The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 466 - The Trouble With the Bubbles
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -21:40

TR 466 - The Trouble With the Bubbles

Looking through the lens of different perspectives and popping some pesky bubbles.

Just look at it.

The Dubai skyline.

That is a picture of Dubai. This is where the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils is bringing together “experts and decision‐makers from business, academia, government, civil society and media,” in order to discuss “transformative ideas” for the future of humanity.

Try to imagine being there, high in a tower, looking out on the hustle and bustle of this beautiful glistening city. You could almost smell the money in the air. You could feel the energetic charge of power surging all around you. It would be electrifying.

More than 400 “experts” from around the world will be there. They say this is a “meeting of the minds” who are dedicated to a “more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable future.”

Imagine being invited. Imagine being recognized as a global “expert” and being given the chance to rub elbows with some of the most powerful people on the planet. If you can imagine that, how do you think it would feel? Pretty amazing right?

These people are high on their own power. They live in a bubble.

But then again, so do we—it’s just a very, very different bubble.

Hence the trouble with bubbles.

Our personal bubbles are inflated by our sphere of influence. They are relative to the various perks and quirks of our location, as well as the thoughts and emotions associated with our various beliefs.

Our bubbles can be bigger or smaller, depending on these variables, and they can also be expanding or contracting, depending on a number of other factors.

For example, tying back into yesterday’s conversation, if we are hunkered down waiting for the end of the world, our bubble will contract, and it will keep contracting until our world becomes so small and suffocating, it’s almost unbearable.

On the flip side, if we are busy engaging our communities, building our businesses, growing our families, and moving forward with a purpose, our bubbles expand.

I suppose the primary distinction is the difference between reaching out and exploring the endless possibilities in life—which leads to expansion—or holding back, playing it safe, and trying to reduce risks in an effort to avoid potential pain.

If you think about how the body reacts when we anticipate pain, we flinch. We recoil. We contract. This is natural human behavior, and it is entirely unavoidable, unless we are aware that the threat is not real.

This is a key insight into psychological warfare.

Back to Dubai.

How many people in that city do you think are worried about the Great Reset, about mass vaccination campaigns injecting people with toxic genetic modifications, or about the global cabal working in earnest to depopulate the planet?

It’s anyone’s guess, but my guess is not many.

Why? Because they are too busy in the rat race, living in their own bubbles, wholly unaware of the invisible hand that has slowly creeped around their necks.

To be clear, the same exact thing happens in Small Town USA. Just saying.

But the magnitude of distraction in a city like Dubai, or New York, or L.A., or wherever there are millions upon millions of people stacked on top of each other, is almost beyond comprehension. These frogs are living in a much hotter pot.

And of course, they have no sense of this, because of their bubble.

Imagine if there was an attack that took down the power grid in that city. Imagine the power was out for days, even a week. Imagine that level of chaos. In such an event, or similar events, the chaos would be boiling over in record time.

Few would escape the pot. On top of that, they’d be jumping on top of others to do so, pushing the weaker people under the water in a frantic frenzy of survival. Here there would be a rapid reconciliation to natural order. Laws become irrelevant. The fit and the strong will survive to breed again, along with the clever and prepared.

That’s what happens when the bubble pops, and it doesn’t matter the context. Societal illusions evaporate in an instant and Natural Order is naturally restored. But the truth is, natural order never left, it was just buried under a heap of mental distortions.

Put differently, Nature gets obscured by our bubbles.

Let’s look at a different bubble:

An informal settlement on the outskirts of Johannesburg, South Africa.

According to the UN, this is an “informal settlement” on the outskirts of Johannesburg, South Africa. Under the image, they say this:

“The global economy is at a critical juncture, with some economies thriving and expanding, while others falter and slow down…”

First, let me ask you: can you imagine living in a tin shanty, using tarps and tires to try to keep the rain out? What are the economic prospects here? What is the quality of life? And did you notice all of those satellite dishes?

When I saw that image, my mind tore off in two different directions:

  1. The global elites want to pump high-speed internet into every hut and home on the planet. They claim it’s so that people don’t get left behind, but in reality, it’s part of the global digital infrastructure and central to their system of control. This is how they manipulate the minds of humanity at scale.

  2. They claim the global economy is at a “critical juncture”—doesn’t it seem like everything is at a critical juncture these days? Some economies are thriving—say like Dubai—while other economies are faltering, say like our own. The point is, the new world order is going up, while the old world order is going down.

In their report, UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) expresses great concern over this “significant divergence,” and cites the “absence of policy coordination” as the main culprit. That would be the absence of global economic policy coordination, in case that wasn’t clear, and it foreshadows the forthcoming global digital currencies, such as WorldCoin, that are taking the world by storm.

If you’re interested in keeping tabs, get this:

Those articles mostly put a positive spin on things, tossing a nonchalant glance toward privacy concerns, but there is a much darker side to this, as you might have imagined. What I want to point out here is this new global digital currency is directly linked to the iris-scanned global digital ID, and they are working the kinks out of this new global system by expanding into third-world countries.

You know, by exploiting the peasants who are none the wiser to their schemes.

Fortunately for humanity, some of these peasants are wising up, and fast:

So there you have it. The imposition of global digital currency, in this case WorldCoin, which is backed and promoted by the genius who created ChatGPT by the way, ultimately “constitutes acts of espionage” and is a direct threat to national sovereignty and statehood.

And yet, while the Kenyans were quick to wake up and realize their entire country was being digitally enslaved, the American media is running articles like this:

Biometrics—like scanning your eyeball via the shiny spherical orb—could be the key to protecting your digital ID. Please take note of the assumption that you have already accepted or been assigned a digital ID, and that they are now trying to convince consumers to link their physical identities with their digital identities with propaganda like this:

“In a world where cyber attacks have grown exponentially more sophisticated with hostile nation states and organized crime accelerating their programs targeting Americans, how do we stay safe?

Here comes the punchline:

“Then came Worldcoin, a company announced in July that combines AI with crypto that said it would revolutionize the field of digital security. The key, Worldcoin would scan and store every user's iris, a biomarker unique to each person.”

They claim the aim is to create a “central database of biometric information.”

I just have to ask the obvious question: What could possibly go wrong?!

Let’s connect the dots.

Despite the incessant propaganda about how Biden’s economy is booming, the United States is in an economic bubble of epic proportions. That bubble is about to pop, and no amount of printing money (i.e. inflation) can prevent that from happening. Rather than trying to explain that, I’ll let the pros do that here:

“If Tuesday Was Market Chaos, Wednesday Was Chaos On A Trampoline On Drugs

That article offers some real-time analysis of what’s actually happening in the American financial system. It’s a bit wonky, but the gist is stocks are “rivaling the worst” since the dotcom bust, and “the scale of the problems still ahead of us regardless of what we do now is so large that most refuse to try to grasp it.”

Some economies are going up, some economies are coming down. If the Kenyans were quick to grow wise to the espionage of global digital currency, don’t you think Americans might be quick to wake up too? Honestly, maybe, maybe not—but the point is, the globalists will be implementing the global digital currency, whether we agree with that fact or not.

Economic collapse would provide the perfect opportunity for this historic transition—especially if the World Bank’s bailout was contingent upon adoption of WorldCoin.

How might that affect those peasants living in the tin shanties?

How might that affect the people living in the thriving metropolis of Dubai?

How will it affect you, your livelihood, your family, and your way of life?

The answer is, it depends on your bubble.

My bubble looks like this:

While a hefty majority of people are worried about the end of the world, I’m not one of them. I understand that very soon, bubbles may be popping all around me. I’m prepared for it—and I understand that when it all comes crashing down, the Nature of things will remain the same. That keeps me sane.

And for those who never saw it coming, I’d say that’s the trouble with bubbles.


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