The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 569 - Reflecting on the Lessons of City Dwellers and the Impact of Metro Inertia

TR 569 - Reflecting on the Lessons of City Dwellers and the Impact of Metro Inertia

A humble peasant's perspective on the common urban rat race.

So I was sitting in Chicago…

My flight had been delayed twice, and I’d be missing the happy hour meet-n-greet in DC… and I was okay with all it. It allowed space for reflection on what’d brought me to that point, the convergence of so many different things in motion, and of course, the natural pondering as to the best path forward.

In the present tense:

To properly frame what’s about to come out, it feels prudent to put words to where my mind is at. I’m in macro mode. I’m zoomed way out. In many ways, it feels as if I am on the outside looking in; as if I’m still gazing down from the airplane window.

The last flight was packed, and by the time I boarded there was only a small selection of middle seats. I’m pretty sure the middle seat on an airplane is no one’s favorite, but what the heck, it still beats the hell out of walking.

As it turned out, I was sandwiched in between two incredible human beings, a husband and wife with a fascinating tale to tell. The conversation weaved through everything from kayaking and wild flowers, to the Yoga Sutras and Hackable Animals. There is, in my mind, exactly zero statistical probability that three people in the cosmos would land in those seats, share such similar affinities, and quite accidentally stumble into a deep and meaningful two-hour conversation.

Call it synchronicity. Call it serendipity. Call it whatever you want… I’ll call it a gift.

For the record, this isn’t the first time I’ve found myself immersed in strangely intriguing conversations on an airplane. One time, flying between India and Singapore, I sat next to a Muslim man. He looked just like an Islamic terrorist, I kid you not, but he was a deeply sincere man, humble and willing to engage in an hours-long discussion about God and the fundamental goodness of life.

In the same vein, recently, in an unexpected turn of events, I found myself surrounded by several commie sympathizers, true proponents of a socialistic worldview, anti-capitalists with a venerable hatred of all things Donald Trump and MAGA extremists. When the one guy started praising communism, I abruptly walked up, entered the fray, and assertively injected myself into the conversation.

It seemed appropriate, in the moment, to meet them right where they were at, and then ever so gently eviscerate the naivety of their heavily conditioned perspectives. The goal was to keep things lighthearted enough that we didn’t come to blows, but real enough to chart out the boundaries of our disagreement and stimulate some curiosity.

Interestingly enough, it all ended positively. No blood spilled and no love lost.

Again, I’d point to the improbability of it all—and yet it happened. It was a gift.

For me personally, I see a divine connection in all of this. It’s being in the right place at the right time, in some sense, and it’s also walking the walk so-to-speak. I’m constantly talking about the need to meet people where they’re at, listen and learn their language, build bridges and make an effort to find common ground.

As I’ve said many times before, this is both practical and tactical, and it is an absolutely critical element of any workable strategy to overcome global tyranny.

We are in a war of ideas. We are fighting for hearts and minds.

If we lose, the masses will have us all hanged.

So, what do the two nature loving hippie yogis, the not-so-radical humble Muslim man, and the commies at the bar all have in common?

They’re all human, just like you and me.

Beyond that, they were willing to engage in conversation with a perfect stranger. They were willing to listen and to share. They were willing to communicate and connect.

The result was magic, as it most often is.

Life is magic.

This afternoon, as I was floating through the sky, zooming over the Chicago suburbs, the vast urban sprawl seemed to be telling me something. My mind clicked through a list of conclusions I’d come to based on prior observations: yuck, who the hell would want to live like that? No wonder people are so warped, look at how they’re living!

My judgment knows no bounds. Honestly, there are very real, very practical implications of the urban versus rural paradigm, from dependency on government services and the density of groupthink, to the disconnect from the natural world—but there was something else emerging from this unfolding experience.

I was observing obliviousness. Deeper than that, it was the subconscious acceptance of what to me seemed not only an undesirable, but a wholly unacceptable way to live, that really struck me. Subconscious acceptance. Is that the same thing as not knowing any better? Or could it be that this was an intentionally conditioned acceptance?

Is this a distinction that’s even worth making? How does this play into the overarching existential battle of wills between the “secret cabal” of global elites and the average peasant on planet Earth? Does this have any relevance to the 2024 election and the future of the United States? What’s the lesson here?

The silver lining in having my flight twice delayed was having the time to chew on this, to ruminate and really roll it over in my mind. All at once it occurred to me that this very well could be a manifestation of the “subconscious taming” that prominent psychologists were warning us about in the 1940s. It is, without question, an undeniable degree of domestication, which alone carries significant implications.

But, for the sake of grace, let’s just say that people are people, and most people are going to live out their lives in a similar fashion to the way they were raised. The volume of people who are born in big cities like Chicago dwarfs the population of people who are born into rural settings, and I’d be willing to speculate that the majority of people who are born in any given city are more likely than not going to live out their lives and die in the same exact city.

Let’s call it metro inertia.

Along with this trend, there are other elements of metro inertia that are on full display to anyone paying attention. Again, this is an outside looking in perspective—and the mere speculation of an ignorant peasant, so please take it with a grain of salt—but it seems to me that all the glitz and glamour, the big shiny buildings, the opaque projection of opulence, and the seductive scent of money that comes part and parcel with a large metro area, this is the anesthetic that numbs the masses to their collective plight, a plight that the majority remain completely unaware of, because they really do know no better.

And yet, though the plight of every big city is on full display for anyone willing to see it for what it is, the truth is that most people living in these cities are incapable of seeing this for themselves. They are on the inside trying to look out, but everywhere they look, there is just endless concrete, commerce, and distraction.

Given the human proclivity to adapt to our circumstances, to get comfortable in our routines, and to get lost in the daily grind, it only makes sense that people in the city would do the same. It’s perfectly natural human behavior to continue along in life, doing what we’ve always done, simply because it’s familiar and predictable.

We are creatures of habit, are we not?

Thus, when considering the future of humanity, we must account for these basic facts, and figure them into our working strategy on how to retain our liberties, maintian our national sovereignty, and defend our constitutional republic.

I remember when I was hauling butt back across the country from my first trip out to Washington DC with the People’s Convoy. It was somewhere around 5,000 miles into the extended roadtrip that I found myself driving into Chicago, coming from the east. That’s when it occured to me that no one in the city really cared about the frustration of rural Americans, nor were they the least bit concerned about our fighting for freedom.

Not only did no one care about a trucker convoy 100-miles long carrying the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans all across the heartland, it was as if it never happened. They’d never heard about it. It wasn’t on the news. It wasn’t on the local radio station. For the people in Chicago and elsewhere, there was never any indication that there was even something going on.

That’s the power of the media. That’s the power of coordinated censorship.

All that said, here’s the unfortunate reality: if we fail to win back the heart of our once great cities, we will fail to win back the heart of our nation. It’s not fun to think about it, but we need to think about it. Failure to do so would be a tactical error.

I’m aware of a common perspective among many American patriots, that essentially says let the cities burn. I get it, and I tend to agree, but only in the short-term sense. The cities will suffer from the chaos of their own making, all by design, to give the government the optics needed to justify the next steps in their relentless schemes.

If, as Joe Biden says, “the food shortages are going to be real,” then it will be the people in the cities who suffer disproportionately from the manufactured famine. Country folk will survive, and we sure as hell won’t be eating bugs.

However, where this ‘let it burn’ mentality falls short, is in the long-term. The cities are the manufacturing hubs, they’re where stuff gets made, they’re where business gets done, and perhaps more pertinent to the geopolitical chaos, they’re where fiscal and political power tend to consolidate.

More people means more business, more profits, and more political influence. That’s a fact that is not going to change. Even if half the urbanites starved to death and killed eachother in an ugly societal collapse, they’d still easily out number the remnant populaion of American rebels holed-up in rural areas all across the heartland.

Furthermore, the metro infrastructure, though potentially damaged and dilapitated, will still stand. The buildings will still be there. All those tiny sardine-sized homes stacked up on top of eachother, those will still be there. Same goes for the suburbs.

And you know what else, people will still be there—the people who call these cities home. At some point, those people will have had enough of the tyranny, of the hunger and the political corrruption—at some point.

It’s a wonder more people in these places haven’t woke up yet, which is yet another testament to the mystifying methods of mass manipulation and mind control.

At any rate, not every city dweller is a commie agent. Not every city dweller is a die-hard progressive socialist hack. There are plenty of red-blooded, patriotic, capitalistic, constitutional conservatives living in the the cities.

In fact, the numbers may surprise you…

But that’s something we’ll have to dig into in the next report.

Now I’m in DC, and it’s go time.



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