So many What Ifs, it’s mind blowing to be sure. What helps my sanity is knowing,

What I provide is different then what my neighbor provides. It’s like a highway, each of us carries a piece and in the end we put what we have together and go on. God created Mankind to survive, the planet,(physics),teaches us how to do it. I’m feeling a quote coming on:

“The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men”

Jules-Pulp Fiction

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"inequities of the selfish" ... beautiful words. There are two great scourges that plague humanity: The Myth of Equality and the Assumption of Superior Knowledge... both are rooted in delusion and manifest in myriad ways.

I think of the cosmos like an infinite mosaic. We are each our own infinitely unique piece of the grand cosmic puzzle. The world would be incomplete without the presence of each individual--and yet we are but a spec in the ocean of time. Our lifetimes pass like a blooming flower and the world goes on without us.... though any given action we take might ripple throughout eternity.

Many layers here... would love to dive deeper... I'm thinking about launching a separate Substack to explore these lines of thinking. Ultimately, it is my belief that the only solution to political chaos is the elevation of spiritual awareness... "Growing with God" some might say... where does wisdom come from? ...we'll save that conversation for another time!

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