You make great points as always and we never need to agree on everything. Nobody agrees on EVERYTHING. I'm not even saying President Trump is the man this time around. I haven't decided. The only thing I will say is I no longer trust the vote tallies that you cite in your article so I don't consider every point based on those tallies is worth considering. The corruption is just overwhelming with elections now. I no longer trust the system...unfortunately. I trust the vote tallies you cite as much as the death tally for Covid. They tinkered with the statistics on "Covid deaths" so severely that I'm not buying any of their numbers either. You know...who died of Covid vs. who died with Covid and so many other ways they shoved the propaganda down our throats. Where do we go for truth? Well, there is no place. There's a fragment here and a fragment there and each person has to do the best they can to piece it together. I have done that for myself and one of my conclusions is that both modern voting statistics and Covid statistics are fatally flawed. Like you and your readers, I am very worried about the future (although enjoying my life at the same time)! THANKS for your efforts. and thought-provoking articles.

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Thanks Pug, I appreciate the feedback. Also, I agree the vote tallies are all baked... you know, a suitcase of ballots over here, a stack of freshly printed ballots over there, and voila, we have the most popular sock-puppet ever elected! You nailed it on the covid numbers as well. It reminds me of the saying: "There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics." Reading the numbers is like reading the tea leaves, and whether we're talking voting, covid, economics, or "climate science", the gubmint would have us all believe that they alone possess the sacred statistical truth... the sad part is, plenty of people believe it!

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