As usual, I agree with you. We are just about at the point of no return. They have the J6 examples to cause patriots to question what they will and won't do. The J6ers are what the government is shoving in our face...act up and you'll join 'em. WE HAVE FREAKING POLITICAL PRISONERS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That should send chills up everybody's spine no matter what they believe! Add some censorship and surveillance to the threat of being imprisoned and you have the perfect government control mechanisms. Of course, doing nothing speeds us towards a CCP style version of America. Fun times.

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Thank you sir, for pointing out the outrageous truth -- that our government is holding political prisoners, and political leadership in both sides is essentially doing nothing about it. I believe the mechanisms for tyrannical control are already in place, and fear is their most powerful tool. Their techniques have long been proven and perfected. Hope lies in the will to resist, and strategies deployed to assist others in waking to this reality. We need to fan the flames of freedom before freedom is snuffed out for good!

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