Feb 21, 2023Liked by Luke Throop

Woodrow Wilson said if he was re-elected he would keep the U S out of WW1, well about six months after reelection we were at war. My point is we are being set up for the same situation. The leaders are putting us in another world war. And nothing will happen to them. But we, the peasants will pay the ultimate price

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Indeed. Lying shysters are setting us up and we can plainly see what's coming. But it's kind of like the Titanic, isn't it? Is it even possible to steer this ship, to correct course before it's too late? Certainly not from the position of a peasant, especially given the penchant thirst for blood and war that seems so prominent amongst today's politicians. Per the laws of physics, that which is in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by a superior force -- but does such a force exist, outside of "supernatural" solutions? In my mind, the answer remains to be seen...

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Luke Throop

Agreed. Unfortunately if we don’t enforce these laws with our leadership, well the Declaration of Independence explains what must be done. Q: “But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and provide new Guards for their future security. “

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It is our duty indeed, and a moral obligation to future generations, if you were to ask my opinion. Lawlessness abounds. Despotism reigns. Yet the apathy remains. WHY? Could it be the "subconscious taming" that we were warned about? Could it be institutional conditioning that has pacified the masses? If so, are we beyond the point of making a stand? Is it too little too late? Are there too few who are willing to resist and rise up in the spirit of our Founders?

The ancient questions arises: "Whom shall I send?" ...and the answer requires a personal response. If not me, then who? If not now, then when? Questions must lead to answers before action can be taken. Stay wise my friend.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Luke Throop

We can all believe differently, but where we better be of one mind is when it comes to our Bill of Rights. This is our foundation and must be our unity.

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Very true. There are certainly limits on what we can disagree on, and still be on the same side. I'm certainly not a fan of radical jihadis or Islamic terrorists--and if they line up on the wrong side of the line, well.... but if for a moment, we are all pointing [our attention/intention] in the same direction, then we can still be friends in the fight for freedom, on the right side of history, fighting for the future of humanity. Tribes can go back to bickering and killing each other afterwards, and they will, but currently there is a common enemy that exceeds the capacity for any given tribe to defeat alone. It is in that spirit I present the optimistic possibility of work together with, and standing alongside, people with different beliefs to achieve the mission at hand. The Bill of Rights, and the Constitution in general, is and should forever remain the bedrock of American society -- these are the rules we agree to, and the rights we are willing to defend, based on the belief that "all men are created equal, with certain unalienable rights," and yet even these documents are but a formalization of the truth that is written on our hearts, a legal articulation of basic human rights, of God given rights, that exist and can be felt, known, and fought for, even if someone has never read the documents. What I am driving at is a deeper belief, beliefs that stem from the very essence of our humanity; these are beliefs that will pull people together in this epic clash against globalized, mobilized evil. It is this stand against the greater evil that I believe will be the foundation of our unity... that's where my heart's at on this.

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