Mar 10, 2023Liked by Luke Throop

Trump is a motivational leader, can’t argue intelligently against that. And with any election, they never get 100% of their wish list. So I believe 50/50 is realistic so I see on the achievement side, energy, security, financial stability, to be on that side. On the won’t get done side. Guns, vacs, eminent domain.

So I can put a check by his name.

To step back and look at the larger picture, it’s only a delay not a fix. In that aspect I would rather fight now then my children to fight later without me. And so I can make an argument to write in vote for Wait for it. GORE 24🫡.

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GORE 24... fascinating, my mind instantly flipped out an acronym:





You'll have to tell me more about your new favorite candidate.

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There are two choices Trump or communism. Trump is the only one that will stand up against China and if he gets re-elected he will be the most powerful man in the history of the free world. Which will set the communist back at least 15 years. DeSantis is not the person he pretends to be.

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Thank you Dell, I agree that many people see it this way, Trump vs. Communism -- though I would add that I think it's Liberty vs. Communism, or the individual vs. the collective, that is the larger over-arching concern. Trump may very way take the fight to the state, but he is just one man, and in order to stem the tide of collective infection, to quell the current commie revolution, we need to focus on educating as many people as we can about the true threat of a centralized government having unlimited authority over our lives--which is what all of this revolution, on the global scale, is really all about. I will continue to watch Trump, albeit with a wary eye, tempering my hope for electing a strong political leader (who we desperately need) with the facts at hand. If it is Trump vs. the Cabal after the primaries, I believe we will see an unprecedented wave of violence and chaos unleashed by the Left both before and after the 2024 election. In some ways, this will be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as predicted by the progressive cabal, and that's why it feels like a set up. There's something else going on here that causes me to think the idea of Biden vs. Trump is a) absolutely appalling, and b) very bad for our country... that's where my gut is at on this issue. Thank you again for sharing, and for all you do to help keep the citizens of KC apprised of the situation!

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