First of all, thank you.
Thank you for indulging me when I veer off onto tangents of philosophical musing or the nitty-gritty details of political strategies. It has not escaped me that most people come here looking for insightful commentary on the daily political circus.
So, thank you for indulging me, and thank you for hearing me out. It’s a fast moving train and there is always more of interest than can be squeezed into a single daily report. Some days we’ll take the high road, other days we’ll poke fun at the clowns.
Today, in the spirit of a righteous smack down, I’d like to clobber the clowns.
No doubt over the last few days you’ve heard all the hype about Kamala Harris picking a radical leftist for her VP running mate. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is a world-class jackass, a chickenshit coward and baldfaced liar who dropped out of the military so he didn’t get deployed, and an unabashedly arrogant socialist—the absolute worst kind. There’s so much damning news on this turd, it’s disgusting:
Tim Walz Said He Wants to Ban Guns He ‘Carried in War.’ He Never Saw Combat…
BREAKING: Tim Walz, White House dodge reporters’ questions about stolen valor…
And here’s a little taste of his socialist flare:
“One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”
—VP pick Tim Walz
It’s almost unimaginable, but it actually gets worse. This tool is currently trending as “Tampon Tim” because he pushed a Minnesota state mandate forcing public schools to put tampons in boys bathrooms. Yes, he’s that kind of stupid.
He is also a militant COVID fanatic and mask-nazi, who set up snitch lines to report anyone who dared to defy his unscientific, power-tripping, authoritarian edicts.
Tim “The Weirdo” Walz also redefined sexual orientation to include pedophiles, then authorized the state to take children away from their parents for the purpose of medical mutilation (aka “gender-affirming care”), and declared Minnesota a “transgender sanctuary state.”
In other words, this mother-f*cker is sick in the head. Pardon the French.
It really, truly, deeply pisses me off that people like this are being elevated to positions of power, whereby they can continue to normalize perversion and legalize the exploitation of children. There is a special place in hell for these sick bastards.
At any rate, on top of that, this sick and despicable coward claims to be so “pro-abortion” that even Nancy Pelosi has suggested he moderate his stance.
Chew on that one.
But don’t forget to breathe.
Just quickly, as I’m pouring through the news and compiling these stories, I can feel my blood-pressure rise. I feel the emotions of frustration and anger. I feel myself get fighting mad. I want to fight, to bite, to punch and kick to defend the defenseless.
And then I feel sad. It’s heart-wrenching. What’s happening in our country is terrible. It’s wrong. It’s sick. It’s evil. I would do anything to stop it, that’s how I feel.
This emotional roller-coaster is precisely why these headlines are all the hype. That’s the power of propaganda. They are priming the pump. They want people to feel desperate to do something. They want people so emotionally charged they can’t think straight—and they want people fighting mad, just in time for the election.
Keep in mind, they are pushing these buttons on purpose, on both sides of the aisle.
And don’t forget to breathe:
Take a deep breath in, and then let out all the air. Completely empty.
Take another deep breath, deeper than before, and pause when your lungs are full.
Take a moment to feel your heartbeat, pausing to appreciate being alive.
Relax your neck, shoulders, and body as you slowly exhale.
Repeat as needed.
Breath control is the most basic building block of self-control. When we learn to control our breathing, we learn to control our heart rate and our emotional state of mind. This is a critical skill set, and it’s more important now than ever before.
Back to the fray…
Regarding Kamala Harris making the “shocking” pick of the radical Tim Walz, Trump says, “I could not be more thrilled.” Indeed, it’s hard to imagine any easier ticket to beat. We’ve got a cackling clown who nobody likes, who’s dumb as a box of rocks and slept her way to the top, paired up with a sick-in-the-head lying sack of shit.
There is no way in hell this Democrat ticket represents a majority of Americans.
And yet, consider what the useful idiots are being fed:
Do you believe it?
Do you believe that Donald Trump is frustrated with his campaign, that he’s panicking as the “odds grow long” because Kamala Harris is pulling ahead in multiple states, soaring by 8 points?
Of course not. This is gaslighting at its finest.
Here’s a reality check, from The Hill today: Trump holds wide lead over Harris (Aug. 8)
You do know what this is all about, right?
It’s meant to “ROIL MAGA.”
And by the way, that picture of the “huge Harris crowd” is a hot load of crap.
It was a staged photo-op, taken in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where thousands of people were gathered to hear the screechy falsetto voice of a hometown hero, Eau Claire native Justin Vernon and his Grammy award-winning indie folk band Bon Iver.
Vernon has performed to massive crowds around the world. People like his music.
People do not like Kamala Harris. They never have, they never will. Never forget, she was the very first person eliminated by Democrat voters in the 2020 primary. Just because the establishment edged out Old Joe and gave her all his delegates and money, doesn’t mean that anyone actually likes her.
In reality, Kamala Harris co-opted the concert, just like she did with the rapper in Atlanta. This is probably because her campaign has failed miserably in trying to harass popular online streamers into bringing her onto their shows.
For those unfamiliar, this is nothing more than a very lame attempt by Team Kamala to keep up with the uber-cool, massively successful live stream that Donald Trump did with the wildly popular livestreamer Adin Ross—who gifted Trump a Rolex and a badass Cybertruck, done up in style with the iconic fighting fist of resistance:
The Democrats like to think that they’re cool.
They try to act like they’re cool.
Donald Trump is actually cool.
The proof is in the pudding.
But all that’s just theater, entertaining as it may be.
There are more serious angles of consideration, such as Tim Walz’s deep ties to China, including his 30+ trips to the communist country, and the fact that he spent his honeymoon there. According to the Gateway Pundit:
“His travels were not merely for tourism; he was granted a special work visa by the Chinese government, which raises questions about his loyalties and motivations. During his time in China, he reportedly expressed a deep admiration for the country.”
Of course, Tim Walz is not the only one with deep admiration for the CCP. You may recall that the global cabal, and several stooges within our own government, have repeatedly praised the Chinese Communist Party as a role model for the world.
On an entertaining and related sidenote, Elon Musk just called it like it is:
It would be pure gold, if it weren’t so disturbing… which is why I like to say: “The commies are taking over the world!!!”
Sounds crazy. Totally true.
Communists want to centralize control in the hands of the state. They want to control the means of production and consumption. They want total control of energy and the food supply. They have a zealous craving to control every aspect of your life.
Most importantly, they want to control what you think, how you behave, and what you believe. In other words, they want to make you a slave.
That’s the only way they can make things “equitable” and guarantee “equal outcomes.”
It’s insane and completely incongruent with reality, and yet this set of infectious socialist ideas, driven by military grade memes, is currently running rampant among the upper echelons of so-called “civilized” society—most especially among the ranks of the Enlightened Leaders and the useful idiots who hang on their every word.
Today’s Democrat ticket is a stark reminder of the seductive nature of these timeless lies. There is nothing more antithetical to American tradition than the tenets of communism—and yet we have presidential contenders running on the premise.
We have the media and politicians constantly squawking about how anyone who wants to Make America Great Again is a “threat to democracy,” fleecing the public with the mind-numbing mantra that somehow we need to “save our democracy.”
Behold the Communist Manifesto:
The first step in a Communist Revolution is to win the battle of democracy.
The Communists are working to unite the Democrats all around the world.
They disdain to conceal their aims, and they aim to forcibly overthrow “all existing social conditions” of American culture. Our morals. Our traditions. Our Constitution and our individual rights. Gone.
Can you see it now?
They have a world to win.
Friends, nearest I can tell, they are about one election away from pulling it off.
We’ll talk more about the peaceful transition of power tomorrow.
Until then, tell your friends: RESIST WE MUST!!!
PS: Thanks to a great deal of encouragement, today I finally did my first livestream on Rumble. I’m still working out the kinks, but if you prefer video, check it out:
Click here to watch the replay.
Thank you for supporting The Torch Report!
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