The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 427 - Assessing the Threat of Wildfires

TR 427 - Assessing the Threat of Wildfires

There has been too much news about wildfires lately for it all to be coincidence.

Did you hear about people in Hawaii having to jump into the ocean to flee the fastest, most ferocious wildfire ever unleashed on the island? I’m sure you did. It was tragic.

I lived in Hawaii for five years, and one of my favorite towns to visit was the historic Lahaina town, which was the one that just got scorched to the ground. I’ve walked those streets and enjoyed browsing those shops, before grabbing a drink and soaking up the unforgettable Lahaina sunsets. But that was then and this is now.

Yesterday I spent some time looking into the news that was coming out of Hawaii. Unsurprisingly, there was a great deal of hype and shock and awe headlines like this:

It’s apocalyptic! Hawaiians flee into the ocean to survive! Thousands of people race to escape! Patients overwhelm hospitals as wildfire destroys a historic tourist town!

I cannot imagine anything more alarming!!!

Now, to be fair, I don’t intend to make light of the plight of those who have suffered throughout this devastating ordeal. As of this morning, there have been at least 36 people killed in the fire, and hundreds of homes and businesses have been lost. Those losses are real, and they are unfortunate—but so is the way that this is being spun.

From the Seattle Times this morning:

“The fires were fanned by strong winds from Hurricane Dora passing far to the south. It’s the latest in a series of disasters caused by extreme weather around the globe this summer. Experts say climate change is increasing the likelihood of such events.”

You see, The Experts say that this “extreme weather” is being driven by “climate change,” along with the latest “series of disasters” ripping around the globe this summer. No doubt you’ve seen headlines about how this is the hottest summer ever recorded on Earth—and that’s according to The Science:

NOW THEN, one need not be a rocket scientist to poke holes in that remarkably absurd assertion, so I’m going to refrain from being snarky in order to make a bigger point. The bigger point is that most people simply believe what they’re told, especially if it’s repeated ad nauseam through every conceivable channel of modern communication. This is precisely why propaganda works as well as it does.

But, being the curious peasant that I am, I’m not willing to take this story at face value. There are some things that just don’t add up. First of all, all of this hype about wildfires has been so relentless, it causes me to pause and question the intent. Second of all, more specific to Maui, this has all the trappings of a shock and awe distraction.

Who cares about the Biden’s illegally wheeling and dealing with the CCP when people are fleeing into the ocean, right?

Think about who is drawn to this “climate crisis” narrative.

It would be the heavily conditioned minions of the Climate Cult, who typically lurk on the Left, and of course all of those poor impressionable youth who are suffering through their final years of assimilation at state indoctrination centers all across the country, would it not? Of course, this is the very same group of people who will vote for Joe Biden in 2024—those whom I affectionately refer to as the useful idiots.

I do not believe that it’s just a coincidence the useful idiots are being inundated with climate crisis headlines at the exact same time Biden has been caught red-handed laundering millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party through various foreign nationals and a complex web of shell companies. I don’t think it would change their votes mind you, it’s just not a coincidence that they are not getting this news.

But let me back up here for a second, back to the wildfires on Maui.

Like I said, some things just don’t add up to me.

Take this passage from the Associated Press for example:

“Fueled by a dry summer and strong winds from a passing hurricane, the fire started Tuesday and took the island by surprise, racing through parched growth and neighborhoods in the historic town of Lahaina, a tourist destination that dates to the 1700s and is the biggest community on the island’s west side.”

This whole squawk about being fueled by a strong hurricane is bullshit. According to the Honolulu Star Adviser, perhaps the most reputable local newspaper, as of Tuesday morning Hurricane Dora was about 700 miles south-southwest of the islands, moving westward at approximately 23 mph. In other words, the storm had already passed “well south” of the islands before the wildfires broke out:

This is a critical point, because the mainstream narrative is that the fires started “early Tuesday” (Aug. 8th) and “spread with frightening speed” because of winds from Hurricane Dora. This is not possible, given the following set of facts:

The hurricane was 700 miles south of the islands. Hurricane winds only extended 30 miles from the center, and tropical storm force winds only extended 115 miles from the center. Simple math (and common sense) says that the storm-force winds from Hurricane Dora were some 600 miles too far away to affect the Maui fires. To claim otherwise would be like saying a tornado in Texas was kicking up winds in Georgia.

Simply not true.

But that’s not the only thing that doesn’t add up about this story.

I scoured dozens of articles looking for some indication of what actually started the fires. The word was mum until today (two days later), when the “explainers” started popping up in the search results, like this article from U.S. News:

Obviously people want to know how this tragedy got started. Here they claim the fires started on Tuesday night (after the hurricane had passed 700 miles to the south), and that as of today, the cause had not yet been determined. Isn’t that interesting? A small historic tourist town gets torched to the ground, people are jumping into the ocean to escape the flames, dozens of people are burnt alive, and nobody knows how it happened? And the best they can do is blame it on climate change and a hurricane that is some 700 miles away? Call me crazy, but I’m not buying it.

Someone knows how this fire started.

While U.S. News accurately acknowledges that 85% of wildfires are caused by humans, they just couldn’t resist pushing their cult-like narrative:

“Record-setting heat this summer has contributed to unusually severe wildfires in Europe and western Canada. Scientists say climate change, driven by fossil fuel use, has led to more frequent and more powerful extreme weather events.

Scientists say that using fossil fuels is driving “record-setting heat” and “unusually severe wildfires” in Europe and in western Canada, and naturally this has caused the horrific destruction of a historic Hawaiian village. That’s the mainstream’s explanation, so now you know everything you need to know.

No need to ask any more questions, like why does this before and after footage of Lahaina show green standing trees and parks right next to where the “inferno” had consumed the town?



Those pictures from CNN are described in the article as if “parts of Maui look like they’ve been bombed in war.” I agree — totally flattened. That’s crazy. I also want to note that stucco and brick are a common style of construction in Hawaii, because they hold up better to the predictable hurricane force winds, consistent tropical rains, and salty ocean air. Not all houses are made of stone, but certainly many of them are.

Evidently those ones weren’t.

Here’s another question that probably no one will ask: how is it possible that these fires were being fueled by winds from a hurricane 700 miles away, and yet the smoke was still going straight up? Check out these pictures and you’ll see what I mean:

And what’s with all those burnt vehicles anyway? Take a look at the picture below, and please explain to me how a fire could miraculously leap from a scorched stoned building, across the barren asphalt of Front Street, and ignite a fire in a nearby vehicle—one that was hot enough to utterly gut the car:

(Both pictures come from the Lahaina Front Street photo journey page, found here.)

Zoom out.

Looking at that last picture of the burnt out car reminded me of similar images I’ve seen cropping up recently, specifically in relation to electric vehicles catching fire. There are millions of pictures on the internet, but I toss out a few examples:

That scorched vehicle in Hawaii looks remarkably similar to me—but I could just be seeing things. That said, it did make me curious: how many electric vehicles are there in Maui? Are they common or not common? I did a little looking and was not surprised to find that the liberal Hawaiian islands are all-in on electric vehicles.

The point here is that there is ample opportunity for any one of these state EVs or the Electric buses to spontaneously burst into toxic flames and create a fire MUCH hotter than a fast moving wildfire—and that seems at least as plausible as the mainstream narrative. I started digging into that “electric seaglider” story, only to find that the companies behind it are 100% globalist corporations (visit the home page for Pacific Current and Hawaiian Electric and you’ll see what I mean).

Taken altogether, there is plenty of reason to suspect they are intentionally putting an environmental spin on the story of the Maui fires, and an equal amount of reason to suspect the cause of the fires is more likely linked to the so-called “electrification” of the island than some remote storm some 700 miles away.

Keep in mind, as all of this is happening the WHO is trumpeting the narrative that “wildfires are another reminder of the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the planet on which all life depends.”

Simultaneously the United Nations is parroting the same talking points that climate change is making “wildfires more frequent and intense,” estimating that we could see a 50% global increase in “extreme fires” by the end of the century.

I’m sure the electrification of society won’t have anything to do with it. When it comes to assessing the threat of wildfires, the global narrative is all you need to know.


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