The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 622 - Radical Marxists are Intent on Starving Out Rebellious Peasants
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TR 622 - Radical Marxists are Intent on Starving Out Rebellious Peasants

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of "sustainable consumption," you should be.

Don’t buy it.

That’s kind of a funny phrase, isn’t it? Don’t buy it. I usually find myself using those words as in, “I don’t buy it.” Something seems a little fishy, just a little off. I can’t put my finger on it, but ultimately, I don’t buy it. Call it a hunch, or instinct, or a gut feeling, but I get the distinct impression I’m getting sold a hot load of crap.

When you hear that Kamala Harris is soaring in the polls, don’t buy it.

When you hear that toxic experimental injections are safe and effective, don’t buy it.

When you hear that America’s elections are the most secure elections in the world, don’t buy it.

There is an endless list of lies we could entertain and reject along these lines:

  • J6 was a violent insurrection.

  • Joe Biden was the most popular president ever elected.

  • Biden’s economy is booming.

  • Kamala is going to make it ever better.


But of course, you already know all of that. Thus, rather than beating a dead horse, today I’d like to turn our attention toward something that has been simmering on the back burner of my mind for quite some time—a concept set to massively impact us all, one that casts “don’t buy it” in an entirely different context.

Sustainable Consumption.

Those two words — “sustainable consumption”— immediately raise the hair on the back of my neck. The gist is that governments around the world need to take control of the food supply, to ensure that we peasants don’t destroy the planet by eating too much food. In a nutshell, the only way humanity can avert the so-called Triple Planetary Crisis, is to stop eating beef and start eating bugs.

Why? Because cows burp and fart, and bovine flatulence is destroying the planet. If you don’t believe me, just ask Bill Gates:

Personally, I don’t buy it.

Setting this lunatic and his bogus “science” aside, I believe this is how the globalists are attempting to justify governments taking control of the food supply, which builds off their desire to take control of the means of production and consumption, as we were discussing in TR 621 - Socialists, Psychopaths, and the Summit of the Future.

These efforts to exert top-down control over every aspect of our lives have long been draped in the altruistic notion of saving the planet, as if it’s essential for the greater good, even though most people (hopefully) can sense the darker purpose embedded within.

Control the food, control the peasants, and starve the rebels out.

This is a textbook communist strategy, as we’ve covered before. Digging deeper still, this radical agenda is ultimately rooted in eugenics, and it manifests throughout globalist literature as the need for population control—i.e. the depopulation agenda.

We’ve covered this at length.

In reality, the globalists are not shy about their intended outcome, which is total control over a significantly reduced, dumbed-down, and weakened population.

You see, having too many hungry, meat eating, mouth breathing peasants around is a direct threat to Global Democracy. The ruling class could not possibly feed them all — and they know that — but, since they promised that they would feed them all (which is a large part of how they get into power in the first place), the desperate mob of starving peasants inevitably ends up turning their wrath upon their rulers.

Such lessons from history have not been overlooked by the global cabal.

“Fast forward to the 21st century, and we just don’t need the majority of the human population.”WEF speech in Davos.

Hence the methodically plotted depopulation agenda that’s currently masquerading as Sustainable Development. According to the globalists, the human population is unsustainable. Sustainable development, therefore, implies the need to manage the human population by driving down population growth and devising clever ways of rapidly reducing the human population, all without the peasants growing wise.

War. Famine. Genetically engineered viruses. Mandating toxic injections.

It’s all on the table. In fact, as you may already know, this plan has already long been in motion—which brings me to a 2005 article from the publication Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy, titled, “Sustainable consumption in national context: an introduction to the special issue.”

Citing Limits to Growth, Agenda 21, the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, and more, this seven-page article meticulously documents the evolving efforts to control production and consumption. It’s a fascinating read, and for the record, these ongoing efforts have currently culminated in Agenda 2030, also known as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Just to emphasize the timeline a little:

“From the earliest days of the modern environmental era during the late 1960s and early 1970s, the common wisdom has been that air pollution, toxic waste, and so forth are the unfortunate outcomes of producers’ failure to internalize a sense of proper stewardship.

Critical scrutiny of the global North’s resource-intensive lifestyles was effectively prohibited until the preparatory meetings convened to work out the details of Agenda 21 and Rio’s other centerpiece documents.”

Agenda 21, a formalized blueprint for total global control, was adopted in Rio in 1992, but the framework for this thinking had already been in development for at least three decades prior. It’s worth noting the “modern environmental era” that cropped up during the late 60s actually has roots that date back to the late 1800s, wherein, at that point, early proponents of environmentalism were railing against industrial tycoons alongside the freshly minted and radicalized Marxists.

One group was trying to save the planet from pollution, the other was trying to overthrow all aspects of existing society, but their common enemy was the greedy capitalist pigs and evil corporations that were standing in their way. Understanding this, it makes perfect sense why the vast majority of environmental wackos are brain-dead communists. Just saying.

But the broader point here is that this mindset, this moral justification for centralized control at the global level, has carefully been cultivated for over a century. Those who have been relentlessly advocating for this centralized global control have been drilling down on how best to deliver their message and implement their policies for more than fifty years—and now they have several generations of indoctrinated youth to help pull it off.

For what it’s worth, their Plan of Implementation specifically encourages “partnerships between the public and private sectors based on regulatory frameworks established by governments.”

This fusion of state and corporate power is commonly referred to as fascism, though the word fascism itself has been heavily abused in recent years.

For perspective, the Webster’s New World Dictionary 2nd College Edition, published in 1972, defines fascism as:

“a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of opposition, private economic enterprise under centralized government control, belligerent nationalism, etc.”

If we pick that apart line-by-line, we can clearly see the writing on the wall.

Global Democracy is synonymous with rigid one-party dictatorship. It’s mob rule on a planetary scale. Forcible suppression of political opposition is already happening around the clock, every damn day, courtesy of weaponized algorithms and government agencies. Centralized government control of private enterprise is already happening too, via ridiculous environmental regulations and excessive taxation.

But belligerent nationalism?

Hmmm… what do you make of this headline from the New York Times:

Kamala Harris's Muscular Patriotism

Or how about these:

What strikes me as belligerent about these headlines, is the fact that Democrats are claiming to be patriots—promoting national pride—even though every single one of their policy positions are aimed directly at destroying the United States of America as we know it. Rather than “embracing patriotism,” Democrats are fighting against free speech, against fair elections, against national borders, against constitutional restraints on government, and against the American way of life in every conceivable way.

Upon closer inspection, there is little distinction between today’s Democrat Party, the global socialists, communist dictators, or the oft-decried but fully embraced-by-the-Left fascists. They all want the same damn thing: centralized power and control—and not just a little control, obviously, they want TOTAL control.

They believe they have a moral imperative to control what you can buy at the store, whether it be food or other goods, to control what you eat and how much, what you wear, how you wash, how you travel, how you heat your home, and so on—and here’s the thing:

They intend to do all of this by controlling how the majority of people think.

Hence the revitalized leftist love for state censorship, and their incessant demands for political oppression, via the fascist public-private partnerships between Big Tech and the Deep State. It should all be antithetical to liberalism, and yet, global democracy can work no other way. But as long as they can control the flow of information, for the majority of people, they can control the outcome of elections.

By doing so, slowly but surely, they will be able to take control of the food supply. As you can see, this process is well underway. They will sell the public “sustainable consumption” as if it’s necessary and good—but don’t buy it. Once they’ve taken control, orchestrated famines and the starvation of rebellious peasants will commence. Mark my words. We’ve seen this playbook before!



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