There’s more to the story.
After a brief reprieve from the daily deluge, I feel somewhat refreshed. It is refreshing to work hard, building tangible things. It is refreshing to be outside, feeling the sun on my skin and smelling the fresh outdoor air. There wasn’t a news story in sight.
I didn’t listen to the radio news. I wasn’t checking my phone. I didn’t read any articles or watch any videos. And you know what? The world just kept right on turning.
The political circus continued to dazzle and distract. The media continued to fleece the public with never ending gaslighting and propaganda.
The cabal kept marching on.
Today, as I dutifully took note of the humdrum and headlines, I felt an awkward heaviness settle in. I couldn’t help but notice a distinct sense of heavy-heartedness. It’s not so much the crap that passes as news these days, from sources on both the left and the right, it’s the fact that a significant percentage of people take these stories at face value—they buy into the bullshit—and that’s what weighs on my heart.
All at once, my mind darts in the direction of more important things, things that are not in the news, but are nevertheless much at play. I think about the weaponized AI that is currently being used to rewire the public psyche, transforming human consciousness with clinical precision. I think about the Sentinel Surveillance, the Social Listening, and the Algorithmic Social Interventions that are quietly nudging the masses toward trusting Enlightened Leaders and accepting their master’s plan.
I think about the intentional targeting and exploitation of women and children, the “sensitization” of society as a whole, and the embedded socialist principles that have been branded deeply into the subconscious minds of entire generations. I think about the UN’s Adaptation Agenda, and how they are using cutting edge technology to accelerated behavioral change.
I think about transhumanism and the post-truth era.
Woven throughout the contemplation is the subtle but distinct awareness that what we are witnessing right now is a masterpiece in the making. I am aware of the plans that have long been in place, of the way words are twisted to conceal their true meaning, and how truly evil the overarching agenda actually is.
We’ve discussed the orchestrated chaos and iterative disruptions at length, and rightly concluded that pain is all part of the plan. Indeed, aiming to capture and control the means of production and consumption (think government ran farms and manufacturing), we’ve explored starvation as an active part of their strategy.
I’ve minced no words about the Marxist Cultural Revolution that besets us, I’ve repeatedly called out the globalists’ communist agenda—their efforts to centralize power and control in the hands of Rockefeller’s “secret cabal” of global elites—AND I’ve called out the unholy alliance between the commies and fascists who are currently parading around the planet as public-private partnerships.
The Chinese Communist Party is being hailed as a role model for the world, remember? The public is being psychologically conditioned to trust the government, children are being conditioned to hate their own country, millions of military aged males have been incentivized to invade our nation, our elections have become a hopelessly corrupt process, and our once great institutions are now cesspools of woke ideology. I’m sure I’ve missed some other worthy gripes, as there is a veritable laundry list of things that are so messed up right now, it’s enough to drive a person insane—and even as I say that, I realize that too is part of the plan.
They are breaking people down!
Think about the skyrocketing depression and suicide. Think about the stress of making ends meet when the cost of everything just keeps going up, up, up. Think about the cognitive dissonance, the disconnect from reality, the Stockholm Syndrome, and the general malaise that seems to have gripped so many of our fellow Americans.
It just goes on and on.
And then there’s this:
The raw audacity of these shysters is breathtaking. But people believe it.
In a similar vein, right on cue, CNN is warning Americans that Russia! Russia! Russia! is trying to influence the 2024 election. The Biden administration is going to “accuse Moscow” of targeting voters with the much dreaded “disinformation,” according to six sources who are familiar with the matter:
Of course it’s Russia.
No mention of the Twitter Files, the Google Leaks, or Mark Zuckerberg coming out and admitting that Meta was “pressured” by the White House to selectively censor the information Americans had access to during the last election cycle. No mention of the Deep State running their own operations to skew the outcome of the election toward the commie-controlled Democratic Party.
But whatever.
Republicans have their own internal problems, right?
It’s all just utterly ridiculous. It’s meaningless. Such headlines are nothing more than worthless junk cluttering up our mental space and clogging the channels of critical thinking. By burying people in this steady stream of steaming crap, the media and their masters are skillfully concealing the bigger picture.
Let’s zoom out.
We are officially in September now, and that means the UN’s Summit of the Future is just around the corner. For the global elite, this is perhaps the biggest event of the year—not for the elites themselves, mind you, but for the thousands of useful idiots who will be lauded as dignitaries and “Excellencies,” i.e. the loyal army of globalist stooges who will be there getting their marching orders for the year ahead.
In reality, all relevant decisions have already been made in places like Bilderberg, Davos, and Jackson. The scenarios have all been war-gamed and the scripts have been carefully fine-tuned. Those who will be pulling the strings have carefully planned out the choreography, and the choir of stooges will be singing their chosen song.
The purpose of the Summit of the Future is to put concrete plans in place to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as “transforming global governance” by radically revamping the international financial infrastructure (think global digital currency).
Additional ambitions include:
Increasing the use of “science in policymaking” — i.e. using fabricated data and warp statistics to drive the global socialist agenda.
Expanding “youth participation in global decision-making” — because these heavily indoctrinate youth are a critical component in their plans.
Updating their “collective security system” to better manage conflicts with “preventative diplomacy” — which, reading through the fine lines, I personally interpret as accelerating AI-infused global surveillance, via the global cabal’s EARS: Early AI-supported Response with Social listening program.
Just quickly, from TR 492 - The Hypnotizing of Humanity:
“[Globalists] built a platform called EARS, or the Early AI-supported Response with Social listening tool, which allows decision-makers to view a real-time analysis of narratives happening in public online forums in multiple countries and languages.
Rather than conducting surveys and polls, which can be expensive and offer feedback about past trends and attitudes, policymakers can get access to real-time feedback from local contexts about constituent concerns in the moment.”
This system was launched in 2021 under the pretense of the pandemic, and it was designed to deploy “behavioral change models” and develop interventions that “build trust” and resilience to misinformation. This is how the AI-supported responses work: the algorithms reprogram people.
When the natives are getting restless, the globalists know it—and now they have some very sophisticated tools for managing these formerly sticky situations.
I think this is why the words “preventative diplomacy” hit my ears with the same shrill, piercing sound as “predictive policing.” Preventative diplomacy is another globalist tool to control emerging public perceptions. It is a proactive deployment of military-grade memes and other mechanisms of manipulation that are meant to guarantee a predetermined outcome—and the public remains none the wiser.
For the uninitiated, consider the implications of what’s known:
Looking at the world through this lens, through the lens of memetic warfare, we see that even though there are a great number of American Patriots and freedom loving human beings around the planet who are directly engaged in the battle of ideas, we are not equally equipped.
We do not have state-controlled media, weaponized AI, or military grade memes. We do not have Sentinel Surveillance or EARS for Social Listening. Moreover, we do not have the data, the expertise, or the computational capacity to compete in the Big League. In every conceivable material way, we are simply outmatched.
But that doesn’t mean that we lose.
There’s always more to the story.
The untold story is that of the indomitable human spirit and the infinite imaginative ways we might thwart the globalists’ will and wrest the fate of humanity from their greedy, power hungry grip. The tale, in the end, I believe will be of a great reckoning, wherein massive noncompliance and civil disobedience bring their schemes to a screeching halt.
When that day comes, evil will retreat into the crevices of so-called civil society, and there it will lay in wait, licking its wounds, and plotting its next ascent.
We are in a timeless conflict.
It will take years, decades perhaps, to weed out the seeds of socialism that are currently corrupting society—and it will take full scale institutional reform at that—but in the end, I believe that the sound logic of Nature will prevail. Human hearts will awaken to the truth, and the truth will set them free.
American ideals will once again flourish and spread throughout the land.
How’s that for some unbridled optimism? I had to balance out the cynical slant.
Remember: to win this war, we must believe we can win. Failure is not an option.
PS: what is the globalists’ plan for Donald Trump? If you guessed that they plan to beat him by any and all means necessary, that would be a good guess. However, more specifically I believe they intend to beat Trump by continuing to reprogram the peasants, rewrite history, and ultimate remove his stain from their record. They will use the 2016 and 2020 elections to train the algorithims so that they will not lose again. In the end, Trump is just a speed bump. The globalists are deadset on winning the long game, and we’d all be wise to adjust our strategies accordingly!
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