The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 618 - Tactical Solutions, Psychotronic Warfare, & Light at the End of The Tunnel
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -24:54

TR 618 - Tactical Solutions, Psychotronic Warfare, & Light at the End of The Tunnel

Rising above the narrative to discuss the reality of psychotronic warfare. Buckle up.

Let’s talk tactics.

There is something that has been driving me nuts lately.

It’s the classic denial and reversal of reality that we’ve all come to expect from the subversive agents embedded among us. They claim that they are the victims, when in fact they are the abusers, for example. Or, as with pushing queer ideology upon children, they claim to be defending “victims of oppression,” when in reality they are exploiting them. This despicable tactic is likely as old as time itself.

Regardless, it drives me nuts, precisely because it’s so hard to overcome.

Earlier this week I’d mentioned in passing that freedom was being rebranded, that the word no longer means what it used to mean, that it no longer conjures up the instinctive longing for liberty that it once did, and properly speaking, that it still should. These headlines help illustrate what I was getting at:

It’s maddening to see this shift in rhetoric, to know that it’s intentional, and to realize that the vast majority of useful idiots are going to buy it hook-line-and-sinker. The democratic base is being whipped into an emotional frenzy and reprogrammed to believe that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are “fighting for our freedoms.”

That fact that there is a science to this brainwashing cannot be overstated.

Perhaps this fact—knowing that there is a science to mental and emotional manipulation—accounts for some part of my mind gnawing away on a nugget of information I stumbled upon last summer, way back in TR 401.

The title fails to reveal the many gems contained within the report itself:

I’ve often referenced back to TR 402 - The Transformation of Human Consciousness, because the title there really says it all, but it was actually researching for TR 401 that led me to discover this fascinating declassified diagram from the CIA, illustrating the mathematical relationship between consciousness, matter, and energy:

Being the dork that I am, I could stare at that diagram all day, my mind weaving the various vectors through the multitudes of implication, tracing the metaphysical loop-DE-loos and losing all track of time, until once again arriving in the present moment.

Fortunately, tactically speaking, there’s no need to embark on such a philosophical romp. Suffice it to say, some really smart people have penciled this out, and having this knowledge has enabled them to develop incredibly powerful weapons to directly attack the human mind—i.e. manipulate our consciousness.

Remember China’s “neurostrike” weapons?

Far from conspiracy, you may recall that these weapons recently graced the headlines:

Connecting the dots back to what we are witnessing today, as the Democrats continue to rebrand tyranny as a fight for freedom, as government gaslighting induces Stockholm Syndrome on a societal scale, we must account for the sophistication of the tools and attacks that are being used against us—else we remain sitting ducks.

It is not enough to simply point out that people on the Left are batshit crazy.

There are plenty of people on the Right who are batshit crazy as well.

It is insufficient to simply scoff at the liberal idiots, because if we’re honest, there are plenty of conservative idiots as well, right? To break out of the box of party politics — which is absolutely essential in order to mount an effective opposition against the global forces of evil — we must begin to separate ourselves, one layer at a time, from the psychological conditioning that imprisons us within our own minds.

If we cannot free our own minds, we certainly cannot free others.

I know that’s pretty deep, but please hear me out. It is often easier to identify patterns in other people’s lives than it is to identify patterns in our own lives. If my instinct is correct, by identifying patterns that illuminate the ramifications of psychological tampering in our opponents, we will be better equipped to identify these patterns within our own social circles, and indeed, within ourselves.

This is important, because we are ALL under attack and being manipulated.

We are all at risk of being deceived.

Currently, the Democrats are being conditioned to believe that they are fighting for freedom, but in reality, they are fighting to centralize control over everyone else’s life—to include what people think, what they can say, how they behave, et cetera.

At it’s root, this is the reversal of reality we’ve become so accustomed to seeing, or more mathematically speaking, this is the inverse of reality.

The question I’m pondering: is this inversion evidence of psychological attack?

I suspect the answer exceeds the scope of this report, but that’s what’s on my mind. There is something there… and it’s bugging me… but alas, I’ll move on.


There is a relationship between consciousness, energy, and matter. FACT.

This relationship has been unlocked mathematically. FACT.

Technology has been developed to exploit this relationship. FACT.

Understood properly, consciousness affects energy and matter. Matter affects consciousness and energy. Energy affects matter and consciousness.

Try to imagine what the masters of propaganda and human psychology can do with this understanding, which has now been weaponized with technology. It is nearly incomprehensible, but very worth the effort to try and wrap the head around.

If this feels too far out for you, let me bring it back home. First, take a look at these search results, which are related to the unclassified CIA documents from TR 401:

Second, consider the reality of psychotronic weapons. Such weapons clearly do in fact exist, these weapons have undeniably been studied, they have very intentionally been developed, and they have undoubtedly been deployed.

Popular Mechanics, which has long been a reputable publication, claims that knowledge of these programs was accidentally released to a journalist in 2018. The reference to the United Nations Human Rights office ( indicates that this “accidental” release actually coincided with an international protest against “electromagnetic harassment” held that same year.

Furthermore, the UN claims that “targeted individuals” may experience the following:

1. Torturous routines such as head and body electromagnetic stimulation — e.g. intense sudden contractions of (surface) muscle fibers equivalent to painful stimulus of being hit, different stimulation patterns generating miscellaneous effects e.g. pain, tingling, pins-and-needle effect and also intense heating, burning or itching sensations.

2. Artificial tinnitus, hearing voices and mental manipulation — i.e. mental content presentation/insertion and extraction (personal thought content being repeated to them in an interval of a few seconds).

3. Manipulation via brain-to-brain interface: A remote human operator exerts a dominant cognitive influence determining certain functions (e.g. a motor function such as moving a limb).

Friends, you can’t make this stuff up.

It’s like something out of a sci-fi thriller, and yet this information is coming from the highest of sources. While I do not trust the United Nations, or the CIA, the fact that they have published publicly available information on this subject makes it appear above reproach. I do not believe this is a hoax or a psyop.

While the UN may be raising awareness of these weapons out of fear that one day they may find themselves on the receiving end of psychotronic torture, the CIA may have released this information for the purpose of intimidation, to put powerful people on notice, while knowing full well that the average peasant wouldn’t notice at all.

Regardless, the science and use of this technology is very real.

In a very fascinating twist, according to the CIA, there may have been “mass production of psychotronic generators” happening in Kiev, as far back as the early 1990s. Add that tidbit to the 46 known US funded biolabs scattered throughout the region, and the entire narrative surrounding Russia and Ukraine gets sketchy.

Here too, the implications are astounding.

But let’s come up for air.

It feels good to breathe deep—and breathing deep might very well be our secret weapon in this age of techno-induced psychological manipulation.

Let’s revisit the diagram the depicts the relationship between consciousness, matter, and energy. Did you happen to notice that one of the vertices was not labeled?

Everything else seems to be accounted for, so what’s this?

It’s not energy, mass, or consciousness, and yet it’s somehow related.

Try this: place your mind inside that little red circle.

Imagine seeing the pyramid from this corner. Can you see it in your mind?

You are seeing the three dimensions of energy, matter, and consciousness, the interplay of which gives rise to the reality of the world that surrounds you.

You know this reality of matter, energy, and consciousness exists, because you can observe it directly, not just visually, but via any of your senses. You can feel the sun, smell the air, hear the wind, and you can taste the rain, for example.

How is this possible?

It is only possible via awareness.

We can be aware of energy, aware of matter, even aware of our very own consciousness.

Tactically speaking, it is this personal inner awareness — aka your spiritual awareness, or the spirit within — that is your greatest asset. It is both your best defense against the relentless mental attacks, as well as your most powerful weapon in the ongoing war for hearts and minds.

For many people, it feels like we are living in dark times. Lawlessness and evil abounds. There are terrible things happening in the world today, not the least of which is the fundamental transformation of the country we love.

We know that this Marxist Cultural Revolution is being driven by the commie cabal, that they’re trying to depopulate the planet and enslave people in their own minds, and we know the media, the banks, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the Deep State are all in on it. We know they’ve mastered the science of manipulation and control.

However, when we begin to grasp the power of our inner awareness, when we begin to elevate it and cultivate it in ourselves and others, then we can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Recognizing we’ve been lost in a tunnel of thought, suddenly we become aware that the light was already there—and with this light, we will win.

“How can I be so many of me?
Like light in a bottle, trapped but still free?”
—Luke Throop, Poetic Reflections


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