The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 623 - ACCESS DENIED: How Global Censorship is Being Used to Build the New World Order
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TR 623 - ACCESS DENIED: How Global Censorship is Being Used to Build the New World Order

Setting the circus aside, let's stretch the head a little bit, shall we?

Let’s get this straight.

In his memoirs, David Rockefeller acknowledged that there was a “secret cabal”—his words, not mine—that was working to undermine the United States and institute a New World Order. Former president George H. W. Bush, of the infamous Skull & Bones “secret society” also spoke of this New World Order.

Just for good measure, we could also add to this list George Soros writing about the “Future of NATO” and describing it as a New World Order, back in 1993, along with the more recent and exciting conversations about the New World Order being held among global leaders at swanky gatherings like Davos, Bilderberg, and Jackson.

Far from conspiracy, this New World Order is said to be a new “rules based international order” that is to be upheld by “global governance.”

Global governance, properly understood, is a whole-of-government approach, coordinated amongst the many governments of the world via global bodies like the United Nations, that aims to manage “emerging” public perceptions—which is to say, they aim to control your personal emotions, beliefs, and behavior.

Put differently, they aim to control the hearts and minds of humanity as a whole, specifically by transforming human consciousness and rewiring our brains.

In simplest terms, governance is influence. Global governance is global influence, and it can come in the form of either a carrot or a stick. Some may recall that the globalists recently announced the need for “less carrot, more stick” during their annual “Meeting of the New Champions” held in China, summer of 2023.

Torch Report 395 dove into the “Summer Davos” agenda, analyzing the description of their plenary session: How to Stay Within Planetary Boundaries – Carrot or Stick?

This line really says it all:

“What is needed to effectively change course to a net-zero, just, safe and healthy future and induce desirable behavior and practices – carrots or sticks?”

In a fascinating twist, this morning when I went to click through and revisit the primary source from the WEF (World Economic Forum) website, I got this “Access Denied” message, indicating I could not access the WEF website “on this server.”

“This server” happened to be routed through Los Angeles, of all places:

Having encountered this issue before, I switch my VPN to Seattle, and voilà, I was instantly able to access the Annual Meeting of New Champions 2023 discussion on saving the planet by beating we peasants into submission with a stick.

But there was something there…

Why the hell is a Los Angeles based server blocking access to the WEF, while the Seattle based server is not? That is a fair and pressing question.

Consider the societal impact of shutting millions of people out of any given website, by just a few strokes of the keyboard on some shady globalist server?

Clearly this is happening, as it has been happening, likely for much longer than any peasant will ever really know. I wasn’t the only one who was keen to dig into this new-to-me phenomenon of being blocked by server-side shenanigans.

Who is this, anyhow?

Taking a moment to poke around, I found an interesting article by a Seattle tech writer that uncovered the fact that Edgesuite is run by Akamai Technologies. Akamai Technologies is a massive global player, routing some trillions of internet connections every day, impacting nearly 85% of global internet traffic.

Think of the reach. Think of the scale. Think of the power.

It should come as no surprise that Akamai is a woke corporation, championing DEI and Sustainability. In fact, they are likely on the leading edge of woke, given that a) they are a massive global corporation that is deeply entwined with the global cabal, and b) that they’ve already rebranded DEI, way ahead of the pack, and they’re now dubbing it “Inclusion, Diversity, & Engagement.”

From their about page:

Learning that Akamai — the company managing the server that appears to be blocking L.A. from accessing the WEF website — is “committed to impactful environmental change,” was another red flag for me. That implies that are all-in on the radical environmental agenda, and given their stature, they are also highly likely to be complicit in the globalists’ grand scheme to depopulate the planet.

But wait, there’s more…

There is something uniquely disturbing, at least to me, about the fact that Akamai is currently working simultaneously with the U.S. Department of Defense, FEMA, and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). What do you make of that? On top of that, they are also partnering with many of the most woke and powerful corporations on the planet, like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, IBM, and others.

From their newsroom:

Just to cut to the chase, given this degree of global collaboration and backend control, there is essentially nothing stopping these shysters from massive censorship on a global scale. I contend that this is already happening, in ways that the majority of people can’t even comprehend. This will facilitate crimes against humanity.

It’s bigger than state sanctioned censorship targeting political opponents and silencing dissenting opinions… this is all about “building trust.”

I grabbed this snapshot from one of their partners, Sekuro, because it captures what I’m saying:

Tell me: do you Trust Tomorrow?

Given that globalists use language with a “hidden, higher meaning” and a “socialistic interpretation,” what do you think those words actually mean? What are they saying here? What is this “digital transformation” really all about?

I’ve written about the weaponization of trust before (reports below), but I’d like to spell it out again today, within the context of the upcoming Summit of the Future, which is inextricably linked to the New World Order (aka Future Earth).

Let me tell you what I think is being communicated here, and you can decide for yourself whether or not I’m just another crackpot conspiracy theorist.

“Trust Tomorrow” is a great slogan. The desire to trust that everything is going to be okay is hardwired into human nature. Trust Tomorrow, as a matter of word choice, aims to trigger a sense of security for the future. It’s meant to make clients feel safer in a world that is rapidly being overrun by digital threats.

This is raw, seductive, emotional appeal.

Implied by these words, is the suggestion that if you trust this group of sneaky globalist tech moguls, they will keep you (or your company) safe from digital harm. It’s important to realize by targeting businesses, they are targeting the means of production and consumption, as we were discussing yesterday.

At a deeper level, they are controlling the flow of information that passes through these business (think “access denied”), which in turn directly influences the mindset, emotions, and workplace ethos of these giant corporations. Obviously there are many other influences affecting these same aspects of corporate culture, but this vector of influence is particularly insidious, precisely because it is so subtle.

Digital transformation — which is a term I’ve seen cropping up a lot lately — is a very nice way of alluding to the “fundamental transformation” lauded by Obama. Not only are the globalists transforming the whole of society, they are also, as I’ve hammered on repeatedly, very directly transforming human consciousness, “in a scientific way.”

Pavlov’s dogs learned to drool when they heard the bell. This was a scientifically conditioned psychological and physiological response, affecting both mind and body.

In the exact same way, the public is being conditioned to trust the government. Rather than ringing a bell, the triggers for this feeling of trust are words like “safe” and “secure”—which of course are riddled throughout government propaganda.

There is so much that I want to say about this, there is a torrent of thoughts crashing through my mind. This is HUGE. Everyone needs to tell everyone they know—that’s how I feel about it. I guarantee this is the most important issue impacting humanity today. They are getting away with murder in broad daylight, and attempting to conquer the whole of humanity by brainwashing the masses to trust their masters—and just to emphasize: they are doing all of this with scientificaly proven techniques that are currently being deployed with clinical precision by weaponized AI!!!


It kind of helps put the political circus into context, doesn’t it?

I know tonight is the big debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. I’ll be watching, making snarky comments, and enjoying some popcorn with a group of friends. I anticipate it will be another shellacking for the commies who are running the Democrat Party and trying to shove Kamala Harris into the Oval Office.

But this too will come and go. The election will come and go. Civil war and societal collapse, if it happens, will come and go. The world will keep turning, and as it does, the weaponization of artificial intelligence will continue to reprogram humanity on a planetary scale. Eventually, if the global cabal is successful, they will eradicate the will to resist through psychological conditioning.

This is how they intend to ensure peace and stability.

It’s the only way if you really think about it.

People will “trust tomorrow” because they know that the inherent risks of life have been selectively removed, and that all remaining risks are being carefully managed by algorithms. They know they can trust the algorithms, because the government is regulating the algorithms to keep them safe—and everyone will feel extra warm and fuzzy knowing that there are “safeguards” and “safety protocols” being deployed to keep everyone safe, all around the world, courtesty of our Enlightened Leaders.

As for the rest of their sloganizing:

“Reducing risk” means silencing dissent and censoring public discourse—because how else could they keep people safe from the malicious harms of misinformation?

“Building resilience” means they are going to create very specific problems (i.e. iterative disruptions), so that they can then deploy very specific solutions—because how else could they possibly get every business on the planet to adopt their agenda?

“Enabling fearless innovation” … how might they do that?

Why, by reducing risk and buildling resilience of course! And that means that the globalists will then be able to fearlessly innovation new and improved ways to do everything from global weather modification to modifying the very essence of human nature, all without fear of a peasant uprising, because the peasants will feel nothing but tender-loving-trust toward the perpetrators of these heinous crimes.

Welcome to the New World Order.

If there was any doubt that this is what the Summit of the Future is really all about, consider these “interactive dialogues” being facilitated by the “secret” global cabal:

  • Transforming global governance and turbocharging the implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

  • Towards a Common Digital Future: strengthening inclusive innovation and cooperation to bridge the digital divides

  • The Future Starts Now: enhancing the global system [i.e. systems of control] for current and future generations

Remember, they’ve already agreed on their Pact for the Future.

They have their plans. No peasant input needed.

There are solutions to all of this, rest assured, but for today I’d just like to remind you that united we stand, divided we fall. We are facing issues that are much bigger than political bickering. Thus, within our spheres of influence, it’s time to take our conversations to the next level. Please share this report.

Until next time: RESIST WE MUST!

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