The Torch Report
The Torch Report
TR 415 - Reviewing 9/11 and Skull & Crossbones

TR 415 - Reviewing 9/11 and Skull & Crossbones

This is a continuation of the Worst Case Scenario review... and it's a juicy one.

Today is Tuesday, July 25th 2023, and today we’ going to continue our review of the worst case scenario, as initially reported at the start of the year. This report dives into some of the wildest conspiracies that continue to come true, not the least of which is the “enthroned invisible government” that owes allegiance to no one—to quote Teddy Roosevelt—and some of the conspicuous symbolism surrounding 9/11 and the Skull & Bones secret society. That said, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

For those who are new to the audience, I approached the questions surrounding 9/11 very gently in this report. I explained why that is and shared my personal experience from 9/11 in TR 276 - Here’s How It Happens, but we’re not going to get into that this week—but it’s there to check it out if you’re interest.

For now, let’s go ahead and jump right jump right back into the insanity of it all…

The Torch Report
The Torch Report
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