Let’s begin.
You know the story, I’m sure, about the boy who cried wolf.
It’s one of Aesop’s fables, dating back centuries, to perhaps the mid-1400s.
As the story goes, the boy guarding the sheep enjoyed getting a rouse out of the villagers by sounding the alarm, “There’s a wolf! There’s a wolf!”
Of course, he was just being a punk kid, and there really was no wolf, so in time the villagers learned to just tune him out and ignore his sounding off.
Then, one fateful night, there really was a wolf, or perhaps a whole pack of wolves. The boy cried out, “There’s a wolf! There’s a wolf!” but nobody was listening.
The wolves ate up the whole flock of sheep, and then they ate the boy.
Moral of the story: don’t be a liar, or you’ll get eaten by wolves.
Actually, that’s not the official interpretation, that’s just me being playful. The moral lesson, classically speaking, is that if you are a liar, and everyone knows you’re a liar, then nobody will believe you, even when you tell the truth.
Also, by extension, if you sound the alarm about something over and over again, and it never comes to pass, then people will start to ignore your alarms and suspect that you are nothing more than a sensational crackpot looking for attention, or a fool, or both.
Either way, people stop listening.
Even the boy who cried wolf told the truth at least once. Similarly, even a crackpot or a fool might make an accurate prediction and sound an appropriate alarm once in a while. Thus, one might tune them out completely at risk of being caught off guard.
This is part of the reason that I regularly scrape the bottom of the barrel and sift through the slop and propaganda being put out by the mainstream media.
They lie constantly. Virtually nothing they say is ever accurate or true.
And yet, along with the pleasure of pointing out their hypocrisy, insanity, and lies, I am also aware that every once in a while, they might actually be telling the truth. Some liberal sources may in fact, once in a blue moon, due some accurate reporting.
Anyhow, the reason the boy who cried wolf was on my mind, is because of the “Black Monday” routing of financial markets yesterday. Indeed, there was a truly historic drop of over 1,000 points on the NASDAQ, and markets around the world were getting clubbed like a baby seal.
This is it.
Everything bad that could happen is honest-to-goodness just about to happen.
That was the story being told.
Everyone who is anyone has known that the powers that be have been kicking the can since 2008, that America’s economy is set for an epic collapse, that de-dollarization is an essential precursor to global digital currency, and that it’s really just a matter of time before the global banksters pull the plug on the American Dream.
And hey, why not do it in an election year, just when it appears Trump has an unstoppable momentum about to catapult him back into the White House and thereby thrust another stick in the spokes of the globalists’ plans, right?
In other words, for all the financial analysts who have been preaching economic doom and gloom for the last 15+ years, yesterday was the day that it was all going down. They’d tried to tell us. We’d been properly warned, repeatedly, that it was just a matter of time. And this time, all hell was really going to break loose—and yet it didn’t.
Today, everything is on the up and up. The markets have bounced back. Catastrophic collapse has been averted, yet again, this time without even invoking Fed intervention.
Whew. That was close. Just don’t get too comfortable, because the real collapse is really coming. It might be an EMP or solar flare knocking out the grid and plunging us back into darkness. It might be Russian hackers crippling financial institutions. It could be China calling on all our debt or officially dethroning the dollar.
Who knows how it will all play out, but it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.
At least that’s been the thinking in the circles I’ve been running in since my days in finance. It’s a common trope that’s been around, and to be honest, it’s getting old.
I feel like one of the villagers listening to the boy who cried wolf.
Sure, maybe some day sooner than later, the wolves of Wall Street and the global bankers are going to gobble up all of our money. Maybe. Maybe someday the entire economy might come crashing down around our ears. Maybe.
Tell me: is there anything we can do to stop it?
It’s supposedly going to wipe out your savings, make any money you have in the bank inaccessible, and make all the money in the coffee can just a worthless piece of paper.
But then what???
All of the sudden you’re going to wish you had bought some silver and gold, right? Because everyone is going to be running around trading in silver and gold, right?
Very few people are going to be running around trading in silver and gold, because very few people have the foresight to realize this eventuality is essentially inevitable.
Besides, you can’t eat a shiny rock.
Thus, most people are going to be freaking the F*CK out, because they will instantly lose their ability to procure goods and services—i.e. without money, with the system down, they will not be able to buy groceries, feed their families, etc.
Society implodes, that’s what. Gangs of desperate and starving people will quickly spread into the suburbs to rob and steal to feed their own—and they will kill you.
You have your stash of food, so you’re good for a month or two, right? And you’ve got your guns and ammo, so you can defend yourself, right? That’s great.
The chances of you stopping a violent gang of a hundred thugs who are hellbent on killing you and taking your food are, well, bleak. You’ll get some of them for sure, you might even fend off the first pack or two, but eventually, you’ll be overrun.
Or they’ll just wait until you sleep. Then what?
Remember, in this hypothetical situation, in this worst case scenario, it’s not like the lights are just going to pop back on, especially if it’s a massive grid failure driven by some cataclysmic event. You’re going to be on your own, surviving alone, for a while.
Are you prepared?
Are you physically prepared? Are you psychologically prepared?
Is your family?
Do you have the sort of knowledge and network that you’d need to stand strong with a tight-knit community of neighbors, family, and friends? Have you really thought this through? Do you have a bug-out bag, a rendezvous point, and other tactical strategies?
These are all the things that preppers have been prepping for.
The most prepared have been preparing for these contingencies for years, perhaps decades, but once you’re prepared...
Then what?
I’ve been having this conversation a lot lately, in an effort to elevate awareness to two important points: 1) if you are not prepared, you are going to be in a world of hurt if it ever happens; and 2) if you are prepared, then it’s time to play some offense, just in case it never actually happens.
Offense is a political game, just in case that’s not clear.
Contrary to poplar opinion, I speculate that the greatest threat is not actually the material, physical threats that we perceive in the world around us. These threats are real, and there is some chance they may happen, however big or small, so you’d be wise to have a plan and prepare accordingly.
However, regardless of whether any of these worst case scenarios actually happen or not—meaning, regardless of whether the grid goes down, the economy collapses, there’s a nuclear war, or whatever—NO MATTER WHAT, the cabal keeps marching on.
The greater threat is political capture, and the globalists are playing for keeps.
They want total control of a reduced population, and they’ve said as much out loud.
“We just don’t need the majority of the human population.”
—Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, speaking at Davos
This key realization allows us to pivot from the all-consuming threat of impending doom, to the very real, very sneaky integration of globalist policies (i.e. Agenda 2030), at every level of government. Hence the political game.
Even worse is the insidious suggestion that these globalist policies — which are socialist policies, designed to transition the world toward global governance, under the banner of Global Democracy, which is just rebranded Communism, just FYI — that these policies are absolutely critical to save us all from a Triple Planetary Crisis.
In other words, the greater threat here is a long term threat.
It’s the threat of global socialism being forcefully imposed under the guise of saving the planet. It’s the threat of having the masses conditioned to accept the collective sacrifice of personal freedoms and self-sovereignty, for the sake of the greater good.
Even if all hell breaks loose, even if the sky starts falling, even if we do have a hung election and a civil war, these threats are still going to be there. The algorithms will continue to work their dark magic, warping and transforming human consciousness.
Weaponized AI will relentlessly be used to track down, silence, and punish dissenters.
This is already happening, big time.
It’s happening in Paris, at the Olympics:
“An AI algorithm is wading through the oceans of content social media users are posting about the Olympics with a singular mission: neutralising online abuse.”
It’s happening in the UK, where social media users are being arrested for “malicious communications”—i.e. for mocking the ridiculous transgender agenda.
It’s happening all around the world, and it’s happening right here at home.
Secretaries of State are now accusing Elon Musk’s Grok AI of spreading “election misinformation,” demanding that he funnel users toward the state sanctioned truth:
“Secretaries of state are grappling with an onslaught of AI-driven election misinformation, including deepfakes, ahead of the 2024 election. …
Many of them are also still beating back the ramifications of widespread false conspiracy theories that plagued the last presidential election. …
We urge X to immediately adopt a policy of directing Grok users to CanIVote.org when asked about elections in the U.S. …”
Because that is the only version of truth that should be allowed, right? And anyone spreading disinformation should be deplatformed and demonetized via GARM, right?
Think about what this means for the long term.
There is a global coup afoot. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing, and beware of those who cry wolf. We need to be aware, not alarmed.
We are in a battle and we can win this war, but not if we’re running scared, and certainly not if we remain distracted by the political circus or if our focus is being trained on things that are out of our control—more on that tomorrow.
It should go without saying, but it’s also imposible to win if we’re only playing defense.
The wise will keep that in mind.
(PS: Today is primary day in Washington State.
Vote like your life depends on it.
And don’t forget to turn in your ballot!)
TR 610 - The Boy Who Cried Wolf & What Happens Next