It feels like fall.
The wind is blowing hard this morning in Eastern Washington. There is a distinct chill in the air and it smells like fall to me. This transition in seasons always stimulates a sudden burst of urgency to get outdoor projects, which have mostly been neglected all summer, wrapped up before the winter weather hits.
I’ve got time, but time is getting short.
This time of year also prompts a lot of reflection, for me personally. My mind wanders into the meaning of life and as I contemplate what feels like a rapidly increasing number of laps around the sun. This is the season of long shadows, steadily shifting sunsets, the turning of leaves, and other natural reminders of the wonder that engulfs us all. Fall time provides irrefutable proof that the world is indeed still turning.
Fall time also means it’s back to school, fall time sports, and the biggest social event of the year, the local county fair. Later today, my wife and I will head up to the fairgrounds to help set up a booth to help get out the vote, and tonight we’ll haul the horse up and hoot and holler as the kiddo competes in the Western Games.
Such events are a beautiful tradition, hearkening back to the good old days, when Americans shared a sense of being strong, independent, hardworking rebels—to when “it’s a free country, do what you want” was a common refrain.
Contrasting this existential level of personal experience with the barrage of daily propaganda and attention grabbing headlines, and the news just fades away.
Last night, Elon Musk and Donald Trump “broke the internet” with a live two-hour conversation on X. I listened to some of it this morning, and I thought it was cool how Musk made a big deal out of Trump’s courage under fire.
You can’t fake that. It’s instinct. You either have it, or you don’t.
Elon went on to explain how, to him, Trump rising up with his fist in the air saying, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” was a perfect picture of the American fighting spirit. I’d add that back in the good old days, this fighting spirit, along with grit, tenacity, and determination, were hallmarks of what it meant to be an American.
People used to pride themselves on being tough. These days, not so much.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Rather than drawing upon innate inner toughness and instinctive resilience, these days people, particularly young people, have been conditioned to believe that words are violent, and that anything deemed offensive should be banned from the public square. People are literally afraid of hate speech and misinformation.
Imagine being pathologically afraid of certain words, or being so scared to think for yourself that you actually crave protection from other people’s opinions.
That’s how much things have changed.
Perhaps you’ve heard about how the EU was threatening Musk for his audacity to have a public conversation with public enemy number one?
European Censorship Czar Thierry Breton threw a temper tantrum because Musk would not bow and kiss his ring. Citing the sketchy NATO backed Digital Services Act—which is a blueprint for global censorship—Breton screeched about “adopting interim measures” to silence Musk and Trump, in order to “protect EU citizens from serious harm.”
Protect citizens for serious harm? Seriously?
Now, in the minds of Marxist tyrants and their mindless minions, open public discourse, unscripted and uncensored, is causing “serious harm” to the snowflake liberals who can no longer stomach facts or handle the free flow of information. Not only can they not handle the truth, they cannot tolerate the truth being told.
Anything politically incorrect is now deemed hate speech, and if you post hate speech on social media—even if you retweet someone else’s hate speech—the police will hunt you down, arrest you, and drag you off to jail.
This is happening all over Europe today:
Belgium Right-Wing Activist Sentenced to Prison in for “Hate Speech” Over Memes
UK citizen films his arrest for ‘offensive’ Facebook comments and it’s CHILLING!
Twitter users in the UK can still be jailed for sending ‘grossly offensive’ tweets
Imagine being sent to prison for “grossly offensive tweets.”
It’s ludicrous, and yet it’s coming soon to a city near you:
Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store over ‘Hate Speech’
New York Governor Announces ‘Surveillance Efforts’ to Monitor ‘Hate Speech’ on Social Media
I cannot imagine anything more antithetical to American culture, particularly the classically liberal sector of American culture, than this dastardly attempt to silence free speech. It’s disgusting, and anyone advocating for such nonsense should be flogged in the public square.
That said, there are a couple of things I’d like to point out here, before diving directly into the pool of uncouth and politically incorrect solutions. First, those “surveillance efforts” now being deployed to monitor hate speech have been in use for years. This is the “sentinel surveillance” (aka weaponized AI) that I’ve covered in prior reports.
This technology has been used for direct election interference all around the world.
But now that the chickens have come home to roost, so to speak, we are witnessing the whitewashing of state censorship and the normalizing of Orwellian surveillance. The point is, they’ve already been monitoring and censoring the public, now they are pretending like this is just normal government behavior.
It’s not, and it would never be acceptable, if it were not for the concurrent Algorithmic Social Interventions that are “nudging” the public to embrace the notion that somehow human beings are at risk of “serious harm” if they happen to accidentally get exposed to anything other than the state sanctioned narrative.
The second thing that must be pointed out, is that all of this is directly rooted in the oft forgotten globalist precept known as the “responsibility to protect”—as first reported by yours truly waaaay back in TR 65 - The Responsibility to Protect:
“This is a pattern. Truth is, we have a Responsibility to Protect all kinds of people from all kinds of things: Protect people everywhere from preventable death. Protect women from being oppressed. Protect minorities from discrimination. Protect the planet from humanity. You get the picture.
Where does this pattern in language come from? It comes from the U.N., or more specifically, from The International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICR2P). Using this language, and disseminating it through a network of NGO’s, the global cabal can effectively form consensus and convince the masses of the need to take action on almost anything.”
In a nutshell, by leveraging fear and human instinct, the global cabal has mastered the craft of controlling human behavior. Now they’re using weaponized AI to do so on a planetary scale. If you think it through, the implications are truly stunning.
That said, let’s turn the table.
Politically Incorrect Solutions
Driving through town with my family yesterday afternoon, I noticed a homeless bum passed out on a nice patch of grass in front of a local establishment. In many places, this would seem normal. In our quaint little town, it was highly out of place.
This is unacceptable, I thought, and I said as much. “Somebody should go over there and beat that bum with a stick,” I said, to which my daughter replied, “Dad, you can’t really do that, you’d get in trouble.”
After acknowledging she was right, I proceeded to make the case that though this was a politically incorrect thing to say—aka “hate speech” or “violent rhetoric”—it was still a philosophically sound solution. In other words, if society was left to sort itself out via natural law, such parasitic people would be purged via the harsh and unforgiving process of natural selection.
No, you cannot live here. No, you cannot stay here. This is not your property.
You can leave and self-sustain your own pathetic existence some place else, or you can get beaten with a stick each and every day, until you pull your head out of your ass, get your shit together, and start contributing to society. The choice is yours.
There are no free rides. Life is not fair. That’s just the way that it is.
We might think of this as applying “natural” incentive to better one’s station in life.
The purpose is not to be mean, but instead, to uphold natural order.
Think about it.
Taking an example from nature, each spring I watch the deer roaming the hillside behind the cabin. When they trot out the season’s fawns, the yearlings are not far behind. In what would undoubtedly seem appalling to people who are detached from the natural world, the mother deer inevitably ends up attacking the yearlings.
She lunges at last year’s babies, violently throwing her hooves at the face of the shocked adolescent deer. It seems cruel, but is it? What’s going on here?
The mother deer instinctively knows that she cannot sustain and protect both sets of offspring. The yearlings have been taught to forage and dodge danger on their own, and now they need a little incentive—natural incentive, which is often violent—in order to do so. This is imperative so that she can focus on protecting and raising her new fawns. It’s a perfectly natural, perfectly understandable phenomenon.
Extracting the relevant lesson here, we can see the need for a similar approach to many societal ills. Bums, drug addicts, and shoplifters should all get beat with a stick, compassionately, for the purpose of accelerating their journey of personal development. Sometimes pain is the proper motivational force.
This fact has not been overlooked by the globalists, which is why I often say that “pain is part of the plan,” and why they’ve openly declared their intent to use “more stick.”
The irony here, is that the globalists (and leftists in general) have no problem using violence and force to impose their will upon the rest of us—while simultaneously, and quite superfluously, they condition the public to believe that violence is morally reprehensible. This is not accidental.
The result is playing out in the news every day. Violent criminals are running amok, raping and pillaging the village, while most men are too scared of prison to use the requisite violence and force needed to defend their communities and restore order.
It is a complete departure from natural order. Examples abound.
Of course, the purpose of this decades long dumbing down and domestication of the masses—which was prerequisite to accepting the absurdly unnatural behaviors that are so prolifict in modern society—is ultimately designed to quell any rebel uprising.
Unfortunately, their success in this transformation of human behavior has forced us into a situation where the proper application of force and violence is no longer a workable solution. Having a super majority of people conditioned to reject natural order, a man can now be arrested for defending his family from violent thugs.
Think about what that means.
By extension, for all my fellow warrior types, given the censorship and media manipulation, any civil war scenario would also demonize the good guys. The good guys would not only be grossly outnumbered in terms of public sentiment, but they would also be grossly out matched in terms of a “whole-of-government” use of force aimed squarely at crushing the mislabeled “domestict terrorists” in an effort to erradicate these “extremists” once and for all.
The passive masses will be clamoring for protection and demanding that the goverment do everything within its power to restore peace and stability—and that begins with censoring hate speech and mean tweets, because people speaking freely and thinking for themselves is clearly a threat to democracy.
Thus, we have come full circle. The only way out is through.
As I’ve been harping on here recently, we have to do what must be done. We can win this war, but it must be fought in the political trenches. You can fantasize about other solutions, but at the end of the day, it’s the only way.
If you disagree, prove me wrong.
As always, RESIST WE MUST!
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