as soon go back to eating their peanuts. They would rather stay comfortably numb and cheer for their team in the political circus.

What’s the alternative anyway? How do we fight against all of that?

The answer is local action. It’s direct personal engagement in the battle at hand. We are in a battle for hearts and minds. The battlefield is human consciousness itself.

We are fighting against infectious ideas and Military Grade Memes. We are fighting against the raw force of manipulated emotion, fighting to overcome decades of institutional indoctrination and covert psychological conditioning.

We are fighting, not just for our values, but for the future of humanity. We are fighting against the mental enslavement of the masses and the spiritual assassination of future generations. We are fighting to retain our freedom and virtue as human beings.

The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are upon us.

The enemies of humanity are emboldened.

They may take a short term loss and a momentary setback with the election of Donald Trump, but as I’ve already said, there’s little doubt they’ve already incorporated this into their plans. We need to lift the gaze, look further down the road, and realize that to overcome the mounting tyranny, significant sacrifices must be made.

To win this war, personal risk and discomfort will be a must.

It’s not a pretty picture or a comforting thought, but in all reality, if we are not willing to see it for what it is, consider the implications, and take appropriate actions, we don’t even stand a fighting chance. We need leaders who are informed and aligned against this bigger picture. We need to fight for local control of resources and reject the top-down control that’s being forcefully imposed upon rural America.

And again, this all comes down to direct interactions.

It comes down to taking action at the personal level, to talking to people, to voting, to showing up and speaking out at meetings, and sharing important information within our own circles of influence. We must be fearless in speaking the truth and willing to endure the shame and ridicule that is sure to follow.

Right now, today, the globalists are using advanced Horizon Scanning to facilitate a Digital Transformation by “leveraging data and artificial intelligence” to drive a “cultural transformation” that is nothing less than a Marxist Cultural Revolution.

What are you going to do about it?

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