The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 611 - How We The People Can Win Against Unconventional Warfare

TR 611 - How We The People Can Win Against Unconventional Warfare

We are at war, and we are losing, but that does not mean defeat is inevitable.

Chose your battle.

Today, I’d like to start with the end in mind. In yesterday’s report about the boy who cried wolf, we surveyed several vectors of geopolitical chaos and then leaned into “what happens next” by repeatedly asking the question: and then what?

The reason, as stated, was to make two points:

  1. If you are not prepared, you are going to be in a world of hurt if any of the worst-case scenarios ever happen;

  2. If you are prepared, then now is the time to play some offense, just in case it never actually happens.

It’s good to be prepared. Once you’re prepared, it’s time to go on offense. Given that there is no way to know for certain if or when any of the terrible things we fret about might happen, we should instead turn our attention toward what we know for sure:

There is a global coup afoot. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing, and beware of those who cry wolf. We need to be aware, not alarmed.

We are in a battle and we can win this war, but not if we’re running scared, and certainly not if we remain distracted by the political circus or if our focus is being trained on things that are out of our control—more on that tomorrow (today).

The situation we find ourselves in is vastly complex. The forces and trajectories are literally incalculable. There are too many things, moving in too many directions, at too many different speeds. Our minds are being swarmed and overwhelmed by what-ifs and unknowns, and as you well know, this is all by design.

For some people, this sends them into a tizzy of doom, gloom, and fear.

Why plan for the future when the world is going to end next week? Why engage politically when the system is rigged and hopelessly corrupt? Why care when we can’t do anything about it?

Better to just hole up, stock up, and tune out. Better to just pray and wait for the rapture. Better to just ignore what’s happening in the world, because honestly, even just thinking about it feels like it’s just too much to bear.

If you ever find yourself in this place, they’ve got you just where they want you.

In kinetic warfare, this is the equivalent of cowering in the corner why the enemy is overrunning the trenches. It’s a shortcut to defeat, and it’s a shameful way to die.

For other, more industrious folks, the same relentless barrage of doom and gloom drives them to do whatever they can to prepare for the final battle. They dig in. They fortify. They network. They train. These people are pretty much prepared for just about any possible scenario—though they tend to overlook the slow roll of insanity.

Unfortunately, this group is stuck playing defense, which also plays directly into the enemies hand. All the prepping tends to consume their resources, both mentally and materially. But most importantly, it invokes a fatalistic mindset that assumes the worst case scenario is actually inevitable.

In the wartime analogy, this is the equivalent of digging a foxhole, filling sand bags, counting rounds, rationing food, and cleaning weapons, day after day, waiting for the final battle to commence. Every rustle in the bush could kick things off.

You know the enemy is out there. You know they’re coming for you. You just don’t know when. Best to be eternally vigilant, always on guard, and ready to fight to the death on a moment’s notice. It’s not a matter of if, it’s just a matter of time.

As commendable as this stoic approach may be, strategically speaking, it’s suicide.

The longer you’re holed up, the more time the enemy has to circle your position, the more time they have to observe your patterns and watch your supplies dwindle.

Perhaps they lob some grenades or reign down some mortars—and perhaps you are prepared for that—but in time, you will get ground down, and you will be overrun.

That’s the problem with just playing defense.

Alternately, you might live out your life in this fortified position, always waiting for the day the enemy strikes, only to realize in your final days the enemy had long since moved on. Somehow the enemy knew that they had you beat, that they had you trapped in your own preparedness, imprisoned by the projections of your mind.

They knew you posed no threat. You were isolated and far away from the battle. Therefore, there was no need to do more than simply monitor your situation.

And we’re all being monitored.

Let’s zoom out.

We’ve talked a lot about the Kabuki Theater and the ongoing political circus. We’ve spent a great deal of time parsing the various narratives, teasing out themes, and attempting to tune into the signal amidst all the noise.

The underlying purpose has always been to ascertain, to whatever degree possible, some insight into what lies ahead. The Torch Report has been more than just drive-by punditry, it’s been a wholehearted effort to shine light on what’s really going on in the world, in an effort to understand the fullness of our sticky situation.

As I’ve said many times before, we cannot solve a problem that we do not understand.

To be sure, we are facing many different problems, but it feels to me as if a common theme has been emerging, namely the massive need for offensive maneuvers.

What is happening in America is happening all around the world. Like I said, we are facing a global coup, wherein the powerful elites are flexing their ability to forcefully impose their socialist agenda, rewrite history, and brainwash the masses at scale.

But, at the end of the day, practically speaking, their only real teeth are felt in the biting government policies that restrict our abilities to live as free human beings. These policies are inevitably being implemented via the political process.

Thus, by capturing the political process, they can control how we live our lives.

The end result is that we will live out our days as slaves to the state.

“The greater threat is political capture, and the globalists are playing for keeps.”
TR 610 - The Boy Who Cried Wolf & What Happens Next

When it comes to political capture, as to how the enemy is capturing our political system, there are a few things that I want to point out:

  1. The enemy is using a divide and conquer strategy.

  2. They are focused on capturing strategic areas.

  3. They are perfectly fine if you stay in your foxhole.

I was recently given an extensive tour of the Tacoma, WA area by my brother. He’s lived there his whole life, working as a roofer from the age of 15. He’s roofed hundreds of homes and commercial buildings, and he was proudly showing me them all.

It’s a very urban area, with some really nice parks and pretty parts of town, industrial areas, and of course the occasional ghetto and rougher neighborhoods that you wouldn’t want to walk through at night. As we zigzagged back and forth across the city, there was a thought teasing at the back of my mind. Look at all these people.

How many are aware of what’s happening in the world?

How many are just busy in the hustle and bustle of living their lives?

How many are prepared for what lies ahead?

How many are going to just go along and get along with the globalists’ plans?

How many will be willing to make a stand?

Thinking about the pandemic, the prospect of the masses rising up against global tyranny seems bleak. We don’t see American farmers dumping dung in capital cities, do we? We don’t see Americans fighting back against violent migrant gangs, do we?

No, we don’t. Instead, we see most people going about their lives as if these things are not happening at all. Perhaps they are blissfully unaware, or perhaps they are willfully ignorant. Regardless, they are more or less worthless when it comes to resisting the enemy forces seeking to capture the American system.

Meanwhile, patriots are holed up in rural areas all across the heartland.

The contrast in perspectives and lifestyles reveals a disturbing truth.

While those who are prepared are waiting for an anticipated attack (rural areas), those who are unprepared are already being relentlessly attacked (urban areas).

Think about that.

Here it’s critical to grasp both the unconventional methods of attack that are being deployed, and the very real dynamics at play between the urban and rural divide.

We’ve dissected the numbers before—showing that only 47 out of 3,143 counties have more than a million people, for example—and we’ve discussed how a handful of cities control the majority of state capitals, which in turn control rural areas.

In short, ~1.5% of counties are controlling the entire nation.

It comes downs to commerce and elections. There is more money and more votes in the metro areas, which translates directly into more power for the ruling class.

You can brush up on these facts here:

When we understand the game that’s being played, which is the political capture of our nation (i.e. cultural, financial, and regulatory capture), it’s easier to see how 5th Generation Warfare is being used to divide and conquer us all.

Different people, in different places, are getting fed different info by the algorithms. This generates different feelings, about different issues, resulting in different votes.

Checkmate… or not.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

What does offense look like? What do we actually have control over?

First, we can control our own thoughts and perspective. We can control our own priorities and efforts. We can control how we react or respond to the world around us. We can choose to be prepared and have a plan. We can choose to hole up or to step up, to either play defense and lose, or start playing offense and win.

The choice is ours.

FACT: We can change people’s perspective. We can win hearts and minds.

Strategically speaking, we can uphold the Constitution and defend the Republic, but only if we go on offense in the metro areas. That’s where the real battle is being fought. That’s where this war is going to be won or lost.

The good news is, there is a growing number of people who are keen to how this game is being played—how we are being played—and there is a surge in civic engagement because of it. Coalitions are being formed. Strategies are being developed.

If you’d like to get in on the action, please reach out.

Resistance is the spice of life. It’s time to salt the earth.

I’ll get back to the circus tomorrow. Until then…



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The Torch Report
The Torch Report
Discussing the Threats. Exposing the Lies. Destroying the Narrative. Each episode of The Torch Report delivers a concentrated dose of wit, wisdom, and incisive political analysis that eclipses what you'll find in a week of mainstream media. The Torch Report shines light on the dark corners of humanity's future, exploring the dangers of weaponized AI, biological warfare, propaganda, and the captivating drama of global politics.
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