"...The DoD is selling curated database access to you, using your name, Census and Doppler and heat and light and where you live and who you talk to..." Sabrina Wallace

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Interesting. Can you please drop the link to the source/original post on this?

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I am not sure if I followed up yet here is a link


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Thanks for the information..


The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity's doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Thanks for saying thanks! Joy, I have to tell you, I've had a lot of conversations regarding prophecy lately, up to and including people I know and respect believing that the end is VERY near, some even proclaiming dates. To me, in my heart, this is silly: NO ONE knows the hour or day, PERIOD. "Not even the Son" ... what we do know is that faith without works is dead. We know that we are called to shine light in dark times. We are called to serve. For myself, I'll focus on the serving and let the prophecy work itself out. Personally, I consider it a distraction... but thank you kindly for sharing!

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