The picture you paint in the mind with your words, is like standing on an mountain looking down at everything that's going on and wishing it wasn't so.

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Thank you Del. This image that you paint with YOUR words -- that of looking down from the mountain and surveying all that is going on -- it speaks directly to my heart. Many, many years ago, I had a dream of doing just that. And down below was a great battle, a battle between good and evil. And I watched, desperate to do something, standing there with a large, gleaming sword in my hand. I was maybe 20 when I had that dream, and as I've ruminated in the years since, I realized that the reason I hadn't rushed into the fray was because I didn't know how to wield my sword. Yes, it was big and sharp; but if I just rushed in and starting swinging indiscriminately, I would surely slay both good guys and bad... and it was not in my heart to hurt people. At any rate, your comment stirred the memory of this dream, and for that I am very grateful. Thank you sir!

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