What’s next?
This morning we awake to in-your-face, shock-and awe headlines about a major tragedy in the DC metro area. An Army Black Hawk helicopter flew directly into American Flight 5342, with 64 people on board, including several high profile figure skaters who were flying back from the National Championships in Wichita.
Preliminary reports indicate there were no survivors.
My heart goes out to everyone touched or tangled up in this tragedy, especially those who lost loved ones. It is a stark reminder that bad things happen every single day, and for that reason, if no other, we all should be grateful for the lives we live.
That said, when I see the national media in lockstep on a major issue, I cannot help but think “false flag” — and it turns out there are plenty of facts to support this speculation, but first, consider the optics of what is impacting the public psyche:
NOTE: Fox News and CNN are both part of the insidious Trusted News Initiative.
On the one hand, it is understandable that these major media outlets would be covering a national tragedy. On the other, it is how they are covering the tragedy that I would like to draw your attention to.
CNN says, “all aboard feared dead after jet and helicopter midair collision.”
Words matter. Let’s break it down: first there is the emotionally gripping “all feared dead,” which instantaneously plays tricks on the mind, evokes a massive wave of sympathy, and essentially short circuits critical thinking.
Then comes the misleading suggestion that this was a “jet and helicopter midair collision.” How unfortunate that a jet and helicopter had a collision, right? Especially when everyone on board died, this is a major tragedy.
But note the order of words, “jet and helicopter,” and consider the omission of the highly relevant fact that the helicopter, an advanced military helicopter with an unimaginable degree of maneuverability, flew directly at, and into, a passenger plane that was coming in for a landing at Reagan International Airport.
There is exactly no chance that this happened by accident.
This was 100% a calculated trajectory.
And yet, all over the news, we hear of how “a jet collided with a helicopter.”
As you can see from the front page of The Seattle Times, even local newspapers are using the same language, that everyone is feared dead because an American Airlines jet “collided” with an Army helicopter—clearly that’s the narrative.
Now, within less than 12 hours of the event, Fox News is already running headlines about the “investigation,” which is preemptively going to focus on this tragedy as if it was a great, big, terrible, “misunderstanding” between the aircraft.
This is a perfect example of master propagandists working hard to push all the buttons they need to push in order to heighten suggestibility and program the public psyche. In the clip above, for example, we have “hear the first words,” which is a trick of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), hacking into the primal sensitivities of “auditory communicators,” whom comprise some 20% of the population.
Another 20% of the population is hard-wired to process information kinesthetically—aka “kinesthetic communicators”—and these individuals are immediately impacted by the words “3 soldiers,” as their minds can easily envision and embody the mental archetype of a soldier. Thus, they empathize, and therefore sympathize, with the three soldiers going down on a Black Hawk helicopter.
Again, the mind is sucked into story, without triggering logic or skepticism.
As for the rest of the population, the 60% who are wired to primarily process information in a visual way, all the shock-and-awe headline and wreckage captures their attention almost perfectly. Indeed, it’s designed to do so.
This is how sophisticated propaganda works.
That said, let’s zoom out, because there are facts that are not being conveyed in this highly scripted communication. Consider this:
So, apparently the Deep State can remotely control Black Hawk helicopters from 300 miles away, and this is a cool new technology they just so happened to have proudly displayed, in DC, just weeks before the election. Fascinating.
But wait, it gets even better:
“Using a tablet connected via a data link to the helicopter 300 miles away in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems President Stephanie Hill controlled the UH-60. While safety pilots were present inside the cockpit as per FAA regulations, the helicopter autonomously performed take off and hover, before flying a circuit and landing again without pilot input.”
This is all part of the new MATRIX technology developed by DARPA. Of course, that’s the same DARPA that spent a bundle to develop Military Grade Memes, for those keeping track. But surely they would never use any of these high-speed technologies to advance the globalist agenda for total control, right?
Here are a few more articles on the MATRIX:
DARPA Awards $6M Contract to Equip U.S. Army Black Hawk with Advanced Autonomy
DARPA to test autonomous flight capability on Army’s Black Hawk helicopter in 2025
Interestingly enough, there was another military plane that went down in Alaska this week. Evidently, an F-35 stealth fighter jet had an “inflight malfunction” during the landing phase of the flight at Eielson Air Force Base. The pilot safely ejected, but the $109 million-dollar bird dropped out of the sky like a rock.
The footage is disturbing, and unfortunately, it wasn’t the only one.
It turns out the F-35 has also recently been equipped with AI capabilities, similar to the recently equipped F-16s. However, with the F-35, the goal was ultimately to allow the plane to simultaneously control a swarm of drones in order to achieve “integrated air dominance.”
According to military experts, AI-equipped, unmanned fighter jets are the way of the future—and at this point, they believe the U.S. still has air dominance:
“…military operators say no other country in the world has an AI jet like it, where the software first learns on millions of data points in a simulator, then tests its conclusions during actual flights. That real-world performance data is then put back into the simulator where the AI then processes it to learn more.
China has AI, but there’s no indication it has found a way to run tests outside a simulator.”
China has AI, obviously, but they must be way behind, right? Right.
It’s quite the coincidence that just yesterday I was discussing how China’s game-changing DeepSeek AI is a major threat to everyday Americans—not because of autonomous fighter jets, mind you, but because of the mental manipulation that is being perpetrated on the unsuspecting masses, using weaponized AI, similar to DARPA’s military grade memes.
In reality, we are all sitting ducks for such powerful technologies.
Personally, I’m a lot more concerned about the memetic warfare, than the military planes being hacked, dropped like a rock, or flown into passenger planes.
In this vein, briefly revisiting some information unearthed in TR 405, I’d like to emphasize the need to prioritize the threat of memetics in public conversation:
…just to be clear, I’m not out on a limb here. Even the academics think that we should be taking memetics seriously:
I also want to point out that the science of “memetic engineering” has such powerful implications, the U.S. military has been studying and deploying memetics as a weapon of war.
I won’t dive deep now, but for further study, see the following:
Institute for Defense Analyses: Memetics Overview & Baseline Models
Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin: Memetic Warfare - The Future of War
USMC School of Advanced Warfighting: Memetics in US Military Operations
**It would be wise to keep in mind that weaponized AI is now deploying these tactics.
The point is this: for all the talk of the military using Artificial Intelligence to fly fighter jets that can simultaneously control a pack of drones—which is truly terrifying and equally remarkable if you let it sink in—the real “Future of War” is in fact mental in nature. Memetic warfare needs to come front and center in public conversation.
Just like this morning’s sensational headlines have immediately laid grip to the public’s attention, thereby obfuscating more significant events that we will likely never know about, the battle we find ourselves in now is one of perception.
Though it appears that this game of “us versus them” is a contest between competing militaries on the global stage (of which there is an element), the real “us versus them” is a contest between wide-awake citizens and the “secret” global cabal.
It’s a battle for the control of humanity, and it’s playing out in each of our minds right this very moment. Can they control what we think about? Can they control how we feel? Can they control what we focus on and how we behave?
Why yes, yes they can—but only if we let them, or if we remain unaware of their cunning manipulation.
My skeptical mind wants to connect the dots between the Black Hawk being intentionally crashed into a passenger plane with high-profile passengers (most of whom we have not heard about, and probably never will), and the shutting down of DC’s busiest airport. What impact might these flight interruptions have on the confirmation hearings that are taking place this week, for example?
We are assured that the confirmation hearings for RFK, Tulsi Gabbard, and Kash Patel continue as scheduled, but that does not preclude other complications that may be secondary to the terror attack at Reagan International Airport.
And yes, I’m calling it a terror attack, because hey, let’s call a spade a spade, right?
According to award-winning investigative journalist Thomas Paine, the Black Hawk took off near the CIA headquarters and then accelerated and targeted Flight 5342:
As Flight 5342 was descending to land, the helicopter turned directly at the plane, rose in elevation, and accelerated to create a deadly collision over the Potomac.
Not an accident.
Sadly, as Paine notes, it’s definitely not the first time the Deep State has brought down a passenger plane, and when all is said and done, it probably won’t be the last.
Keep that in mind when you encounter the memes out there today—the memetics, the infectious ideas—like the suggestions that this catastrophe was somehow caused by “miscommunication,” or worse yet, by incompetent DEI hires. Beware the narratives that are being parroted by the talking heads, even conservative pundits.
Memetic warfare is a battle of perception.
Be a warrior. Stand your ground, speak the truth, and liberate your friends.
This situation is clearly not what it seems!
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