The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 617 - How the Spirit of Freedom Ultimately Defeats the Commie Cabal
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -19:50

TR 617 - How the Spirit of Freedom Ultimately Defeats the Commie Cabal

Nobody said it was going to be easy, but obviously failure is not an option.

It’s suffocating.

The amount of lies being heaped upon the public psyche do more than just stifle our ability to get along with our neighbors and make sense of the world around us. This constant deluge buries the human spirit under a mountain of confusion and uncertainty.

In its natural state, the human spirit yearns to be free. Our souls crave freedom of expression, the ability to be who we were born to be, thinking, feeling, and believing according to our own conscience and convictions. We are not all the same.

Unfortunately, do to the fundamental transformation of human consciousness that’s being driven by relentless military grade propaganda, many people have lost touch with this otherwise innate aspect of our shared humanity. Freedom has been rebranded, and the word no longer conjures up the longing that it once did.

Watching leftist recast free speech as a free-for-all hellscape is case in point.

All the clamoring and demands for state censorship, which should be an absurd affront to anyone claiming to value freedom, further drives the point home. Freedom of speech has been rebranded as hate speech, and as recent news has made clear, this has paved the way for individuals to be arrested and imprisoned for nothing more than expressing their opinions in the public square.

This is so antithetical to any concept of having a free society, it is baffling that any sane person would actually be duped into believing this is somehow necessary and good. Who could possibly believe that restricting this fundamental human right, this freedom of expression, is anything other than pure authoritarian impulse?

Only those who have been brainwashed—in the clinical sense—that’s who.

Never forget that there is a science to rewiring the human mind.

While the majority of pundits are fixating on the political circus playing out in Chicago, today I’d like to take the high road and avoid pointing out the ridiculous, clownish nature of what’s being celebrated at the DNC.

Anyone still cheering for the Democrat Party, at this point, is no longer a functioning human. They have been conditioned to accept a gross degree of abuse and remain loyal to their abusers. They have been fully subdued by the menticide perpetrated by their party bosses, and they will be the foot soldiers for what lies ahead.

It’s looking forward, toward the many unfolding potentials, that I want to focus on today. If an increasingly greater percentage of the population falls prey to the military grade memes being used to assimilate masses, what does that mean for our future?

It means the end of humanity as we know it. It means the total domestication of our entire species and the complete eradication of human freedom, at least in the classical sense of the word. No longer would people be free to speak their minds, to act upon personal preference, or behave according to their natural proclivities.

Instead, humanity as a whole will be treated like Hackable Animals and every aspect of their lives will be controlled by algorithms and regulation. The public will only be given the illusion of choice, as increasing degrees of conformity are reached through both punishment and incentive. Strange behavioral changes and an entirely unnatural homogenization of humanity will ensue.

The research-backed process of vertical integration will ensure that everyone, everywhere, abide by the global dictates of so-called Enlightened Leaders. The UN Sustainable Development Goals and other international treaties will displace the final vestiges of representative government.

Freshly minted cosmopolitan peasants and cheering global citizens will embrace Global Democracy with rapturous enthrall and collectively sacrifice themselves for the greater good. We have to save the planet!

BUT, unfortunately, rather than retiring into the sunset of never ending peace and stability, where diversity, equity, and inclusion reign supreme forevermore, what comes next will inevitably come as a shock to the ruling class.

Human nature, malleable as it may be, being an extension of Nature itself, will eventually wiggle and squirm its way back out of the rubble of free society. No matter how brainwashed the masses may be, strong and independent individuals will be born. And they will not be controlled.

The remnant rebels will resist.

Then, according to the self-organizing principles of the Universe, resistance will organize and invariably rise up. Conflict will follow, as the pendulum swings.

“Self-organization occurs in many physical, chemical, biological, robotic, and cognitive systems. Examples of self-organization include crystallization, thermal convection of fluids, chemical oscillation, animal swarming, neural circuits, and black markets.” —Wikipedia

Before diving deeper here, I’d like to make room for one caveat: if we allow humanity to be enslaved in an inescapable surveillance state, if we do in fact become peacefully enslaved by machines and ruled by super-intelligent AI, there does exist the possibility that technological advances could plausibly control biological processes to a degree that renders the natural evolution of things mostly obsolete.

In this terrifying scenario, there are only two potential paths to restoring natural balance: 1) random cosmic coincidence, such as a comet striking the Earth or some similarly cataclysmic phenomenon; or 2) supernatural or Divine intervention.

The point that I want to make here is twofold.

First, understand that the globalist Enlightened Leaders have every intention of using super-computers and advanced artificial intelligence to control our biological processes, to the extent that it interrupts the natural order and evolution of life on Earth. This is where we get into transhumanism and the like.

Second, I firmly believe these self-appointed Enlightened Leaders will fail, that human nature will prevail, and that we will see the pendulum swing back toward sanity within our lifetime—whether by Providence or pure determination.

The case for optimism.

Brainwashing is an undeniable phenomenon. There is more than a century worth of science that spells out the process in explicit detail. But, just as brainwashing can be perpetrated with clinical precision, so too can it be systematically defeated.

The secret lies in understanding the complex interplay of mind, body, and soul.

Examining self-organization through a spiritual lens, one cannot help but notice this natural phenomenon affects every level of the natural world, from the subatomic and molecular, to inanimate structures and the full array of living creatures.

There is an organizing force that permeates throughout.

While many will refer to this force as God, one need not concede to religious precepts to acknowledge that this force does in fact exist. Regardless, what is critical to grasp is that this force precedes and transcends thought altogether. That’s key.

In practical terms, that means that by tapping into this force and channeling it toward positive ends, we can undo much of the damage that has been done. More directly, we can relearn and rewire our own gray matter, courtesy of neuroplasticity. By extension, we retain the ability to help others do the same, should we acquire the skills to do so.

This is why I say that the solution to societal chaos is an elevation of spiritual awareness, because it is our spiritual awareness—something other than body or mind—that allows us to direct this force through the power of will and intention.

This should give rise to hope.

Not only can we organize ourselves at the individual level, organizing our thoughts and habits for optimum performance and maximum resilience in the face of relentless mental attacks, we can organize ourselves socially for all manner of positive benefit.

We can organize fellowship to nourish and uplift our soul.

We can organize politically to drive positive change through civic engagement.

We can organize in concentric circles of influence to assure mutual assistance and defense, and thereby maximize the benefits of living in a tight-knit community.

Bringing it all together.

Our country is in the state that it’s in, because the Left has long out organized the Right. Communists have been working to brainwash and organize Democratic parties around the world for nearly two-hundred years.

Meanwhile, oblivious to this subtle and sustained infiltration, Republican leadership has been too busy back-slapping at the country club and gorging themselves on the free market to organize much of a resistance at all. Having long grown comfortable with the status quo, most ignorantly believe they are still fighting the Dems.

They know nothing of the brainwashing and menticide. They know nothing of the algorithmic social interventions and the subconscious taming. They have failed to realize that weaponized AI is now being wielded by the hands of the commie cabal.

The party bosses complain about the media bias, without realizing how the propaganda is rewiring brains. They bitch about socialist policies, but miss the fact that the masses are being systematically conditioned to demand just that.

All that said, there’s still good news.

By virtue of being human, we are each born free. Freedom is the most good for the most people. Through the power of free will, you are an incredible force. Never underestimate the power of your words or your ability to change hearts and minds.

Rise above the claptrap and set your mind to win. You are the solution.

Please help spread this message far and wide.

And remember: RESIST WE MUST!


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