The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 621 - Socialists, Psychopaths, and the Summit of the Future
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -20:48

TR 621 - Socialists, Psychopaths, and the Summit of the Future

Plus a friendly reminder of the story that NO ONE seems to be talking about.

Let’s do this.

It’s Friday and I’m feeling feisty. Cruising through the news, it became readily apparent that there is nothing of substance—I don’t give a damn about the school shooting, the predictable outrage, or that they just arrested the kid’s father.

Funny that there is exactly NO ONE talking about Trump’s would-be assassin anymore, isn’t it? I guess since he got cremated before anyone could confirm how he actually died (as in what angle the shot came from) or how long he had been laying dead up on the roof, now there is nothing else to be curious about. Case closed.

Move along, peasant.

There are some interesting articles out swirling around global steel manufacturing, which I believe are undoubtedly intertwined in ways we commoners are incapable of grasping—but it still feels like there’s something there:

Japan is trying to angle in and capture the US steel market, snatching up assets like steel mills and manufacturing plants, displacing union workers, etc.—and Biden is dutifully going to “nuke” the deal, obviously, because it’s an election year. That makes Biden a savior to union workers, just to be clear.

As far as the Chinese stifling their own steel production, that obviously puts a dent in the global supply, which will obviously drive up prices. Interestingly enough, that also means they could choose to flood the market with cheap Chinese steel as well. In other words, even though the CCP is being depicted as economically weak, they still have their hands on a major lever of global manufacturing.

Steel is essential for all types of development: from the burgeoning data centers being built to accommodate the rapid expansion of artificial intelligence; to the critical infrastructure needed to maintain railways, roadways, and bridges; to the freshly minted military equipment that is now needed to replace the billions and billions of dollars of equipment that’s been shipped to Ukraine or simply abandoned in the Middle East.

Thus, any monkeying around with the steel market could have profound impact, especially if the CCP decided to tighten the screws to squeeze out a bit more geopolitical advantage.


The Chinese Communist Party is the role-model for the world, according to the global elites, and America’s bourgeois capitalism is destroying the planet. Therefore, there is built-in incentive to lay waste to the United States economy, which would allow the government (via globalist backers like Black Rock) to swoop in and snatch up the bankrupt assets of private industry.

Then, voilà, the government has control over the means of production and consumption—which, as mentioned many times before, is their stated goal.

As first revealed in TR 93 - The One Agenda to Rule Them All:

“…by connecting the covid pandemic with the climate agenda, the WHO is framing this transition (aka The Great Reset) as an opportunity to “re-imagine your world,” within the scope of the following recommendations:

  • Keeping fossil fuels in the ground and stopping new fossil fuel exploration.

  • Taxing the polluters and incentivizing carbon reduction.

  • Removing highly processed and packaged foods from the workplace.

  • Regulating the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages in public spaces.

  • Keeping thermostats set at 70 degrees or less.

  • Fundamentally restructuring production, distribution, and consumption systems.

  • Implementing policy measures that limit volumes of production and consumption.

According to the WHO, going back to “normal” is not good enough — and I assure you, that was never the plan. By linking one crisis with another and claiming that “the climate crisis is a health crisis,” the globalists at the WHO believe they have found the ultimate justification to fundamentally transform our world — and they are flexing their authority to enforce these policies at the global level.

This is all part of the vision for what globalists call Future Earth.

Of course, it’s not just the World Health Organization that is in on this plan, it’s the entire global cabal. The radical climate agenda—based entirely on bought and paid for bunk science, statistical fabrications, and institutional coercion of faux consensus—gives progressives a smug sense of moral superiority and a “cause” which then can then use to kowtow the public and bludgeon their political opponents.

Taken a step further, by merging planetary health with public health, the globalists created the one agenda to rule them all. Human behavior is negatively affecting planetary health (i.e. causing climate change), and climate change is negatively affecting public health (i.e. causing pollution, drought, wars, famine, and geographical displacement), THEREFORE, the globalists absolutely must regulate human behavior.

In their warped minds, this is a water tight argument.

In reality, it’s a raw power grab that’s being conducted under the guise of the greater good. It’s a consolidation of power and control, not just through ridiculous environmental regulations, but also through the intentional bankrupting of industries that will then be taken into the ward of the state.

Again, we’re back to the government taking control of the means of production and consumption. For those who may be unaware, this comes directly out of the Communist Manifesto:

“The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie; to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the State... this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property and on the conditions of bourgeois production…”

This is the section where Marx and Engels spell out their 10-point plan to take over the world and rule every aspect of your life. Indeed, it appears these commies are now reaching beyond the grave to do just that. All aspects of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, the Pact for the Future, and the innumerable offspring of these insidious schemes, are rooted directly in this plan.

It’s despicable, but it’s happening.

Think about it.

According to their own Manifesto, the commies claim they cannot centralize control in the hands of the State, “except by means of despotic inroads.” In other words, they are unabashedly admitting that they will use abusive and tyrannical tactics to obtain unlimited power, and that is exactly what we are witnessing in the world today.

I’ve tied the Communist Manifesto to the Great Reset and the radical environmental agenda—and tracked how these plans have been disseminated from on high and sown into federal, state, and local level policies—in many prior reports. If it feels like a stretch to see it for what it is, you can refresh or get up to speed here:

That said, I’d like to turn our attention back to the Summit of the Future.

Let’s zoom out.

Yesterday’s report was titled, “Globalists Reveal their Master Plan for Dealing With Donald Trump.” It wasn’t until after I’d sent out the email that I realized my rambling hadn’t directly addressed this master plan. Thus, I later added this postscript:

“PS: what is the globalists’ plan for Donald Trump?

If you guessed that they plan to beat him by any and all means necessary, that would be a good guess. However, more specifically I believe they intend to beat Trump by continuing to reprogram the peasants, rewrite history, and ultimate remove his stain from their record. They will use the 2016 and 2020 elections to train the algorithims so that they will not lose again. In the end, Trump is just a speed bump. The globalists are deadset on winning the long game, and we’d all be wise to adjust our strategies accordingly!”

The point I was driving at was this: given that most Americans are wholly fixated on the political circus, caught up in the theater of the upcoming election, and braced for the potential of impending doom that may strike from any given vector, the globalists can continue to trot out their plans and push their commie-fascist agenda right out in front of God and everyone—and most people will never know that it’s happening.

If Donald Trump wins, there will blood in the streets as antifa, tran-tifa, and violent third-world gang members unleash all hell in American cities. If Donald Trump loses, there will be blood in the streets as MAGA extremists and Christian Nationalists gang up to drive a rusty stake through the heart of American democracy. That’s the story.

These narratives have been being sown and nurtured for years. Add to the angst the fact that our nation is both economically and militarily vulnerable, the fact that we’ve been pissing-off and pissing-on both enemies and allies all around the globe, and of course the tinderbox of geopolitical tension, and it feels as if anything and everything that’s bad could really happen at any moment… and that’s right where they want us.

But tell me: how can the global cabal be so confident in their planning for 2030, 2050, and beyond, if they are secretly plotting to destroy the United States of America? Imagine the damage of a nuclear bomb or a crippling cyber-strike taking down the grid. Imagine Americans getting plunged into darkness and taken back to the Bronze Age. Or imagine the utter destruction of a long, drawn out, devastating civil war.

The globalists’ plans, as indicated by the Summit of the Future documentation, seem to anticipate that America will remain open for business and continue to significantly fund their over arching agenda in the coming years. How does that mesh with all the predictions of apocalyptic destruction? Do you see what I’m saying?

Read their vision and decide for yourself:

As I’ve stated before, I believe that the globalists intend to capture the United States, not destroy it, and the way that they will capture the United States is by capturing our political system. They have already captured the financial system and most of our institutions, and they’ve already captured most of the political establishment—but unfortunately for them, there are still a bunch of stubborn red-necks clinging to their guns and Bibles, believing that America is worth fighting and dying for.

We believe in the Constitution and Providence, both of which are impediments to the global cabal’s plan for total domination, and we vote according to these convictions.

Thus, We The People are the part of the political system they are working to capture now. That’s why progressives are advocating for censorship. That’s why the government has been colluding with Big Tech to silence dissenting opinions and scrub inconvenient facts from the public square. That’s why I’m always squawking about how weaponized AI is being used to rapidly reprogram the public psyche.

That’s the greater threat: the slow, subtle, subconscious taming that seeks to eradicate the will to resist and condition the masses to trust their masters.

If the enemy is successful, they will win this war without firing a shot.

If we don’t want to lose, we’re going to need to wake a lot more people up.


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