The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 656 - A Skeptical Peasant's Perspective on the California Wildfires
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TR 656 - A Skeptical Peasant's Perspective on the California Wildfires

You already know it's not what it seems... could Directed Energy Weapons be the cause?

Take three.

Last week, I started to write up a report on the fires that are ravaging southern California. I wanted to emphasize that real people are suffering real loss, and that the heartache must be agonizing for everyone who has lost everything—and then get into the details of things that don’t add up.

Today, as the fires continue to ravage the region, going into day 6 of the gaslighting and lies, this is my third attempt to articulate a skeptical peasant’s perspective.

Over the last several days, I’ve dug deeply into the various theories about the origins of the fire. Along with the well documented accounts of arson—like the illegal immigrant lighting stuff on fire with a blow torch, for example—one of the theories in certain circles is that this is a covert operation, wherein the powers that be are using Directed Energy Weapons to burn the place down, for their own nefarious agenda.

Proponents of the DEW theory speculate that this was a massive land grab, and that it may in fact have been “clearing the area” in order to rebuild a so-called Smart City, just in time for the 2028 Olympics. In this vein, many people believe that what’s happening in L.A. follows the exact same pattern as what happened on Maui, in Chile, Canada, and elsewhere—and they have damn good reasons for believing so.

That said, even as I struggle now to put words to where my mind is at, I am not going to try to convince you that the DEW theory is true, or that it is false.

Do Direct Energy Weapons exist? Absolutely.

Did DEI and radical climate policies contribute to the crisis? Undeniably.

Is this a major F*ing issue that deserves a full investigation? Of course.

But will there be any accountability, even with all the public outcry? No.

Thus, there is little value in dwelling on the glaringly obvious issues—like this not really being wildfire season, California’s 132% above average precipitation, the 117 million gallon main reservoir intentionally being empty, fire hydrants not having water pressure and going dry, insurance companies pulling out months in advance, arsons roving the streets with flamethrowers, L.A.’s mayor being out of town for a perfectly timed trip to Africa, the three incompetent DEI hires (three lesbians named Kristin, no joke) running the L.A. Fire Department, and so on.

This is an in-your-face sort of crisis. There is clearly something else going on here, and everyone who doesn’t have their head buried up their ass knows it.

And yet, again, nothing will happen.

And THAT’S the pattern that I’d like to drill down on today.

Broad swaths of destruction have happened in broad daylight, tens of thousands of buildings were reduced to rubble, vehicles were melted in the streets, and somehow, in the entire history of wildfires, nobody has ever seen anything like this before.

If you think about it, it’s not like we haven’t had cell phones, cameras, and social media available to document the devastation from previous fires, right? So, in the last ten, twenty years, have you seen any “wildfire” destruction like this?

This fire seemed selective, skipping over perfectly combustible vegetation, and strangely enough, blue colored items. If you are curious and want to open your eyes as to why so many people believe these fires are being intentionally perpetrated using DEWs, search for “the wildfire didn't burn blue items” or “the trees didn't burn” on X, and you’ll have all the evidence you need to scratch that conspiratorial itch.

(This short 12-second video of on-the-ground footage is really case in point.)

Still, let’s not lose sight of the heartache.

Before opining any further, I’d like to briefly circle back to Josh Stylman’s Second Matrix, as unearthed in TR 655, because the words from that stellar piece are still ringing in my ears:

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”

The purpose of commie propaganda is to humiliate people into accepting the most obvious lies, and even force them to repeat these lies through intense social pressure.

Tell me: are we not being told the most obvious lies?

When showed images and videos of endless destruction, wherein thousands of buildings have been reduced to smoldering piles of ash—but the trees that are standing between the houses are still there, and they still have leaves—we are being told not to believe our eyes, our intuition, or our instinct.

“Trees have more water in them, moron.”

That’s the liberal comeback on social media.

Sure, but many of the leaves are still green.

Surely any fire hot enough to melt vehicles and utterly obliterate all of these homes would rapidly burn the moisture out of the leaves and incinerate them. You don’t have to be an arborist, a rocket scientist, or a firefighter to think that one through.

Never let the Left humiliate you into accepting their idiotic narratives.

Besides that, what possible explanation could there be for the blue plastics not being melted, when they too are sitting right next to the charred remains that were clearly caused by extreme heat?

It reminds me of the blue umbrellas in Hawaii, that were virtually untouched even though they were ten feet away from a blaze hot enough to melt steel.

But never mind all of that.

To be intellectually honest, I must accept the fact that there could be a plausible, non-conspiratorial explanation—you know, something other than the fact that blue items don’t absorb energy from blue laser beams.


It’s very easy to get sucked into trying to figure all of this stuff out, attempting to make sense of the nonsensical, to prove the point one way or another. If you want to believe these “wildfires” are the result of Direct Energy Weapons, you will find ample evidence to support that perspective.

If you want to believe there is a perfectly natural explanation for all of this, the fact-checkers have your back. They’ve debunked all this conspiracy, and they’ll happily provide you a narrative you can use to ridicule anyone who dares to entertain the question.

Ironically, in doing so, the fact-checkers cite government sources to point out that Direct Energy Weapons do in fact exist. So there you have it. It is possible.

You get to choose your own adventure.

Let’s zoom out.

First, let’s not lose sight of the very real suffering. Try to imagine yourself in this situation. Try to imagine if some equivalent catastrophe struck your hometown.

Think about it long and hard.

Who would you turn to? What would you do? How would you get through it?

Would you turn to the government? Would you take orders, abandon your home, and do what you were told? Would you trust FEMA or whomever else was sent in?

Who would you trust as a reliable source of information?

Would you trust CNN or Fox of Trusted News Initiative? Would you trust the local news? Would you trust the public officials speaking at press conferences? Would you trust eyewitness accounts from people within the community?

Would you trust your own lying eyes?

Extend the thought: say, for example, you heard a public official speaking at a press conference on the local news, and you realized that they weren’t telling the truth—or at least that they weren’t telling the full story. What would you do?

Let’s say that something horrific was happening, that your friends, family, and neighbors all knew it, but the feds who had taken charge were keeping a lid on it, lying to the public, and denying the reality on the ground. What would you do?

Can you feel the creeping sense of desperation?

Notice how nobody is really talking about the devastation in Maui or North Carolina anymore? Do you think these people have gotten their lives back? Of course not.

The people who suffered in those catastrophes are STILL suffering. How do you think they might be feeling right about now? What’s their world like today? Where might their focus be? Do you think they’re paying attention to the political circus?

Regardless, for the rest of us, life goes on.

These heartbreaking stories are no longer in the news, so they are no longer on the mind—unless of course you happened to be personally impacted by the crisis.

What I want to wrap up with today, is the fact that there is always more going on than meets the eye. These tragedies bring the nation’s attention to a focal point. For a brief period of time everyone is focused on the fires, while everything else gets ignored.

Personally, I suspect that the speculation about this all advancing Agenda 2030 and the whole Smart City fantasy is much closer to the truth than most people would want to believe. I suspect that those who are on the ground gathering evidence of this are largely being silenced by the algorithms—that’s why there is so little footage getting out.

If you’ll notice, it’s a lot of the same scenes being circulated over and over.

Still, as some information continues to seep through the cracks, conspiracy theories keep people entertained and distracted. However, even if the worst of the worst was actually happening—even if there are lasers from space or from government planes burning the whole place down—what the hell are you or I or anyone else going to do about it?

This technology is patented, and it has already been developed.

It isn’t a wild eyed conspiracy to think those who have invested billions into developing these new weapons would use them to advance their agendas, is it?

Maybe that’s why the Chinese are frantically painting their roofs blue? Elon Musk was discussing this with Joe Rogan four months ago, by the way, about the same time that insurance agencies were pulling policies out of southern California.

“Guess why? They know something is going to happen.”
Elon Musk

Keep in mind, as I’ve often said, what they do in one place they can (and probably will) do in another. I believe the greatest lesson we can learn from these so-called “wildfires” is that there are very powerful people, wielding very powerful weapons, who are willing and able to cause destruction on a scale that is truly incomprehensible.

If it advances their radical agenda, feeds the environmental narrative, brings Smart Cities online faster, consolidates power and control, moves us closer to Earth Systems Governance, and successfully humiliates the peasants, what’s to stop them?

Never forget: pain is all part of the plan.



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