The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 654 - Wild Discrepancies in the Shawn Ryan Story Have Strange CIA Connections
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TR 654 - Wild Discrepancies in the Shawn Ryan Story Have Strange CIA Connections

It's an exciting time to be alive, isn't it?

Alrighty then.

If you are a fellow Gen Xer, or a comedy fan in general, you are undoubtedly familiar with Jim Carey’s iconic phrase, “Alrighty Then.” The catchy quip was birthed into the comedic cosmos circa 1995, courtesy of the movie When Nature Calls. Alrighty then.

Fun fact, for all he is and isn’t, Jim Carey actually has a fascinating tale to tell about the power of focus, mental energy, and manifestation. As the story goes, he wrote himself a ten-million dollar check for “acting services rendered,” taped it to the ceiling above his bed, and then set about manifesting this reality—and it worked.

Pretty cool, right?

You’re probably wondering what this has to do with Shawn Ryan and the CIA, right?

We’ll get there, but first…

In yesterday’s lengthy screed on treason, terrorists, and the explosive new year, I attempted to drive home the point that life in the year 2025 will inevitably be what we make of it, for each of us at the personal level. The intent was to emphasize the importance of focusing our time and energy on the little things that matter most, so as to live our lives on our own terms, even in the midst of chaos.

Also in yesterday’s report, I attempted to articulate some of the ways in which my personal perspective has changed over the last few years, mostly by highlighting my inner rebellion against the incessant doom and gloom.

In simplest terms, as I tried to make clear, my inner rebel is rebelling against external control of my thoughts and emotions. Implied within that statement is the reality that we each have an innate capacity to control our own mind and emotions, internally, courtesy of our inner awareness. FACT.

To do so, we must first monitor the input of information being fed into our brains. We must observe and become aware of the mental and emotional impact of various stories and narratives. The fact that we are all being influenced to one degree or another is undeniable, but the extent to which this influence controls us is, well, controllable.

By divorcing ourselves from the perpetual doom and gloom narratives, we can regain a sense of empowerment, even in a world gone awry.

That said, in my mind it is critical to be perfectly clear about the fact that “all of the above” could potentially still happen. Everything from nuclear war to terrorist attacks to economic collapse remains squarely on the table—but each of these threats should be logically assessed and then moved to the peripheral of our minds.

According to the kung fu masters, “the chi follows the yi,” which is to say, the body’s energy follows the mind’s intent. As Tony Robbins says, where the focus goes the enery flows. Personally, I believe that this is a universal truth, and that people like Jim Carey have been tapping into it for eons.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
Proverbs 23:7

I also believe that The Powers That Be have understood this truth, very profoundly, for much longer than most people realize. As history attests, the roots of this wisdom have woven their way through everything from ancient hermetics and religion, to the sacred secrets kept by the initiates of various sects, as well as the modern exploitation of the “dark arts” by various Deep State actors.

The purpose in pointing this out is to emphasize two things:

  1. As a human being, you have the phenomenal ability to manifest your heart’s desire in the material world. You can literally manipulate the universe at will, simply by focusing your mind and setting about making it happen.

  2. However, as a human being, your mind is also suceptible to being hacked, your attention thereby being diverted, and thus your energy can quite cleverly be channeled into serving the desires of those who seek to control you.

Let that sink in.

When the CIA spent gobs of money to mathematically map out the relationship between matter, energy, and human consciousness, I believe this is what they were after. The astounding ramifications of psychotronic warfare are still mindboggling to me, and still very much off the radar for most people, though the technology has been around—and very likely in use—for decades. (Kind of like artificial intelligence!)

With that stage set, before proceeding toward some of the more practical implications of the connection between consciousness, matter, energy, particularly as it relates to human freedom, I need to circle back and clarify something from yesterday’s report.

Actually, it was something that I said in passing in the podcast, something that wasn’t even written in the report. It was a remark I made about Shawn Ryan. I was being snarky and casually dismissed all the hype he’s created, and I’d like to explain why.

Please hear me out.

For those who don’t know, The Shawn Ryan Show has been around for about five years now. The man has an impressive resume, as these links make abundantly clear:

I have many friends who have gotten a lot out of the Shawn Ryan Show, ostensibly because he delivers the goods on all things tactical thinking and self-defense. Personally, I haven’t watched any of his stuff, but over the last several days I’ve heard this man’s name almost ad nauseum—like all of the sudden he’s everywhere at once.


No doubt this surge in popularity comes from the recent show wherein Shawn Ryan revealed during the recording that he had been emailed the manifesto of the Trump Hotel Tesla Bomber, Matthew Livelsberger.

Indeed, the instantly infamous Episode #155 has already racked up over 4.2 MILLION views in just three days, so I’d be remiss not to include the link:

At first glance, the optics and the visual appeal are perfect, aren’t they? What’s your impression of those facial expressions? Who do you think the target audience is here?


The reason I was feeling irked about Shawn Ryan was not just because he is a man with two first names—and never trust a man with two first names, right? JK!—nor was it because his impeccable service to our nation somehow managed to culminate in him operating as a private contractor for the CIA (cough, cough), it was the fact that all of a sudden people from entirely different social circles all happened to be telling me the exact same thing, at the exact same time: listen to Shawn Ryan.

It felt remarkably similar to the Brunson situation, for what it’s worth.

For the record, I still have friends who have kept the Brunson narrative alive—despite the fact that I have made every effort to point out, what appears to me, to be obvious holes in the story (and the fact that somehow it never manages to happen). That’s why, whenever I encounter a persistently stubborn perspective like this, especially among friends, it serves as a reminder of just how fickle our personal beliefs can be.

I reminds me to be humble.

I think of others who have been so certain that the rapture was at hand, and how in the exact same way I was unable to convince them that their beliefs were flawed.

“No one knows the hour or day,” I’d say, quoting the Bible — but no, they’d insist on a date, all because some trusted source claimed to have a revelation from God. Afterall, who would ever question a trusted source with direct revelations from God, right?!

The pattern here should be clear.

As human beings, we want to believe.

In fact, we need to believe — and it is precisely this need to believe that con artists of every stripe and color have been exploiting since the dawn of time.

That said, I’m not saying that Shawn Ryan is a con artist. He’s a stud, and no doubt he could kick my ass. I don’t question his 14 years of service spanning multiple combat operations as a Navy SEAL, though honestly I really have no way of verifying that information. However, I would like to point out his connection as a private CIA contractor is a red flag — and so is his meteoric rise as a social media darling on what is probably the most heavily censored platform (YouTube), and the fact that he “just so happened” to receive the manifesto of the Tesla Bomber on his show.

Maybe that’s all just a coincidence, right?

Then again, is it really so hard to speculate that Shawn Ryan, as a CIA operative, just might have been pre-positioned in his current role as YouTube star, precisely to be fed the exclusive manifesto of a fellow veteran who “just so happened” to be burnt beyond recognition—by fireworks and camp fuel no less—in a rudimentary truck bomb at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas on New Year’s Day?

Noting that a seasoned Green Beret would probably be able to make a better bomb (say like the “never before used” bomb set off by another fellow veteran in New Orleans the day before), some people are claiming that Matthew Livelsberger was really an unsung hero, that he didn’t really want to hurt anybody, which is why he made such a lowsy bomb.

Instead, this troubled veteran was just trying to deliver a “wake up call” — that all he really wanted to do was expose U.S. war crimes and bring down the MIC.

What a hero. The mainstream stories are gushing, and therefore obscuring logic behind a shrowd of emotion, but think it through: Matthew Livelsberger was burnt to a crisp, and yet somehow his military ID, passport, and credit cards were all just fine.

Do you really buy this story?

“Authorities said a military ID, a passport and credit cards found at the scene were in Livelsberger's name, but that the body in the Cybertruck was burned beyond recognition.”

It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Tell me: what do you want to believe about this situation?

Do you want to believe that the Tesla Bomber was a disturbed and struggling veteran who spontaneously reached out to Shawn Ryan because he was a fellow vet with a massive platform who could deliver, posthumously, this “wake up call” to America?

Or, do you want to believe that this is all some sort of Deep State psyop?

How will you ever know for sure?

Furthermore, what do you make of these headlines:

Isn’t it incredible that this one guy could miraculously pull together so many narratives, from the Chinese being behind the mysterious drones, to the imminent threat of WWIII, right down to ginning up some more pro-Ukrainan support?

And what about the strange connections between Livelsberger and the other soldier-turned-jihadi maniac behind the nearly simultaneous Bourbon Street Massacre?

On top of all of that, we’re expected to believe that yet another veteran—Shawn Ryan, the private CIA contractor—just so happened to be the lucky guy who happened to get the scoop and blast it out to millions of people who were predisposed to accepting it?

Oh, and he just so happened to publicly announce that he’d be “disappearing” for a few days before publishing the episode—and now he’s out making a public apology for stirring up the shit about Livelsberger in the first place? Really?!

“C’mon man!”


I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.

I’m just an ignorant peasant, speaking from the heart.

I’m still stuck on the wild discrepencies with Thomas Matthew Crooks and the other jackass that tried to assassinate Donald Trump, but maybe I’m just slow.

The point is, while everyone is trying to make sense of the madness, while inquisitive minds are darting to and fro in search of answers, the world keeps turning and the cabal keeps marching on. Practically speaking, this means two things:

  1. These distractions are meant to render you an ineffective foe.

  2. There’s something else going on, and nobody’s talking about it.

The good news is, being the incredible cosmic creature that you are, created in the image of God, you have the ability to instantly transmute this sticky situation by simply realizing that things don’t add up, discarding the distraction for what it is, and then intentionally refocusing your mind on what matters most.

Consider the relationship between energy, matter, and consciousness.

You were born to create, not be consumed by narrative.

Pour yourself into something meaningful.

Take this story in stride and resist the inherent intrigue… it’s meant to control you.



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