The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 614 - How Fear Inducing Propaganda Turns Good People into Mindless Slaves
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TR 614 - How Fear Inducing Propaganda Turns Good People into Mindless Slaves

Splitting hairs to refine perspective and empower much needed change.

It’s hard.

Thinking for oneself, developing an independent perspective, and standing your ground in the face of competing, conflicting, and discordant beliefs is difficult.

It is in our nature to get along, most often, and to soften our stance to avoid the stress of openly opposing another person’s perspective. This is especially true in our inner circles of family and friends, and it feeds into the classic “birds of a feather” social behavior that causes society to self-organize into different schools of thought.

This is all perfectly normal, but it’s worth noting that with the advent of social media and weaponized algorithms, this feature of human psychology is being heavily exploited to systematically separate people into warring factions, for the nefarious purpose to divide and conquer us all.

Another interesting feature of human nature that I’ve encountered a lot lately is a stubborn rejection of good news. Rather than be encouraged and accepting of good news, I’ve noticed a pattern of people rejecting good news in favor of clinging to the enticing possibilities of doom and gloom.

It makes sense, biologically, if you think about it.

Better to be safe than sorry, right?

But still, it’s irritating at times to realize just how entrenched and almost addictive negative thinking can be. It can be exceedingly difficult to dislodge the doom and gloom, to pivot one’s perspective toward a positive, productive psychological state.

This pattern is easy to observe. Think back to the pandemic.

During the pandemic, after a great deal of research and study, I put together a presentation called “Shifting Perspective: Analyzing the Science of Covid-19.” It opened with the question: Should you be scared?

After laying out all the data, the answer was clear: No, you do not need to be afraid.

That’s good news, right? The media was doing everything within its power to keep people scared out of their minds, but the truth was, and is, the threat was over-hyped. Most people who got sick had minor flu-like symptoms. The survival rate was over 99% for most demographics. There was no need for fear.

But people didn’t want to hear it. Most people rejected the good news, in favor of living in fear. Same goes for the masks: hey, you don’t have to wear a mask, they don’t actually help, so you can breathe freely, smile, and enjoy the fresh air—but no, as we all know, most people chose to go along to get along, again, living in fear.

Some were living in fear of an invisible enemy, others were living in fear of social rejection and getting picked on by mask-nazis and Karens. Regardless, the vast majority of people were too afraid to stand bare-faced in a crowd.

Knowing the science behind it, this behavior was sickening to me.

Another example of people rejecting good news comes up each time I present a counter-narrative perspective that challenges the perception of impending doom. These reports—such as the slue of reports written last week, like TR 610 - The Boy Who Cried Wolf & What Happens Next—are inevitably among the least read and liked reports. It’s a predictable trend.

When I point out that the worst case scenario is unlikely to upend life on the home front, for most people, that even in a civil war most people will not be ducking bullets, that the world will keep turning even in a catastrophic market collapse, or that the threat of nuclear war, an EMP, or other such threats are being over-blown, there is a certain sector of the audience that tunes out.

I see this trend in the stats, by the way, if you’re curious as to the point of reference.

This too is resisting good news, is it not? Life is good. The future is full of infinite positive potential, even in the midst of the geopolitical shitstorm and every day circus. It is true that bad things are happening, and that we are staring into the socialist abyss. It is true that our country is being torn apart by a Marxist Cultural Revolution.

It is true that the commies are trying to take over the world.

It is true that there are millions of military aged immigrants flooding into our country, that many of them harbor hate and ill-will toward America, that some of them are purportedly training for an all out invasion, that others are trafficking drugs and women and children, and that virtually all of them are getting away with it.

It is true that the political establishment is corrupt to the core, that many of them are facilitating this invasion, that the elite political class doesn’t give a damn about the Constitution or the rights of We The People, they don’t care about laws, equal justice, or any sort of accountability. What they care about is money, power, and personal enrichment. They care about control.

It is also true that there are great evildoers and true tyrants in the world, who are doing terrible things each and every day. There are innocent people getting slaughtered in every corner of the globe. There are sick and twisted predators, at every level of society, who get sadistic pleasure from inflicting pain and forcefully imposing their evil wills upon other people.

But life is still good.

These aspects of humanity have always been there. There have been evil people doing evil things throughout all of human history—but life is still good.

This is an inherent paradox in Nature.

It is undeniably true that good and evil coexist in every moment of the infinitely unfolding perpetual now. I believe this is a powerful truth that can help liberate one’s mind from the bondage of fear.

We need not deny the very real threats to our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Instead, we need to acknowledge them, prepare if need be, compartmentalize and then move forward living our lives in a personally meaningful way.

In a perfect world, warriors would rise up to defend liberty by any and all necessary means, including fighting in the political trenches or refreshing the Tree of Liberty. Our founding fathers have made this abundantly clear, that the first duty of every American is civic engagement—else we deserve to live under the boot of despotism—and that our government must be reminded from time to time that we still retain the Spirit of Resistance.

As I’ve strived to make clear over the last 600+ reports, the far greater threat than what the propagandists would have us fear, is the subconscious transformation of human behavior. There is a science to taming the human mind, to making it passive and receptive, thereby conditioning the peasants to trust their masters.

We’ve covered this in depth.

With the use of weaponized AI, we now face the very real threat of witnessing menticide on a massive, global scale. This, if anything, is truly scary.

Imagine, if you dare, a world in which 80% of the population has been so heavily brainwashed, they are no longer capable of thinking for themselves. Furthermore, imagine this same majority implicitly trusts everything the government tells them, they sincerely and naively believe everything the media tells them, and on top of all that, there is an army of algorithms endlessly monitoring and carefully pruning “emerging” public perceptions.

Those who control the algorithms will control the flow of information, which will control how the vast majority of people think and behave. This is already happening now, and it has been for more than a decade (which explains a lot about where we’re at in society right now), but the true impact of this great evil has yet to be realized.

If any of this is unfamiliar to you, you can sharpen your perspective with these reports:

Let’s zoom out.

I want to get back to the good stuff, to the fact life is still good, even though I realize it’s less popular than promoting all the fear porn.

Think about it.

The financial blogs that preach economic collapse are usually selling you on gold and precious metals. The prepper blogs that preach societal collapse are typically selling you emergency supplies. The personal defense blogs that preach impending violence are invariably selling you tactical equipment and training.

In other words, they are all profiting by promoting and provoking a fearful state of mind. It’s a tried and true business model, and it pretty much works every damn time.

The good news is, we don’t have to live in fear.

What?! What the hell are you talking about Luke?!!
The world is going to hell right before our eyes!!

Fair enough. You’d be wise to have some precious metals to pad against economic collapse. You’d be wise to have emergency supplies on hand and have a plan. You’d also be wise to brush up on personal defense, and maybe take some training.

I’m not saying that any of that is bad, or that it’s not necessary, or that it’s ill-advised. Indeed, I would advocate for maximum preparedness given the circumstance.

BUT… life is still good.

The future is still bright.

We are in a war, and we can win.

This is a pivotal election, but it will come and go.

The world will keep turning regardless of the outcome.

If we don’t want to live like slaves, we need to lift the gaze.

If we don’t want our children and grandchildren to live like slaves, we’ve got work to do—hard damn work—and it’s going to take consistent effort over an extended period of time.


Negative thinking, negative mental projections, and negative emotions all drain our energy. Negativity increases stress, which increases cortisol levels and creates a cascade of detrimental physiological effects, all of which: A) hampers our ability to mount an effective opposition to global tyranny and top-down control of our every day lives; and B) significantly damages our quality of life in the process.

Thus, living in fear is a lose-lose proposition, just like perpetual conflict.

The good news is, there are solutions to these problems.

These solutions are positive solutions, rooted in positive perspective, which is the source of grit, tenacity, and determination. To muster the discipline and drive required to correct course, we must be emotionally motivated by positive potential.

Before we can win, we must believe we can win.

We must embrace the gift of life just as it is, work with what we’ve got, exercise the power of choice, and choose to do what must be done, tackling every challenge with robust optimism, believing even before we start, that it is possible to find solutions and create positive change. This is the only way.

As for the constant fear inducing propaganda…



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The Torch Report
The Torch Report
Discussing the Threats. Exposing the Lies. Destroying the Narrative. Each episode of The Torch Report delivers a concentrated dose of wit, wisdom, and incisive political analysis that eclipses what you'll find in a week of mainstream media. The Torch Report shines light on the dark corners of humanity's future, exploring the dangers of weaponized AI, biological warfare, propaganda, and the captivating drama of global politics.
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