It’s a damn good day.
Let’s take a break from the political circus.
Lately I’ve been talking to a lot of people in the local area about the need to engage people in our community, listen to what they have to say, and learn to use their language in order to meet people where they are at. I realize that’s not quite as rah-rah as a lot of people think we need to be, but I assure you this is both a practical and a tactical strategy.
Listening to people and picking up on their language patterns also just so happens to be the second step of my recently developed four-step plan, aptly titled “The P.L.A.N.”
Intended for people who are concerned about the direction of our country and looking to build local coalitions to reclaim the reins of representative government, I want to share this plan with the Torch Report audience, with the hopes that some may be able to take this plan and run with it in their local communities:
Here’s the PLAN:
P: Put people first.
L: Listen & learn new language.
A: Activities, action, and accountability.
N: Networking & the necessary next steps.
It’s simple. It’s effective. And I’ve got a slide show.
The point of the P.L.A.N. is to solve the root problem of having too few people standing up against any given issue. No matter what front we seek to defend our liberties, we need to get more people into the fight and standing on our side.
Want to rectify the “free and fair elections” situation?
We need to recruit more people.
Want to secure the southern border?
We need to get more people to sound off to their representatives.
Want to curb radical environmental regulations and make sure that farmers have what they need to feed our country?
We need to get more people involved in the movement.
Regardless of the issue, it comes down to the number of people who are willing to get out of the house and engage in the civic process. I’ve thought this through every-which-way you can, and the result is always the same. The socialists are better at selling their ideas. They have been exploiting America’s education system to do just that for the last several decades, and this has been the predominant mentality in news outlets, tech firms, and the entertainment industry for years.
The practical result, is that socialists are persuading the masses faster than the stuffy, crusty, religious prudes who are bitterly clinging to the way things used to be. I know that sounds harsh—but’s just the way that I see it. Can we not all see the facts at hand?
Religious expression has been plummeting. Support for women’s rights, via Pro Choice coalitions, continues to grow. This is all easily verifiable fact.
This is all the result of very intentional social programming, mind you, but it is what it is just the same. It matters not why people have changed their minds so much, and so quickly, it only matters how we can meet them where they are at right now. If we cannot do that, then we fail to connect in such a way as to plant the seeds of liberty.
I know it sounds fluffy, especially coming from an infantryman, a guy who’s been a fighter his entire life, but I’m telling you: this is the way that it is.
We need to build a political coalition to protect and preserve the Republic as founded. Those who seek to erode or discard the Constitution have been led astray. Worse yet, they’ve been taught to perceive us as a threat to the utopian fantasy of “democracy.”
BUT, and this is critical, many people who think they are “fighting for democracy,” and “fighting for women’s rights,” and so on, ultimately still believe in the Bill of Rights. Perhaps they might at first identify with a general fight for “civil rights”—if I were to use their language—but the underlying premise is a respect for individuality.
Therein lies one of the planks that can help bridge the great divide in our nation.
Mutual respect for our individual differences. That’s the secret sauce.
“It’s a free country, do what you want.”
Unfortunately, there is a harem of politicians getting fat off your dollar, who endlessly conspire to restrain your ability to pursue your own happiness—imposing never ending regulations, licenses, fees, and fines, on top of taxes and interest and profit—all to further their own gain and pad their largess.
Moreover, this harem serves an unscrupulous horde of globalist bankers who wield untold influence over every imaginable industry. The collective force of what we’re up against is truly astounding, if you really sit with it for a bit.
That’s why we need to bridge the gap and people together. We do have a common enemy, and it is incumbent upon us to sound the alarm. Weaponized AI might be a good starting point. What is the government doing with this technology? And why?
Then again, jumping straight into the middle of something most people still remain clueless about might be putting the cart before the horse, so let’s see if we can do a little more to meet them where they’re at.
What are the prevailing beliefs of our democrat neighbors? What’s important to them? What kind of language are they using, and where do their words leave open the door to further conversation? Keep these questions in mind, and let’s have a look.
Behold the Democrat platform:
“While many families and communities in Oregon are thriving, far too many of our friends and neighbors continue to struggle. As we look to Oregon’s future, we must address the root causes of the challenges we face and recognize that these challenges disproportionately impact low-income families, small businesses, veterans, and communities of color. To that end, Oregon’s House Democrats plan to invest in our future, by addressing child poverty and rebuilding our middle class. In short, our North Star will be crafting a fair economony and modernizing our schools, so that every Oregonian can reach their full potential and contribute to Oregon’s success.”
What do you think?
It all sounds so nice, doesn’t it? Let’s take this apart, one piece at a time.
What are the root causes of our friends and neighbors struggles?
We’ll get to that, but first:
Aren’t communities of all colors adversely impacted by the massive government overreach and bureaucratic restrictions strangling the life out of our economy?
And don’t communities of all colors struggle with addiction, depression, and suicide?
Don’t communities of all colors, in theory, seek to express their full potential?
What are the causes of child poverty? And why use that distinct choice of words?
And how, exactly, does one imagine the State is going to craft this so-called “fair” economy? Tell me again, what is it that the state actually does?
Setting aside the overtly racist framing of the Democrat platform, let’s get one thing straight.
I’ll tell you what.
Here’s what the State does:
The State steals money from one peasant and gives it to another.
Then the State tells them both what to do. We’re talking about peasants here, in the mind of the State. Peasants are expected to do what they’re told, or else.
Within that framework, let’s imagine a conversation between a peasant and the State, wherein the peasants are represented by two average everyday guys.
To one guy, the State says, “You, go buy a shovel and dig me a hole. I’ll buy you lunch.”
The State, having no money of its own, realizes of course that it must find the resources to pay for the shovel and lunch. For that money, the State turns to the American taxpayers, whom are expected to contribute dutifully to the coffers of various groups of people who call themselves the Government.
To the American taxpayer, the State says:
“You, give us your money, shut your mouth and get back to work.
Oh, and you owe us $20 for mouthing off.
And consider yourself lucky it was just a fine!”
Now in this hypothetical thought experiment, for just a brief moment, the State feels like it has everything under control. Both guys are busy working, and therefore leaving the State alone. But, thinks the State, they’re bound to come back.
They’d each have their reasons for returning to the State, you see.
The guy who got stiffed, he’s going to be miffed. He’s going to want to know why the State just took his money and gave it to the other guy, and then told them both what to do.
To the other guy, the one who’s getting hungry and only has the hole half-dug, he’s going to want lunch, and he’ll say he can’t finish the hole until he’s been properly fed.
This creates a dilemma for the State.
How can the State ask the man who’s coming back for even more money? And more importantly, how can the State make the man pay up again, willingly?
That’s the tricky part.
Fortunately for the State, it turns out there is a science to emotional manipulation.
What human, when hearing the words “child poverty,” doesn’t emote sympathy?
It’s sad to see kids living in filth and squalor. Can anyone argue with that?
No. That’s the science of it. Different words light up different parts of the brain, evoking predictable sets of emotion, depending on the region being activated.
Sympathy, as it turns out, is a very powerful emotion.
Excerpts from TR 491 - The Prudence to Resist:
Sympathy, like all emotions, distorts reality. It activates a non-logical part of the brain. The biochemicals released when we feel sympathy feed the story mechanism of our minds. The outcome is that we believe what we feel, and it really doesn’t matter if the story is accurate or not. Thus, the panhandlers remain well fed.
Now, about those poor helpless victims… and the commies.
And of course, this is all rooted in science:
According to the National Library of Medicine, sympathy provokes “prosocial” behavior and provides a foundation for moral development:
“Sympathy is thought to be a proxy for motivating prosocial behavior and providing the affective and motivational base for moral development.”
Affecting prosocial behavior should be understood a socialist indoctrination, though that intent is somewhat concealed beneath broader generalizations. Specifically addressing the effects as it relates to communist conversion, I summed it up thus:
It kind of seems like that would play right into the commie’s schemes, does it not?
Think about it: prosocial behavior equates to sacrificing one’s self for the greater good, regardless if the reasons for doing so are completely bogus or not. Critical thinking does not apply. Similarly, since communists are avowed atheists, sympathy, as raw emotion, becomes the substitute for religious moral development.
This is an intentional hijacking of human nature.
Now in that report I was tying this all directly to verbiage from the Communist Manifesto. The same language loops are using prolifically in the globalist literature. Look at any document from the UN, the WHO, WEF, or any of their thousands of affiliated NGOs; look at the World Bank, IMF, the FED; look at federal, state, and local policy; look at the education system, corporate vision statements, and political party platforms. Everywhere we look, we find the same words being used.
Again, there’s a very scientific reason for that.
That’s why it’s so critical that we learn to use the specific words that people in other social circles have been conditioned to emotionally respond to.
But as it turns out, I’m up against the clock and all out of time for today. We’ll have to continue to dissect the language in the Democrat’s platform, extract their values, and build some effective communications strategies in tomorrow’s report.
Until then, stay frosty friends. It ain’t easy being cheesy!
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