The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 616 - Monkeypox, Marxism, and More Political Mayhem
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -21:51

TR 616 - Monkeypox, Marxism, and More Political Mayhem

Let's take an entertaining foray into the hottest propaganda of the day.

Reality still exists.

Cruising through the news this morning, I’m amazed at just how radically different the narratives are, that are being shamelessly peddled by competing media conglomerates. Given that everyone only has a limited amount of time to get informed about what’s happening in the world, this leads to people living in radically different worlds.

Of course, this is nothing new, but it is disturbing when you consider that some people simply believe whatever they’re told. Take a look at these headlines from Drudge this morning, and try to imagine the emotional impact on true believers:

It’s nauseating.

First of all, nobody in their right mind believes that Tim Walz appeals to old school Libertarians and Republican voters—but that’s not the target audience here. This drivel is designed to drive ignorant leftists further into their media-induced psychosis, priming their fear of a “far-right takeover” by suggesting that Donald Trump is getting desperate because “far-right influencers” are turning against him.

Laced throughout is the subtle impression that Trump is priming MAGA for another insurrection, because he knows that he’s no match for Kamala Harris. It’s utterly ridiculous, but again, people will believe it if they never hear anything else.

At the same time, we’ve got the liberal media trying to con people into believing that Republicans are afraid of Tim Walz’s manliness:

In humorous contrast, Roger Stone actually had the stones to quote Blazing Saddles and point out that “Tampon Tim” has been “jumping around like a Kansas City faggot” ever since he got selected as the VP candidate. In reality, Tim Walz is a sick-in-the-head-socialist who was hand-picked by the powers that be to help shove the Democrat’s communist agenda down the throat of the American people.

Make no mistake, that’s exactly what this entire election is really all about.

It’s a commie revolution, and they’re not even trying to hide it:

Note the slogan “FORWARD” and compare:

And just to make it perfectly clear where “FORWARD” is taking us, please note that the communists are “BUILDING A NEW WORLD”—aka the New World Order:

AND, just in case there was any doubt about what this New World is going to look like, it’s going to be sick, twisted, and gay:

Before moving onto less disgusting things, I’d like to drive the point home by coming full circle and noting that many of these sick bastards are already in government positions—such as Gay Mayor Pete Buttigieg (Transportation Secretary), the “non-binary” drag queen Sam Briton (U.S. Department of Energy), and the ugly-as-sin Dr. Rachel [Richard] Levine from the Department of Health and Human Services.

Note the similarities in pictures past and present:

What’s happening in America today is so sickening to me, it practically leaves me speechless—nevertheless, I will press forth out of obligation to call out the commie cabal and put the current revolution in its proper historical context.

It blows me away that back in 1936 the radical left was pushing pornography into politics, and that even back then they were “faking Ethiopian news.” Trying to wrap my head around it, it occurred to me that if they can convince men to dress like women and sleep with other men, then they can convince people of anything.

In some sense, they are just flexing the power of propaganda. They are demonstrating to the world that they can warp the very fabric of reality. Convincing the masses that the government is their friend should be relatively simple by comparison.

The implication is that they can convince the American people of literally anything.

As for the communist’s strange fascination with queers, I think it reveals both their complete detachment from reality, as well as their intentional targeting of the mentally unstable useful idiots, who are inevitably destined to do their bidding.

Fortunately, Donald Trump is not afraid to call it like it is:

Trump says Harris has gone 'full communist'

This remark was made with regard to Kamala’s plan for government price controlsi.e. centralized control of private industry—and quite ironically, Fox News is out with a piece today claiming Trump is WRONG for calling Kamala’s plan ‘full communist’.

Friends, the cerebral whiplash is real. This obscene degree of gaslighting is a direct attack on your mind, on my mind, and of course, on the minds of the masses.

As the historical propaganda shows, the communists know exactly what they are doing—even though the vast majority of people still remain none the wiser. Most people still do not realize that they are under attack, and that is a major problem. In fact, as I’ve said before, in my mind this is the greatest problem of all.

That said, I’d like to turn attention toward an entirely different threat.

Let’s zoom out.

You’ve probably been hearing murmurs of monkeypox making yet another comeback, prompting the World Health Organization to sound the alarm about another “global health emergency,” thereby priming fear over another pandemic:

I would like to point out that we’ve been here before.

Perhaps you recall the summer of 2022, when the media was whipping up a similar frenzy, even going so far as to declare monkeypox a “global pandemic” after it suspiciously mutated and rapidly spread to nearly 20 countries around the world.

We tracked that outbreak here:

This time around, just like last time, Big Pharma is all set to roll out their arsenal of vaccines. While some people are getting worked up about the fact that drug companies are essentially clamoring for another pandemic, it’s worth noting that these vaccines have been sitting around for at least five years.

From TR 122, published over two years ago:

“The United States is in the process of releasing Monkey Pox vaccines (which are similar to small pox vaccines, but specifically licensed to prevent monkeypox) from the national stockpile… I would point out that JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine has two approval letters at the website, one dated September 2019, the other dated June 2021, which for anyone keeping track of the dates surrounding the pandemic should raise an eyebrow.”

Research at that point had unveiled the multilateral Global Health Security Agenda, which was accelerating our own government’s Global VAX initiative, using nothing less than a “whole-of-government” effort to enhance international coordination with “non-governmental stakeholders”—i.e. Big Pharma.

Today, we find pharmaceutical CEO Paul Chaplin in the news making this chilling statement:

“We have inventory and we have the capabilities. What we’re missing are the orders.”

They acknowledge that they have an inventory of monkeypox vaccines, which undoubtedly have a shelf life, and they’ve announced that they are going to make 10 million more doses over the next year.

Now all they’re missing are the orders.

Then BOOM.

Having firmly established in prior reports that the globalist regime is hellbent on total control over a drastically reduced human population—via an inescapable digital surveillance state, digital IDs, and digital currency linked to a communist social credit system—there is no reason to think that these evildoers would not be willing to unleash another “Catastrophic Contagion” to achieve their evil ends.

These reports detail that scenario:

That said, I refuse to live in fear.

I’m not afraid of monkeypox, but do find it interesting that the World Economic Forum is pushing the monkeypox narrative as well. Their own Head of Health and Healthcare recently claimed that “countries will need to invest significant resources in controlling this outbreak.”

It’s almost like they’re planning for it. They even offer this fascinating map of the last outbreak, which strangely omits the fact that monkeypox originated in Africa:

What do you notice about the countries being “infected” by this virus?

HINT: It rhymes with NATO.

Beyond that, the highly esteemed Dr. Robert Malone cuts right to the chase:

“There is no question that there has been a concerted campaign to raise awareness and promote fear of this virus… this propaganda campaign has followed the classical psychological bioterrorism script described by former Soviet-Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) intelligence officer Dr. Alexander Kouzminov.”

In other words, given that they are following a script that is tried and true (like the commies always do), there is a distinct possibility that this just another psyop, that it’s meant to instill fear and drive the uptake of more toxic experimental injections.

Within his thorough analysis of the current situation, Dr. Malone also points out:

“Congressional investigators revealed that Anthony Fauci’s institute, NIAID, concealed plans to engineer a pandemic-capable monkeypox virus with a case fatality rate of up to 15%...”

Evidently, this government funded project was aimed at creating a lab-generated virus designed to transmit much more efficiently, with the capability of producing a global pandemic up to 1,000 times more lethal than one caused by the natural virus.

Need I say it?

What could possibly go wrong?!

I’m not going to dwell on it.

This week, as Kamala continues to duck reporters and avoid any sort of press conference, as more lies and confusion continue to memory-hole the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, as the Democrat National Convention “braces for bloodshed” and radical rioters unleash all hell on Chicago, and as worthless RINO Republicans toot their own horn over a toothless “impeachment report” exposing the Biden family crime syndicate, try not to take your eye off the ball.

The first step in a Communist Revolution is to win the battle of democracy. We are witnessing this revolution right before our very eyes. It is happening, right now.

Thus, if you’re ready to Fight! Fight! Fight!, you’d better get ready to prove it.



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