The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 641 - More Americans are Preparing for Civil War as the Radical Left Lies in Wait
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -18:57

TR 641 - More Americans are Preparing for Civil War as the Radical Left Lies in Wait

Don't think for a second that any of this is a just a coincidence.

(That’s a rhetorical question. Biden isn’t running a damn thing, except his mouth.)

Happy Halloween!

This morning we awaken to a world more strange and bizarre than anyone could possibly have imagined. As the sock-puppet president was putting his mouth all over innocent babies at the White House Halloween Party, Tim “The Tampon” Walz was out insisting that Biden calling millions of Americans “garbage” somehow does not undermine unity, while Kamala Harris babbled incoherently to reporters about how Trump is an unstable “petty tyrant” who is consumed with grievance, “obsessed with revenge,” and seeking unchecked power.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Wisconsin, Donald Trump was trolling the loonies:

“This Truck is in Honor of Kamala and Joe Biden” – EPIC! Trump Trolls Democrats After Getting Picked Up in MAGA Garbage Truck

Friends, I believe that for most Americans Halloween is a day of fun costumes, trick-or-treating, harvest festivals, classroom and office parties, and gathering with family and friends to kick off the holiday season. It’s a chance for people to come together and celebrate a cultural tradition that helps knit the social fabric.

We need that.

In many neighborhoods, parents will be out and about, chaperoning and talking to each other as the kids gleefully dart from door to door raking in all the loot. Reflecting on this tradition, for as long as I can remember there was always trust in the air, as there should be, because everyone was looking out for each other, keeping an eye on things, and always ready to help any wayward witches or warlocks get back to their distracted adults. Neighbors knew each other, and they trusted each other.

Are there bad people in the world who are looking to do bad things? Yes. Are there people who would abduct, exploit, and hurt innocent children? Yes. Are there people who would break into your home, steal your things, and hurt you and your family?

Yes, there always are. But most people? Most people are good people.

I sincerely believe that. There are good guys, and there are bad guys, but most people side with the good guys—even if they themselves are not willing to risk their necks to serve and protect, they sincerely appreciate those who do. It’s human instinct.

Which brings to mind the timeless quote, typically attributed to Edmond Burke:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to stand by and let it happen. When the warriors stay on the sidelines and hesitate to engage, all manner of evil is sure to follow. The result is the cultural decline and chaos we are witnessing in our country today, all of which was perfectly predictable to anyone paying attention.

Indeed, Burke spoke directly to the “vain-glory” of patriots who flatter themselves into thinking that being an armchair quarterback is somehow going to be sufficient to stop the “united Cabals” of ambitious evildoers. I love that he used those words.

Here it is, in context:

“No man, who is not inflamed by vain-glory into enthusiasm, can flatter himself that his single, unsupported, desultory, unsystematic endeavours are of power to defeat the subtle designs and united Cabals of ambitious citizens. When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

Those who have been with me on this learning journey, know that I have researched and written extensively about the self-described “secret cabal” of globalists who are working to systematically destroy everything we hold dear. You know that this united cabal of ambitious global elites are hellbent on ruling over the peasants with a digital fist, and worse, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their evil schemes.

This election is absolutely critical to slowing down and exposing their efforts.

That said, as previously discussed, even a Donald Trump victory is not going to stop them. They are not going to give up, scraps their plans, and go home. They cannot, because they believe that they have a moral imperative to save the planet and rid humanity of useless, meat-eating “defectives,” so as to cure societal cancer. This is how they mentally justify global tyranny, as if it’s for the greater good.

To quickly refresh on their sick and twisted perspective, reading from Tomorrow’s Children, as cited in TR 285 - The Sinister Saga of the Secret Cabal:

“The defectives whom we have just been considering may be compared to an insidious disease affecting the body politic. …

It would by no means be a misnomer to call [the Secret Cabal] a Society for the Control of Social Cancer.”

American patriots have been called “irredeemable” and “deplorable” and “garbage,” among many other things. Keep in mind, these labels have been flung at us by some of the most powerful political leaders of our time, politicians who have a massive platform to influence how we are percieved by the other side.

We The People and our craving for freedom is the cancer they seek to control.

Such despicable rhetoric has been relentlessly amplified by the mainstream media, which has undoubtedly warped the minds of the mindless minions and hardened the hate-filled hearts of radicalized, militant leftists. At this stage of social conditioning, violence becomes a rationalized means to an end, and the stage for that has been set.

Consider the headlines:

You see, from the Left’s perspective, should Trump win, they must be prepared to defend democracy from a petty tyrant who’s planning to destroy the Pentagon, upend the rule of law, and unleash hordes of far-right extremists to subvert the election, oppress women and minorities, and take the country back to its racist roots.

What self-respecting Antifa-type wouldn’t rise up and fight against that?

The question is: are American Patriots willing to fight back?

Burke points out that “when bad men combine”—which they clearly have—the good men must come together, stand together, and fight together, lest one by one we fall as an “unpitied sacrifice” in this ongoing struggle for human freedom.

Give me liberty or give me death! I will live free or die!!

These are the classic battle cries of the American Spirit, and whether or not such resolve still exists, whether or not America’s indomitable Spirit of Resistance is still alive and well, may soon be tested. We’ve talked about this before.


They want us to fight back. They are pushing us to fight back.

And we know it.

We’ve talked about the predictive programming. We’ve talked about how we are, in fact, already at war. We’ve explored how it might all play out.

Now, the anticipation is quickly reaching a boiling point:

There are expectations and a perceived need for a civil war. The military is holding evacuation drills in the Capitol. Clearly, the natives are getting restless. The country feels like a tinderbox. What’s going to happen next? I don’t know!

Of course, I would be remiss not to mention that all of this nervously waiting in anxious anticipation is part of the psychological operations that are currently being deployed against us. This is unconventional, Fifth Generation Warfare. They have to keep us guessing to keep us off balance, so that we don’t organize and become associated with the righteous cause of defending and restoring the Republic.

But still, consider how the situation is being portrayed:

The public is being primed to believe that MAGA patriots are the ones who will try to overturn the election—as if Kamala Harris actually has a chance of winning—and even Fox News appears to be fanning the falsehood that she is gaining momentum:

Meanwhile, in a strange foreshadowing of what’s to come, a local ABC station just “accidentally” aired the election results—a week before the election—showing the commie Kamala Harris sweeping the pivotal swing state of Pennsylvania.

Elsewhere, we learn that ballot boxes are being burned; that there is a massive “double-voting” scandal unfolding in Michigan; that Colorado’s Secretary of State has “accidentally” leaked passwords to the state’s voting system; that citizens in deep-blue areas are receiving dozens of unopened ballots addressed to different names; and that in certain deep-red areas, people are reporting they haven’t received any ballots at all.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, which begs the question:

Will 2024 be a repeat of the 2020 election?

Might they actually be trying to steal this election in broad daylight?

Perhaps. But, as I’ve recently explained, I believe the plan is to “allow” Donald Trump to win, as counterintuitive as that still seems. Regardless, they DO have a plan.

Best I can tell, the plan right now is to cast as much doubt and sow as much confusion as possible. The reason is simple: to cloud the outcome of the election in the minds of both Left and Right, leaving both sides feeling justified in fighting against the other.

However it plays out, both sides will be filled with anger and primed to fight.

Add to the mix the impact of an “after the election” cyberattack, which may or may not already be planned for, and the country just might crest the point of no return.

Thus, we must prepare for the worst and expect the unexpected.

It’s an exciting time to be alive.

Above all else, remember that life is still good. Hug your loved ones. Enjoy your Halloween. Eat some candy. As always: be brave, live free, and stay wise!



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