The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 609 - Democracy Wins When Commie Tyrants Finally Take Over the World
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -21:06

TR 609 - Democracy Wins When Commie Tyrants Finally Take Over the World

There's truth in jest... the title is meant to whet your appetite for satirical insight.

Let’s do this.

Today we will lift the gaze from the navel of common narratives to the lofty heights of horizon scanning, weaponized AI, and Earth Systems Governance.

While the political circus is perhaps more enthralling than it has ever been, I’d like to point out that our attention has been intentionally directed away from the secret hand of the evil cabal that is trying to systematically reduce the human population and conquer the world.

I know it sounds crazy, please bear with me.

They seek to enslave the masses in their own minds and to reeducate the peasants who dare to resist assimilation into the collective hive mind. It’s just like a sci-fi movie, only it’s real, and it’s really happening—and that is a disturbing fact that most people remain completely unaware of.

As a matter of fact, commie dictator Nicolas Maduro—who just stole another election in Venezuela—is currently building some maximum security prisons for this exact purpose, to “re-educate” the so-called “new generation gangs” that are currently rioting in protest to yet another stolen election. These new gangs, who gang up to protest stolen elections, are about to get reeducated via prison and forced labor.

Such is life under socialism.

Military police are being called in to quell the uprising as Maduro announces that opposition leaders should be jailed for 30 years. Meanwhile, the Biden regime has openly condemned the outcome of the election — “discrediting the official results” —and has thrown support “firmly behind” the opposition candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez... not that they are interfering with the election or anything like that.

To me, this has all the hallmarks of another globalist “intervention”— and Americans should take note, because we are quite likely next in line. If you read through the news on what’s happening in Venezuela, it becomes plain to see that all of this chaos has been carefully setup, and that the entire circus is being orchestrated by the powers that be:

Note that in Venezuela, it’s the National Electoral Council that determines the outcome of elections. Maduro, the commie dictator who just stole the election, has ordered the High Court to audit the election—knowing full well that the bench was stacked years in advance to favor his tyrannical reign.

Now think about Biden and Harris’ plan to “overhaul” the Supreme Court. Reading through the official announcement, it is clearly paving the way to arrest opposition leaders like Donald Trump, but it is also seeking to purge the bench and ensure that “the Court’s membership changes with some regularity.”

As in, now that there is a conservative majority, it’s time to make some changes.

But let’s not get lost in the weeds here.

The point is that what the globalists do in one place, they intend to do in another. Out of the chaos of the Venezuelan elections are calls for international oversight of national elections, and we might expect to hear similar calls this November.

Furthermore, embedded throughout the saga, behind all the calls to “show the world the data,” is the repeated suggestion that Edmundo Gonzalez (the opposition) won the “popular vote” — which is meant to imply that whoever wins the popular vote actually wins the election, at least from the preconditioned perspective of global onlookers.

In reality, the popular vote ultimately equates to mob rule.

That is why we have an Electoral College in America, to protect the less populated areas from being ruled by New York, Chicago, and L.A. Unfortunately, thanks to the under-the-radar National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, we are dangerously close to being ruled by the tyrannical mob model right here at home.

THAT SAID, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with horizon scanning, weaponized AI, and Earth Systems Governance, right? I’ve covered these topics in depth in prior reports, but it feels like a little refresher is in order.

From TR 65 - The Responsibility to Protect:

“Using sophisticated techniques like Horizon Scanning, Capacity Building, and the Delphi Method, the global elite have been very successful at implementing their agenda, building the scaffolding of total control in an incremental and systematic way. It’s worth noting, these strategies were developed by military and intelligence agencies—who were developing weapons for psychological warfare.”

The key takeaway here, is that these are scientific techniques that have been developed and deployed over decades. Horizon Scanning is not just an attempt to anticipate the likelihood of future events, it is an effective tool for guiding a complex set of variables toward a predetermined outcome.

The Delphi Method and Capacity Building are equally as useful in manipulating outcomes (political, behavioral, etc.) from the global to the local level, without the public realizing it, as articulated in TR 358 - Global Censorship Goes Viral:

“…this very effective technique is being used, over and over and over, to change our form of government from the representative republic, intended by the Founding Fathers, into a “participatory democracy.” Now, citizens chosen at large are manipulated into accepting preset outcomes while they believe that the input they provided produced the outcomes which are now theirs! The reality is that the final outcome was already determined long before any public meetings took place, determined by individuals unknown to the public.”

Representative Republic vs. Participatory Democracy

With the advent of artificial intelligence in the 21st century, the global elites have been able to very rapidly recondition public perspective on a planetary scale. They’ve understood exactly how to do this for over a century, but weaponized AI has given them the capacity to reach virtually the whole of humanity in an instant.

Citizens at large, and right in our local communities, are being manipulated into accepting preset outcomes that have been predetermined decades in advance.

The Great Reset is upon us. Earth Systems Governance is the intended outcome. Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, along with the WHO’s One Health Initiative, are all driving us toward Future Earth—their words, not mine.

These are all moving parts in the overarching Globalist’s Theory of Change, and this intricate web of policies is aimed at a singular objective: total global control.

This all comes to bear on what’s happening in America today, because it’s all being driven by the same agenda, aka The One Agenda to Rule Them All.

When the World Health Organization declared that we are all being swept up into a so-called “infodemic,” governments around the globe became justified in censoring dissenting perspective, ostensibly to keep people safe from misinformation.

For those unfamiliar, this is where weaponized AI was first used to direct the outcome of elections—it originated with the WHO, for the purpose of public safety.

They have to control the outcome of elections, in order to control national policies, in order to keep people safe, or so the thinking goes.

This is all being done by controlling the flow of information.

Control the information » Control public perception » Control the elections » Control the policies » Control the purse strings » Control the world.

It’s a pretty straight forward strategy—and it’s all for the greater good, of course.

Indeed, one might be persuaded to accept this is all an inevitable evolution of global society, that it only makes sense to streamline policies around the globe to make things more efficient and share best practices. Who would argue with that?

We might as well all have globally recognized digital IDs and internationally recognized digital currency as well, right? Because that would fix everything!

Then we could all participate in Global Democracy and finally put to rest the archaic, racist, homophobic, imperialistic fallacies enshrined in the Constitution of Representative Republics such as our own.

History will be re-written to warn all future generations that such Republics are a threat to democracy. Representative Republics do not respect the will of the majority, they do not uphold the popular vote, and they completely disregard the global guidance and regulations that are absolutely necessary to keep people safe.

Republics are full of hate speech, misogyny, and all manner of vile misinformation. Indeed, in Republics, the idea of free speech has been turned into a free-for-all hellscape. No cosmopolitan peasant would ever want to live in a Representative Republic, because this terribly flawed system can forever only produce systemic injustice and inequity.

But, thanks to Global Democracy, the world will soon finally be able to celebrate the death of these capitalist pigs once and for all, and behold, we will have finally arrived at Future F*ing Earth—where Earth Systems Governance reigns supreme under the unrelenting and watchful eye of weaponized AI, where human behavior is subdued by algorithmic social interventions, and the outcome of every election produces ever greater degrees of conformity, peace, and stability, forevermore.

No one needs a weapon now. No one needs to “own” things. Get with the program!

We will all get to eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy, knowing that we’ve done our part as good humans to trust the government and empower our enlightened leaders to save the planet by covertly culling the herd and genetically modifying the masses.

I can almost see the rainbows and unicorns now, can’t you?

Our very own National Academy of Sciences tells us how we get there:

“Such action entails stewardship of the entire Earth System—biosphere, climate, and societies—and could include decarbonization of the global economy, enhancement of biosphere carbon sinks, behavioral changes, technological innovations, new governance arrangements, and transformed social values.”

Earth Systems Governance means the elites will instill behavioral changes, new governance arrangements, and transformed social values (i.e. embedded socialist concepts that lead directly to the transformation of human consciousness).

What could possibly go wrong?

Personally, I believe that all of the Deep State interference in our elections, the propping up of the sock-puppet for the last four years, the undemocratic anointing of Kamala Harris, and the facilitated assassination attempt on Donald Trump, are all threaded together by this overarching agenda.

One side is fighting for Democracy. The other side is fighting for the Republic.

The future of humanity hangs in the balance.

Choose your side wisely.


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