Take Three.
Those words spilled out due to the multiple drafts of TR 650 that are sitting in my dashboard. I usually don’t have drafts, as each report is typically a stream of thought analysis on the information being exhumed and consumed during my daily research.
That said, having recently been gifted a treasure trove of historical books and pamphlets, and with this being the six-hundred-and-fiftieth Torch Report (which for me feels special), I have resisted the temptation to rush out and publish TR 650, prematurely, to allow adequate reflection so I can deliver the good stuff.
Thank you for your patience.
As I’m sure you know, the political circus this week has been swirling around Trump’s cabinet picks, the squawk about Biden pardoning his crackhead son (and now Dr. Fauci), and the short-lived excitement over South Korea declaring “emergency martial law” — allegedly to protect the incumbent government from the threat of communist forces coming out of North Korea — but it was all over the next day.
“Frankly dear, I don’t give a damn.”
None of this news has been compelling enough to merit comment, so I’ll leave it to the daily pundits to dabble in the drivel. I see these events as theater and distraction, and prefer to point attention toward the bigger picture of things in motion that are set to massively impact our lives in the coming months and years.
To properly frame what I’m about to say, which is grounded in government documents and the recently received treasure trove, I’d like to thread together two concurrent themes: 1) the ongoing threat of economic collapse, and 2) “the commies are taking over the world!!”
For what it’s worth, I believe the hubbub headlines about South Korea declaring an emergency over the threat of communist forces was an intentional head fake, meant to delegitimize the actual threat and reinforce the public’s ignorance on the subject.
More on that in a moment.
Regarding the ongoing threat of economic collapse, I recently heard Dr. Ron Paul being interviewed by Charlie Kirk. Wise as he is, Dr. Paul was simply rehashing things that he’s been saying for decades. While I generally agree with his insight, what struck me is that somehow the big catastrophic collapse never seems to materialize.
As I was digging through the treasure trove, there was a document titled “Economic Collapse of US at Hand,” written by Dr. John Coleman. Coleman, whom I’d never heard of, turns out to be a prolific author and ardent defender of American values. I found his Conspirators’ Hierarchy in the CIA’s library, which says this:
“In my career as a professional intelligence officer, I had many occasions to access highly classified documents, but during service as a political science officer… I had the opportunity to view a series of top secret classified documents which were unusually explicit. What I saw filled me with anger and resentment and launched me on a course from which I have not deviated, namely to uncover what power it is that controls and manages the British and United States governments.”
Dr. Ron Paul and Dr. John Coleman are both gentleman with impeccable credentials. They, in my mind, are both highly qualified sources with unique insights that are not afforded to the general population—and both are adamant that the United States has long been beholden to international bankers, courtesy of the Federal Reserve.
Both believe that U.S. economic collapse is inevitable.
This truth, this narrative, has been alive and well for well over 50 years. And, as we were recently discussing in TR 644 - On Cooked Books, Conspiracy Theories, & Russia's Ominous Warning, the narrative of economic collapse is still very active today.
And yet, again, it never seems to happen. It’s not that it won’t ever happen, it’s just that despite the best predictions of highly qualified experts, it never does.
What’s up with that?
In his numerous writings, Dr. Coleman takes a hammer to the naive notion that the U.S. and British governments are operating in the best interest of their people. He calls out the many subversive forces that have long infiltrated our once noble institutions, naming the Club of Rome, the Fabians, the Bilderbergers, and several secret societies among the many culprits.
As a side note, while these names may be familiar to many in the audience, they are still largely unknown to the public at large. Personally, I hadn’t heard any of them until I stumbled upon their dark, insidious schemes throughout my research. (Relevant reports linked above.)
As for why predictions of complete economic collapse are perpetually inaccurate, the reason I believe, is simply a matter of timing. If one were to take for granted the global cabal is conspiring to institute a New World Order, it is understood that at some point there will be a global digital currency, linked to global digital IDs—and the long overdue economic collapse is a necessary prerequisite for that to happen.
The circumstances for adoption must be carefully orchestrated, and they’ve been laying the groundwork for this transition for decades. Along with the recent explosion of WorldCoin and WorldID, some may also recall that the Federal Reserve launched their own FedNow system in 2023. In other words, the transition is underway.
These facts have been documented and discussed in the following reports:
The explosion of WorldCoin and the subsequent accusations of financial espionage were thoroughly covered in TR 466 - The Trouble With the Bubbles, which noted that despite the lies that Biden’s economy was booming, the U.S. is actually in an epic financial bubble that is set to pop whenever the hell the cabal decides to pop it.
Economic collapse would provide the perfect opportunity for this historic transition—especially if the World Bank’s bailout was contingent upon adoption of WorldCoin.
Connecting the dots to the recent bullshit narrative that Trump is inheriting a “remarkable economy,” it would appear that the stage has been set. Perhaps we will see this transition transpire sooner than later, but who the hell knows.
If Dr. Coleman and Dr. Paul couldn’t call it, I won’t even venture a try.
Instead, I want to circle back to the very real communist subversion and in-your-face Marxist Cultural Revolution that is currently destroying America. This too has been well-understood for a very long time, and we have been warned repeatedly that this is the greatest threat of all to our constitutional republic.
Interestingly enough, earlier this week I stumbled across a report on international communism that was compiled by Senior Research Staff at the CIA, published June 18, 1959. It was titled, “The Socialist Commonwealth of Nations: Pattern for Communist World Organization.”
This 77-page report meticulously documents the rise of communism around the world, and then bizarrely suggests that efforts to globally organize went defunct shortly after the Third Communist International group dissolved in 1943.
Of course, communism was still destroying civilization and decimating humanity in various parts of the world throughout the remainder of the 20th century, as history attests, killing millions of peasants in the process. Indeed, communism is still seeking to devour everything good in life, all around the world today, mark my words.
But what caught me was the date, 1943, because it coincides with organizing the UN.
If one were to accept the CIA’s conclusion, the international commie cabal just sort of evaporated into thin air—and, coincidentally, this just sort of happened at exactly the same time Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were hammering out the charter to the United Nations, alongside Joseph Stalin and Comrade Mao.
(Details on that in a future report.)
Those who have been with me may remember my astonishment when I first realized that the United Nations was founded by a bunch of communists. It was mind-blowing, but once the dots were connected, I couldn’t help but see it for what it was.
This is the organization being used to build the New World Order.
If you have yet to connect the dots, read this report:
What must be made abundantly clear, is that this is all easily verifiable, historical fact. When I say that the communists are taking over the world, I’m not joking. This is not a conspiracy, nor is it hyperbole or speculation. This is a very urgent reality that everyone needs to grasp, because the commie cabal is very near their end game.
Layered upon the historical precedent, while patterns of communist organization persist and abound, I believe the greatest threat today lies in the fact that modern technologies (i.e. algorithms and artificial intelligence) have been weaponized to advance this cause. Whereas the old school commie agents had to infiltrate various groups to exploit emotional vulnerabilities and establish the socialist narrative, this process has now been automated and accelerated in incomprehensible ways.
In essence, the global cabal is using the tried and true tactics of emotional manipulation—hijacking the predisposition for sympathy to drive pro-socialist behavioral change, while simultaneously stirring up intergroup hostilities—to organize hordes of heavily indoctrinated useful idiots on a global scale.
This is how the battle for democracy is won.
This is how freedom gets defeated.
By building “political will” and organizing the minions against the archaic ideas enshrined in our constitution (i.e. free speech, the right to bear arms, etc.), the powers that be are driving the herd of humanity ever closer to the edge of a socialist abyss.
Personally, I believe we are closer to the edge of that abyss today than ever before.
Americans need to realize the election of Donald Trump is but a speed bump to the globalists’ progress. To believe otherwise would be woefully shortsighted. Per TR 642 - Putting Politics into Perspective, as Teddy Roosevelt was pointing out over 100 years ago:
“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”
This is what we are up against. This is precisely what Dr. Coleman and others have sought to expose, and it is in this vein, in lieu of drive by political commentary, that I will continue to research and expose these dark forces for what they are.
Thank you for joining me on this learning journey!
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