He did it again.
Boy, this time Trump really stepped in it. Even some conservative pundits claim he’s gone too far. This could be the end of his candidacy. Nobody has ever done anything so terrible. It’s almost unspeakable, but it must be said:
Donald Trump has questioned whether or not Kamala Harris is actually black!
More accurately, to quote The Don directly:
“I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black.”
It’s a glorious statement, and more importantly, it’s accurate.
Besides the fact that Kamala Harris has an “Indian-Caucasian-Jamaican” birth certificate, she has also been championed for years as the “First Indian Senator in American History”—and the media has previously praised her as such:
At any rate, it’s all the buzz, and it’s entertaining, now let’s move on.
The real story behind the story here, is that Donald Trump took the time and had the courage to step into an openly hostile situation, to be questioned by some lame-brain leftist hack from ABC, in front of the National Association of Black Journalists.
Not only did he step up and rock the boat, he got cheers from the crowd for doing so.
He crushed the aggressive imbecile who was doing her best to give him hell throughout the interrogation, and he did so with a calm and collected demeanor.
“I have been the best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln.”
—Donald J. Trump
Again, the crowd of Black journalists cheered.
This guy is willing to speak the truth with an in-your-face force that draws applause from the across the spectrum. Most people still know truth when they hear it.
Never mind the liberal meltdown or the screeching and gnashing of teeth, what we are witnessing here is a massive historical shift in public sentiment among all those so-called “people of color.”
Donald Trump was able to draw huge, enthusiastic crowds in The Bronx, remember?
Thus, even though he has been relentlessly portrayed as a racist, divisive figure by the lying liberal media, the truth is that Donald Trump is actually bringing the country together. He is demonstrating, repeatedly, what leadership and pressure under fire actually looks like, and the American public has clearly noticed.
Even many people who used to hate the man, are now standing in his corner.
Tell me: when was the last time you saw anything like this in American politics?
There is a phrase that comes from the Bible, talking about scales falling from the eyes. It implies a sudden awakening or realization, a seeing, realizing, and understanding of a truth that was once obscured by ignorance.
For millions of people in America, especially the left-leaning independent, libertarian, and classically liberal types, over the last few weeks the scales have fallen from their eyes. They are now seeing Donald Trump, for the first time, for the remarkable man that he is.
It’s a fascinating observation.
Now, with all that said, let’s just be real. There are still many people who are highly skeptical of Trump, believing that he is perhaps controlled opposition, or that he’s deeply flawed and morally repugnant. Some people claim that he’s controlled by Zionists—which is a strangely loaded word that’s heavily circulated in certain circles, by people who are almost obsessively fixated on so-called “tiny hats.”
From another angle, a friend of mine shared this perspective:
The truly discerning voter should go line-by-line and ask the pressing question: does this represent an accurate perspective? Are these statements true?
In the moment I told my friend, “That’s all well and good, but it doesn’t change what I’m witnessing right now.” Namely, the above statements do not change the fact that Donald Trump is uniting a very divided country, against all odds, by focusing on a message that resonates with a broad swath of people across the political spectrum.
Pretty much every American wants to live in a safe community, to be able to afford gas and groceries, to be able to buy a home and thrive in a prosperous economy. Pretty much every American wants their kids to be happy, healthy, well-educated and equipped to succeed in life—to have more than the generations before.
Most Americans are not into funding endless wars just to feed the MIC.
Most Americans are the “working class” people who make the world go round, building, fixing, and inventing genius ways to make our lives just a little bit better.
Does Donald Trump really think that Epstein killed himself? Really?
Let’s not succumb to shallow thinking here.
Did Donald Trump really seal the JFK files? The answer is no.
According to History.com:
On April 26, in compliance with the deadline set by President Trump last October, the National Archives released 19,045 additional documents from the JFK assassination files. Instead of a full reveal, however, some material will still be kept from the public due to “identifiable national security, law enforcement, and foreign affairs concerns,” according to a White House memo. The president said he was ordering agencies to “re-review each of the redactions over the next three years,” and set a deadline for further release of documents of October 26, 2021.
Trump set a deadline that forced the National Archives to release over 19,000 previously hidden files. The National Archives decided that releasing some files would be a threat to national security.
Trump told them to “re-review” the process, and gave them time to do so.
Did Trump really indict Julian Assange, instead of pardoning him?
Again, the answer is no. Here’s the press release for the Assange indictment, directly from the U.S. Department of Justice website:
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
Read the whole thing as many times as you want, and you will not find Trump anywhere in there. Here’s the opening paragraph (emphasis added):
“A federal grand jury returned an 18-count superseding indictment today charging Julian P. Assange, 47, the founder of WikiLeaks, with offenses that relate to Assange’s alleged role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the United States.”
It was a federal grand jury that indicted Julian Assange, not Donald Trump.
Do you see the pattern here?
It’s easy to make bold statements with half-truths that sound good and support one’s presupposed perspectives. If someone doesn’t like Trump, or if they fancy themselves a cynical skeptic, then they can toss out disparaging remarks like the ones made above, without ever validating the truth of the statements.
Being blinded by personal bias is human nature, to be fair.
Ironically, it is a closer examination of human nature that liberates one’s mind from the carefully crafted illusions that are endlessly being constructed by the media masters. By examining our own nature, we can gain insights and hone the accuracy of our perception of other people.
One of the strange things that happens when a person is exalted in the media—whether they are a politician, athlete, performer, or what have you—is they become something other than human in our minds.
They become villains and heroes.
They become archetypes and abstract thoughts.
They become ideas.
They become stories.
It is through these ideas, stories, and abstract thoughts that we lose touch with the humanity of the person we’re thinking about, regardless of whether we are deifying or demonizing them in our minds.
What holds true is that there is always some discrepancy between what we think about someone, and the actual reality of whom that person is.
(Side note: this is true when it comes to our thoughts about ourselves as well.)
So, is Donald Trump perfect and above all reproach? Is he flawless in every way and never make a mistake? Has every decision he has ever made been absolutely the best decision ever, 100% of the time?
Of course not.
Donald Trump is human. He makes mistakes, just like the rest of us.
No doubt he’s made some bad decisions, just like you and me.
I bet he’s even changed his mind from time to time, that his perspective has been shaped and changed by his own personal experience, what do you think?
Interestingly enough, if you were to go back and watch interviews of Donald Trump from the 80s and 90s, you’d find that he is remarkably consistent in many ways. You would see that he’s always been an open-minded, intelligent, people person. He’s quick on his feet and unafraid of stepping into confrontation, or even instigating it.
Donald Trump is not a yes man, he’s a fighter. Decades of social proof and his life in the limelight make this abundantly clear. It’s all there for the world to see.
If you’re into taking a trip down memory lane and expanding your perspective on Donald Trump, perhaps getting a little better feel for who he is, consider these:
Donald Trump calls out Iranians over U.S. hostages in 1980 interview
Donald Trump: "I don't want to be president" - 1987 Larry King interview
And just for fun:
Again, it’s fascinating to me to think about this man’s life, all of his many accomplishments, his undeniable success and business savvy, his willingness to put himself out there and take unpopular stances, and his ability to defend himself, his ideas, and his positions on things, all without getting ruffled or losing his cool.
As I was observing Trump at the RNC, there was a very distinct sense that I was watching a very real, very inspiring man, and seeing his humanity. Think about what this man, this fellow human being, has been through over the last eight years.
It would be a shock to the system for any human being.
Think about what it would feel like to know there are millions of people who hate you so much that they want to see you dead, all because of the lies being heaped upon lies about who you are, about what you’ve done, and about what you stand for.
Consider the heart-thumping realization that some crazed lunatic was squeezing off rounds and trying to assassinate you—and that you’d actually been shot in the ear, narrowly escaping death—and in that moment rising up to tell the people to fight.
Imagine the torture of knowing the truth that you’d been betrayed.
Imagine a leader who could somehow rise above all of this and still manage to inspire a nation toward unity, against all odds, and despite the many powerful forces aligned against him. Tell me, how many people could do such a thing?
There is no doubt we are living in perilous times, or that the fate of our nation hangs upon the next election. It’s going to take hard work and strong leadership to get our country back on track, and Donald Trump is just the man for the job.
If you know anyone who would suggest otherwise, send them this report.
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